But this can't be entirely blamed on Gu Jingyan.

When he started to rectify Jiang Sheng's messy projects, Lin Shu persuaded Gu Jingyan to compromise a little, hold a dinner party, and invite these shareholders over to give them a step up in terms of face. These shareholders are basically about the same age as Gu Qinghai. The older ones are on par with the old ladies.

Speaking of which, they are all elders, and most elders have a good reputation and should not handle things too rigidly.

Gu Jingyan listened to the advice and asked Lin Shu to notify the shareholders, specially booked a private room at Shiyouwei, and made an appointment to get together at that time.

Those people promised well, but on the day, Gu Jingyan waited at the scene for an hour, and no one came.

Until the next day, I kept calling back and forth in a pretentious manner, saying that I had something to do at home and was delayed.

What a coincidence, everyone is in trouble?

The facts couldn't be clearer. People have united and shared common interests, and everyone is prosperous.

What else could Gu Jingyan do? Naturally, he took his own people to the end.

Jiang Sheng's power struggle has officially begun, and Gu Jingyan naturally does not dare to slack off for a moment.

He was determined to win Jiang Sheng, not only because he inherited his father's last wish to carry forward the company, but also for another reason.

That is, he has always believed that only when people have enough chips in their hands can they be able to protect the people and things they want to protect.

This was the thought before, but now that Ah Xing's life experience has been exposed and she is the apple of the Song family's eyes, this thought has become even more serious.

After all, if he can't seize control of Jiang Sheng, it will give Song Tianjun a new reason to help Ah Xing refuse the marriage - even the company can't bear it, why should he ask to marry the daughter of the Song family?

Qiao Ruoxing didn't know the reason, but she couldn't help but feel sad when she thought of him getting up early and going to bed late every day.

Don't be so tough when it's time to give in. If you really can't stop, just take your time. Don't work so late today. People are not machines. You should rest when you need to. I'll put some water for you in a while. You can take a bath and relax. ,OK?

Gu Jingyan's heart softened, he took her hand, pulled her onto his lap, and gently touched the tip of her nose, Will you take a dip with me?

Qiao Ruoxing hooked her arms around his neck, kissed him on the corner of his lips, raised her red lips, and said in a soft voice, I'm fine, I'm just afraid that you can't.

Gu Jingyan paused and his eyes darkened.

He stretched out his hand to untie a hole in the collar, moved his neck, pressed his eyes slightly, and his Adam's apple slid, and said in a deep voice, Who are you saying can't do it? Huh?

Qiao Ruoxing showed no resistance to Gu Jingyan's action of unbuttoning his buttons. He was really handsome.

Her heart was beating like thunder. Just when she was about to say a few big words to seduce Gu Jingyan, her phone rang.

New information has arrived.

She came to her senses immediately, pushed Gu Jingyan away and took the phone.

Tang Xiaoxiao replied.

However, that reply left Qiao Ruoxing stunned and terrified.

Because what she replied was, No, I won't read it, just leave it as it is. I think it's soft and cute now.

Qiao Ruoxing...

How serious is this, that she would give up completely in just a short time?

Qiao Ruoxing was really curious and asked, Is it that serious? If it doesn't work, go to the hospital to get a check-up? Don't give up just yet.

Tang Xiaoxiao didn't reply this time, but sent an emoticon of chopping eggplants. The words on the emoticon were, let you waste!

Qiao Ruoxing...

She always felt like something happened next door.

Gu Jingyan was very dissatisfied with her looking at her phone while flirting. He stretched out his hand to straighten her face and look at him, Now is the time to look at your phone?

Qiao Ruoxing hugged him and kissed him, Honey, you can put the water in and take a bath later, and I'll talk to Xiaoxiao about something.

After saying that, she jumped off his lap, ran to the room with her cell phone in hand.

Gu Jingyan...

What about letting him relax as promised? A woman's mouth! What a liar!

Qiao Ruoxing returned to the room and called Tang Xiaoxiao.

Tang Xiaoxiao didn't want to answer the call. She felt uncomfortable in her heart and her whole body was in a mess. Ah Xing was full of ghosts. He must have seen something. If he answered the call, he would get the same thing out of his mind.

So she hung up the phone and sent a message back to Qiao Ruoxing, I'll tell you tomorrow, I'm sleepy.

After saying that, he put the phone aside.

One minute later.

She rolled over and lay on her right side.

Aren't you just staying in the same room? Stinky cucumbers can't do it, so what can a woman do?

Half a minute later.

She rolled over again and lay on her left side.

Do you have to be able to do anything?

Ten seconds later.

She lay on her stomach instead.

Stinky Cucumber is somewhat pretty, but she's not good at it, and her club-like face is really attractive.

Three seconds later.

She rolled over again, lying on her back staring at the ceiling.

Never mind that he was raped! None of her business!

A second later, she suddenly sat up from the bed.

Damn it, why should you make them happy?

She picked up the phone and dialed the property management number with a sullen face.

Hey, there is a woman who locked my nephew in the room. Get her out.

The property manager agreed and hung up the phone, but hesitated.

This is an intrusion into someone's home. This is not something that their property management company can handle, right?

So the real estate agent considerately helped her call the police.

Ten minutes later.

There was a knock on the door.

As soon as Tang Xiaoxiao opened the door, he saw the property manager and two policemen appearing at the door.

She was stunned, but the police were very polite.

Hello, we received a report that someone broke into your house?

Before Tang Xiaoxiao could say anything, the security guard on duty said, A woman ran into her house, locked herself and her nephew in a room, and was doing that kind of thing. An underage boy. This is so vile!

Tang Xiaoxiao...

Brother, are you a little exaggerated? When did she say she would do that kind of thing? Are there still minors?

When the police heard that he was a minor, they immediately took it very seriously.

Where are the people?

Tang Xiaoxiao swallowed back what she wanted to explain, and raised her finger to point to the door of the room.

Everything is fine, as long as these two people are not in the same room!

When the police saw this, they immediately walked towards the master bedroom.

The police first knocked on the door and asked the person inside to open the door.

After communicating for several minutes, there was no movement inside.

Tang Xiaoxiao's heart sank. In such a short time, could it be that he had already gotten to the point?

Seeing that communication was fruitless, the police asked everyone to move aside and forced the door open.

Tang Xiaoxiao clenched his hands, his mind filled with images of Shen Qingchuan fooling around with that woman.

She shook her head. Stinky cucumber was not good at all. How could she fool around with others.

But even so, when she thought of that scene, she still felt like needles pricking her heart.

She watched the policeman's actions for a moment. He kicked him three times, and the last time he kicked the door open.

The next second, a woman's scream suddenly sounded.

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