Shen Qingchuan invited three people, one of whom came online in seconds, and the other said he was opening the game.

The three of them are waiting online.

Tang Xiaoxiao didn't know that person, and the usually talkative person seemed particularly quiet and steady at the moment.

Shen Qingchuan should be very familiar with this person. As soon as he got on the team, my teammate who couldn't resist beating me in the game ID said, Handsome guy, I haven't seen you driving the team for a long time.

The handsome guy’s name is Shen Qingchuan, because Shen Qingchuan’s game ID is the most handsome guy in the server.

Shen Qingchuan said, I've been a little busy recently.

[I can’t resist being beaten] chuckled, “I’ve seen you online several times. I wanted to hook you up, but you set up Do Not Disturb. Are you busy bringing up new girls?”

Then he asked, Is this the pig-stealing girl?

Tang Xiaoxiao ID, I’m here to steal the pig.

Shen Qingchuan smiled and said, This is my good friend in real life.

The other party immediately understood, Just good friends, otherwise your wife will be very sad when she sees you later.

Tang smiled and said, Wife?

[I Can’t Resist Beating] said, “The CP in Handsome Guy’s Game, a soft girl who plays support, has a very nice voice.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the two missing teammates also came online one after another.

One is called Princess on the Run and the other is Chasing You to the End of the World.

The names of these two people sound like CP.

As soon as the two came in, [Princess on the Run] said, Husband, how long has it been since you invited someone to play with you!

The voice was so soft that Tang Xiaoxiao, a girl, could feel her whole body crawling.

Shen Qingchuan had a calm face, and with his cool lips, he faintly said the word busy.

The words are concise and to the point, yet appear to be ruthless.

[The fugitive princess] complained softly, You haven't come to play with me for so long, and then you bring another woman with you. What do you mean?

Shen Qingchuan said calmly, If you mind, you can quit the game.

[Chasing you to the end of the world] said immediately, Disband the intimate relationship with him, and we will be bound. I am also a noble V10 member, and I will take you flying as well!

[Princess on the Run] snorted, I don't want it! I'll always be a handsome guy until my death. After saying that, he said to Shen Qingchuan, You want me to make room for other women? Stop dreaming. Got it!

Tang Xiaoxiao...

Play a game, you guys have a lot of fun.

While talking, the game started.

Tang Xiaoxiao won, and Shen Qingchuan played jungle. The princess naturally chose to go with her husband and chose the assistant.

Shen Qingchuan and these people should often play black, and their cooperation is very good.

The coquettish-speaking princess is not just a show-off. Her assistant and Shen Qingchuan work very well together.

Every time Shen Qingchuan took a head, she would praise him in her own voice.

Husband, you are so awesome!

Husband, beat him!

Husband, he bullied me, help me take revenge!

Husband, come and save me!

Tang Xiaoxiao could still play games seriously at first, but later on her mind was filled with husband, husband and husband.

She became inexplicably irritable.

Originally there was a jungler on the opposite side of the road coming to help suppress her. Tang Xiaoxiao could not get out, so she could only stay under the tower and clear the line of troops.

During this distraction, the other party found an opportunity to kill her and destroy two towers in a row.

[Princess on the Run] complained, Can you not give me away in the middle? You've lost the advantage you just fought.

Tang Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and said nothing.

Shen Qingchuan whispered to her, It's growing under the tower, don't go out.

Tang Xiao smiled and said Yeah.

However, in this kind of game, once the opportunity to prioritize development is lost, the opponent will be constrained.

The opponent found that the center was a breakthrough point, so they kept trying to catch people in the center.

The teammates were busy pushing the towers on both sides, and no one helped. Every time, she died before the teammates came over.

Within a few minutes, she died three times. Each time, she was caught right after she was resurrected, and the enemy tried to kill her when she climbed over the tower.

It can be said that it was an accident once or twice. The more times it happened, the teammates would inevitably doubt that she was acting.

[Chasing you to the end of the world] said angrily, If you can't beat me, don't go out. Is this hard to understand?

[Princess on the Run] said, I sent you off seven times in fifteen minutes, and you sent me off to the other side. Husband, what kind of rookie did you find to join the convoy?

Shen Qingchuan said calmly, No one can stand that kind of fighting style.

[Princess on the Run] snorted, Food is food!

Tang Xiaoxiao curled up his fingers. The person who used to scold him the most in the game was unusually silent today.

Shen Qingchuan glanced at her, then quickly clenched his hands and looked away, saying in a deep voice, Shut up and play the game!

[I can’t resist the beating] coughed and said, Pig-stealing girl, let me help you.

Tang Xiaoxiao responded lightly.

She was out of sorts today.

It's not because of the ridicule from her teammates that she won't take these words lightly. When playing games, no one can criticize her.

But now, she was not in the mood to curse at all, and her mind was filled with those words from her husband.

Every sound made her feel uneasy.

When she was playing games with Shen Qingchuan before, she noticed that his game account had a lover.

But who would take the CP in the game seriously?

However, when she was playing blackmail with his wife in the game today, she suddenly realized a problem that she had never thought about before.

Shen Qingchuan does not necessarily have to play games with her. He is very good at playing games and can play in various positions. He can play well with anyone, not necessarily her.

Before she was gone, he had a compatible partner, but he was not the most compatible with him. Without her, he could have had someone else.

This realization suddenly made her feel uncomfortable.

After one round, he came home defeated.

Tang Xiaoxiao has the lowest rating in the team.

[Princess on the Run] couldn't help complaining, It's so annoying to have a fight with my husband and get points dropped.

Shen Qingchuan said calmly, Shut up and start again.

The captain [I don’t resist beatings] reminded, “Pig-stealing girl, be prepared.”

Tang Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and said calmly, You guys can play, I still have work to do, so I'll get off first.

After saying that, he exited the game room, then stood up and walked towards the room.

Shen Qingchuan was stunned and hurriedly caught up, Let's play two more games. It's rare to play together.

Tang Xiaoxiao held back her emotions and whispered, I won't play anymore. You guys can play. I still have to change the script.

It's so late. Let's change it tomorrow. People's work efficiency is not that high late at night.

As he said this, he pulled Tang Xiaoxiao's hand. Just like he did just now, Tang Xiaoxiao reflexively threw away his hand and said with red eyes, Don't touch me! Go play with your wife!

Shen Qingchuan was stunned for a moment.

Tang Xiaoxiao's eyes were red, the tip of her nose was red, and her big eyes were filled with tears, and it seemed like the tears would fall down in the next second.

Shen Qingchuan's heart ached and he whispered, Little bandit, what's wrong with you?

It was okay if he didn't ask. Tang Xiaoxiao couldn't help but shed tears when he asked, Shen Qingchuan, what are you going to do? What do you want to do? Is it fun to play with me?

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