Qiao Xusheng's dirty money was all obtained from He Yurou's flesh and blood. Naturally, this money came from wherever it came from and went back to where it came from.

If your girlfriend wants to rob the rich and give to the poor, and act chivalrously, her boyfriend will naturally give her full support.

As for the tail end of the robbery incident, Gu Jingyan had already dealt with it, and he did one more thing - he had someone put a miniature positioning monitor in Li Tai's wallet.

This is a new product developed in their laboratory. It is a high-end device that has been cooperated with relevant channels. It has not yet been officially put into production, so you can try out its functions.

Li Tai was sent to the hospital. I don't know if it was because the money was robbed, but his condition suddenly worsened a lot. The doctor urged him to make a decision quickly.

If you perform surgery now, you can extend your life by a few more years. If you continue to do so, once the cancer cells spread, there will be no cure.

Li Tai naturally wanted to survive, but he had no money. Where could he get the surgery fee plus follow-up treatment?

The key point is that even though the money was robbed, he couldn't call the police. Once the police intervened, they would definitely get to the bottom of the matter and question him. He had a guilty conscience because of the stolen money he had obtained through extortion.

He couldn't understand how he could be so unlucky to be robbed in Jiang City with such good public security.

How did the other party block him in such a hidden trading place? How can I be sure that the money in his box is money?

The more Li Tai thought about it, the more strange things seemed, and finally he figured it out.

I'm afraid this isn't a fucking robbery, but Bai Huizhu's deliberate design!

She had no intention of giving herself the money at all!

After thinking about this clearly, Li Tai's face turned ugly.

Bai Huizhu is much more relaxed here.

Of the five million taken from Qiao Xusheng, two million stopped Li Tai's mouth, and the remaining three million could slightly improve her life.

The results of the physical examination of the children in the kindergarten came out. Many children had physical injuries of varying degrees, which were basically caused by the unhealthy and unhygienic food they usually eat.

Parents united and sued the kindergarten, demanding compensation for medical expenses and various losses.

Bai Huizhu was smart. When registering the kindergarten, all the procedures were done in the name of Qin Liyuan. Although she received a lot of dividends, she did not participate in the direct management of the kindergarten.

Therefore, these debts and charges naturally fell on Qin Liyuan.

Poor Qin Liyuan is still waiting for Bai Huizhu to give her a relationship, completely unaware that Bai Huizhu has completely given up on her.

However, Qin Liyuan's husband has been running to the community where she rents recently, which annoys Bai Huizhu very much.

Just as the three million yuan arrived, she rented a house in a high-end community and was packing her luggage to move there in the past two days.

This weekend, the nanny is away at home for the weekend, and Qiao Sirui is painting in the room.

Bai Huizhu sorted out the bits and pieces by herself, planning to call a taxi later and move some of her luggage first.

While I was packing, the doorbell rang.

Bai Huizhu thought it was a courier, so she got up and opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, a man wearing a black hooded windbreaker stood outside.

She frowned, You...

Before the words were spoken, the other party raised his head, and Bai Huizhu's face changed, Why are you here? Didn't I give you the money?

Li Tai was extremely thin, with gray hair on his temples, protruding cheekbones, and sunken cheeks. His whole person could be described as haggard.

It had only been two days since I last saw him, and he suddenly looked as haggard as if he had aged ten years.

Hearing Bai Huizhu talk about money, Li Tai's eyes were gloomy, and he said in a deep voice, There are still some things I need to talk to Mrs. Qiao.

But Bai Huizhu didn't want to have anything to do with him anymore. She said coldly, I've given everything I should give. I have nothing to talk about with you. From now on, you will look after your illness and I will live my life. , we have nothing to talk about.”

Saying that, he was about to close the door.

Li Tai pressed his foot against the door, his expression more gloomy than before, Let me go in and talk!

Bai Huizhu refused to give in at all, If you don't leave, I will ask the property management to ask you to leave!

As he said that, he picked up the phone and was about to make a call.

This action angered Li Tai. He suddenly took out a knife from his arms and put it on Bai Huizhu's waist. I told you to let me in!

Bai Huizhu was so frightened that her phone trembled and fell to the ground.

The glistening blade was filled with cold air and was extremely sharp. It seemed like it would pierce her flesh with every move.

Bai Huizhu's face was pale, and she let go of her hand tremblingly. She moved out of the way and said, Li...Brother Li, what are you doing? If you have anything to say, please tell me...

Shut up!

Li Tai's face was gloomy, he pushed her into the house and slammed the door shut.

Is it you? Did you find someone to steal my money!

Bai Huizhu didn't understand, What money was robbed? Brother Li, what are you talking about?

Stop pretending! Li Tai's eyes were fierce, and his thin face, with bulging veins, looked particularly ferocious, I received the money, and as soon as I separated from you, a group of men in black wearing masks came over and took my back. The money was robbed. It was as if they knew about it in advance and were waiting to rob them. Only the two of us knew about the transaction. Do you dare to say that it was not you?!

Bai Huizhu was so unjust.

She did think about not giving Li Tai money and finding someone to clean up Li Tai, but she no longer had that much money to hire these marginalized people in society to do these things. If one of them failed, she would have to go in, so Even though her body ached, she actually gave him two million dollars, just for peace of mind.

Now when she heard that Li Tai's money had been robbed, she also panicked, Brother Li, I really didn't do this. If it were me, I wouldn't have given you the money in the first place. Why would I go around in such a big circle? ? Did you leak our transaction to someone?

Li Tai gritted his teeth and said, I have no contact with anyone except you! Bai Huizhu, I know what you are better than Qiao Xusheng. You are greedy, vicious, and cunning! Wasn't it you who instigated He Yurou to undergo in vitro fertilization? You made her pregnant. She had a miscarriage and completely lost her fertility. Wasn't this all planned by you? You can stab your benefactor with a knife and kill her for your own glory and wealth. Is there anything you can't do?

He spoke in an excited tone, and the knife in his hand trembled. He Yurou was afraid that he would stab her, and her face turned a few shades pale. She endured her fear and persuaded in a low voice, Brother Li, calm down. Whether you believe it or not, I really didn’t do this. If you are short of money, I will raise it for you. Let’s see a doctor first, okay?”

As soon as she finished speaking, Bai Huizhu's cell phone that fell on the ground rang. She didn't know who sent the WeChat message.

Bai Huizhu clenched her hands and said hoarsely, Brother Li, if you don't believe me, go to the bank with me now, and I'll give you another five hundred thousand for you to use first. I'll find someone to check for you about the robbery, okay? ?”

Li Tai said nothing, as if he was weighing the credibility of Bai Huizhu's words.

After a long time, he picked up his phone and as soon as he opened the screen, he saw the WeChat message from Qiao Xusheng.

Did you give the five million to Li Tai? Has he left Jiangcheng?

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