Qiao Siyao looked at this scene with a terribly distorted expression.

Qiao Ruoxing actually had dinner with Gu Jingyan!

Aren't they divorced?

The commotion was so ugly that Gu Jingyan even asked her to leave the house. Why would he still have dinner with her? And doing that kind of intimate act?

No wonder Qiao Ruoxing was so confident that she flirted with Gu Jingyan and played with Song Tianjun. After the divorce, she became even more comfortable among these men!

Qiao Siyao was jealous and resentful, so she left without eating.

My best friend waited for a long time but didn't see Qiao Siyao coming back, so she wanted to find someone.

As soon as she left the house, the waiter stopped her and asked her to settle the bill first.

Luoluo said, I'm looking for my friend, and we'll get married together when she comes back.

The waiter told her directly, Miss Qiao has left.

Luoluo was stunned, and her face immediately turned ugly. Damn it, Qiao Siyao, she said she was treating, but she only ordered so much, and ended up skipping the order when she arrived?

A pheasant is just a pheasant, it can’t become a phoenix even if it is put on feathers!

As soon as Qiao Siyao returned home, she threw her bag on the sofa without changing her shoes. She left a series of footprints on the floor that the nanny had just mopped.

The nanny quickly brought Qiao Siyao's slippers over and whispered, Miss, please change your shoes. I just mopped the floor.

Qiao Siyao was so angry that she couldn't find a place to vent her anger. Instead of changing her shoes, she deliberately stepped back and forth on the dry floor.

I've just dragged it and dragged it again. I paid you to do this job. You can make money so easily. Do you think our family is doing charity?

The nanny looked a little ugly. She lowered her eyes and said nothing. She silently took the mop and cleaned the footprints on the floor.

Qiao Siyao lowered her eyes and squinted at her. Seeing that the nanny had just wiped away the footprints, she immediately stepped on them a few more times.

Seeing the nanny looking over, she said coldly, What are you looking at? Keep cleaning up.

The nanny pursed her lips and walked over with the mop.

As a result, Qiao Siyao knocked down the paint on the coffee table that Qiao Sirui had not put away when he was painting.

Colorful paints were scattered all over the floor, some even splattered on the carpet.

The nanny was a little angry and said in a tight voice, Miss, the paint has seeped into the gaps in the floor and it's hard to mop it up.

Qiao Siyao curled her lips, If it's not easy, just take a rag and kneel on the floor to wipe it. With such a high salary, it's not too much to do this, right?

Kneeling on the floor and wiping...it's really humiliating.

The nanny's eyes were red with anger.

The more Qiao Siyao felt aggrieved, the happier she felt.

Not everyone has the confidence to resign. This is the case for ordinary people. Even if a job is unsatisfactory and no matter how wronged they are, they have to stick to their job in order to make a living.

As soon as Qiao Xusheng arrived home, he saw the nanny kneeling on the floor with red eyes and wiping the floor. Qiao Siyao was sitting on the sofa, throwing melon seed peels on the floor and urging the nanny to clean up.

Qiao Xusheng frowned, What are you doing?

Qiao Siyao kept throwing melon seed peels and said calmly, Teach Aunt Sun how to clean the house. She is really getting older and cleaning is becoming more and more perfunctory.

You're just fooling around!

Qiao Xusheng yelled angrily, How many years has Aunt Sun been working at home? I don't know what her working ability is like?

After saying that, he pulled Aunt Sun up and said to Qiao Siyao with a stern face, Apologise to Aunt Sun!

Qiao Siyao's face turned ugly. She threw away the melon seeds in her hand and said loudly, I don't! She didn't do her job well. What does it have to do with me?

What's your attitude? Are you still polite?

Ever since she officially brought the mother and son home, Qiao Siyao seems to be less sensible than before. She was not like this at all before. She was sweet-tongued and considerate. Sometimes she would take the initiative to help the servants when cleaning the house. Working, or serving tea and water, why is it like this now?

Aunt Sun was afraid that the father and daughter would quarrel and end up being blamed on herself, so she quickly advised, Sir, it's okay, I'll take care of it right away.

Qiao Siyao snorted coldly, Dad, are you unhappy because she was hired by your ex-wife, so you saw me tripping her up? He Yurou's body has turned to ashes. Are you so afraid?

Qiao Xusheng suddenly seemed to have been stabbed in the heart by a needle. He raised his hand and slapped her, Shut up!

Qiao Siyao was stunned by the slap. She never expected that Qiao Xusheng would hit her.

Bai Huizhu saw this scene as soon as she came downstairs and shouted sternly, Why are you beating the child?

After saying that, he protected Qiao Siyao behind him.

Qiao Xusheng's eyes turned red in anger, You ask her what she said?

Qiao Siyao's eyes were red, she covered her face and cried in grievance, Didn't I just mention He Yurou, what did I say? She's dead and I can't mention it anymore?

Bai Huizhu immediately knew why Qiao Xusheng was so angry.

Of course, he wasn't very affectionate towards He Yurou, but he was suffering from nervous breakdown caused by the recent haunting incident and was suspicious of ghosts. As long as He Yurou was involved, he would be frightened.

The family has been really uneasy recently. Ever since Sirui last drew a picture of the scene of He Yurou's car accident, such haunted incidents have been happening one after another.

For example, the freshly opened milk suddenly turned into blood, and the photo of He Yurou that had been burned appeared on her and Qiao Xusheng's bedside the next morning. Another example was that at midnight, the sound of He Yurou singing was heard from the attic. sound……

All kinds of supernatural incidents have made Qiao Xusheng's nerves so tense that he has even started burning incense and worshiping Buddha recently. He has to drive several hours to go to the temple to donate sesame oil money, just to buy some psychological comfort.

And Bai Huizhu never believed in ghosts and gods!

If He Yurou really turned into a ghost, would she not ask for their lives, but just play some tricks to scare people?

Even though the home was equipped with surveillance cameras, no one was caught doing anything, and she firmly believed that it was definitely not a ghost.

But Qiao Xusheng obviously didn't think so. He was as timid as a mouse and believed in these strange powers and gods.

That's why Siyao was so angry when she mentioned He Yurou.

She turned her head and scolded Qiao Siyao softly, Shut up.

Then he grabbed Qiao Xusheng and comforted her softly, Brother Sheng, calm down. Siyao is not usually like this. She must be angry on the outside. Don't you understand her yet?

Qiao Xusheng's anger subsided a little, and he said in a deep voice, You should also educate your children well. You are already an adult, but you are so uncultured in your words! Look at how Yurou has educated Ruoxing. She will never do this kind of bullying of the family. It’s about the servants!”

When Bai Huizhu heard this, her cheeks tightened.

Qiao Siyao immediately said, What kind of educated person do you think Qiao Ruoxing is? If she were educated, she wouldn't be messing around with men after the divorce!

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