When Qiao Ruoxing heard this, she knew that this guy didn't mind her loan. Gu Jingyan wouldn't use the fruits of the team's work to coax her, and he couldn't do things like playing tricks on the princes.

But seeing him begging for comfort, Qiao Ruoxing didn't find it funny.

She glanced at the row in front of her. Lin Shumian didn't squint, but Shen Qingchuan had already taken out his mobile phone and turned on the front camera to watch openly.

Qiao Ruoxing saw Shen Qingchuan say on the screen, Don't spoil him.

Qiao Ruoxing looked away and turned to ask Gu Jingyan, What comfort do you want?

Gu Jingyan leaned close to her ear and whispered, Add two hundred.

Qiao Ruoxing...

That's all he got out of it.

As long as you have a quick mind, you will be able to climb smoothly now.

Qiao Ruoxing picked up her bag and stood in front of the two of them, covering Shen Qingchuan's lens, Did you make some kind of bet with Shen Qingchuan? Why does he care so much about both of us?

Qiao Ruoxing said the word care in a polite way. Shen Qingchuan's behavior was clearly provoking.

Gu Jingyan also lowered his voice, It's not a bet. When I was chasing you, I consulted him on some things. Maybe I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to chase you. I'll ask him to pay for the tuition.

Qiao Ruoxing...

Shen Qingchuan was worried that Gu Jingyan wouldn't be able to catch her. He clearly didn't want him to catch her so quickly.

This idiot!

Qiao Ruoxing lowered her eyes and glanced at Gu Jingyan, I can give you other rewards.

Gu Jingyan raised his eyes, Huh?

Qiao Ruoxing held his chin and kissed him hard on the cheek, successfully leaving a lipstick mark.

Gu Jingyan was startled, his eyes instantly brightened, and he leaned over to kiss her. Qiao Ruoxing reached out and pinched Gu Jingyan's mouth, whispering, Don't push the envelope too far.

Gu Jingyan's eyes instantly became disappointed, but he was still happy in his heart.

Qiao Ruoxing put down her bag and sat up straight.

Shen Qingchuan's eyes widened immediately.

He stared at the lipstick marks on Gu Jingyan's cheeks and gritted his teeth.


Why did you kiss him!

Qiao Ruoxing saw the displeasure in Shen Qingchuan's eyes, and the corners of her lips curled up slightly.

It was up to her to bully Gu Jingyan.

Qiao Ruoxing casually took out a tissue from her bag and handed it to Gu Jingyan, pointing to his cheek, Wipe it.

Gu Jingyan took it, but didn't wipe it in a hurry. He patted Shen Qingchuan on the shoulder.

The latter turned his head.

Gu Jingyan said, Send you back to the company?

That's what he asked, but he told this bitch with a tilted face, and forcefully put the lip mark on his face into his eyes.

It looks like a peacock that has won the right to mate, showing off around with its tail raised.

So damn...annoying!

He refused to follow Gu Jingyan's wishes, I've been with you all morning. I'm also hungry and I want to eat.

Gu Jingyan frowned, Your butt doesn't hurt anymore? Ah Xing likes spicy food. The implication is that I won't care about you.

Shen Qingchuan's expression almost stopped, I'll go with it even if it hurts! At worst, I'll go to the anorectal department to register! I want to be this light bulb!

Lin Shu silently started the car, thinking to himself, it was Wolf Kill.

Of course, Gu Jingyan was not as cruel as he said. He still took Shen Qingchuan's taste into account and ordered a few dishes he liked.

Gu Jingyan didn't know whether Shen Qingchuan's light bulb flashed, but he was fed a mouthful of dog food by Gu Jingyan.

In fact, Gu Jingyan and Qiao Ruoxing didn't talk much between them, and there wasn't any too sticky dialogue, but with that atmosphere, there were pink bubbles surrounding each other even if they didn't speak, and he almost drowned in this pile of bubbles. .

After drinking for a while, Qiao Ruoxing got up and went to the bathroom.

Gu Jingyan finally laid his eyes on Shen Qingchuan, Are you full?

Stop being so silly here, Shen Qingchuan rolled his eyes at him, I kissed you because I like your face. What does it have to do with you?

Gu Jingyan's expression did not change, At least there is something that makes her fall in love, unlike some people who only know how to lie.

Shen Qingchuan...

Where is his knife!

There were so many customers eating delicious food today that there were several people queuing up for the restroom.

When Qiao Ruoxing passed by the promenade, she saw the clerk hanging a banner and realized that today happened to be Chinese Valentine's Day.

No wonder there are more guests than ever.

When she entered the bathroom stall, she heard someone outside saying, Siyao, Miss Mo's birthday is next week, are you going?

Qiao Ruoxing made a move.

Wouldn't it be such a coincidence?

But, just like that, Qiao Siyao's voice came quickly, You should go.

After Qiao Ruoxing was kicked out of the Qiao family, Qiao Siyao recognized her ancestors and returned to the clan uprightly, becoming a veritable daughter of the Qiao family.

She and Molly weren't close, but Molly's stepfather was her uncle, so the relationship was actually close.

If you go, the gifts you give should not be too shabby. For some reason, her father has not been as generous in giving her money recently.

Then let's go together then. Our driver is on sick leave. I'll take advantage of your car.

Qiao Siyao looked down on her best friends. She used to be an illegitimate daughter and had to stay with them. Now she is a serious daughter and she only stays with them to satisfy the feeling of being admired by all the stars.

But she didn't refuse, just in case it would be useful in the future.

Okay, I'll call you then.

Thank you, my best friend immediately praised, In the past, your sister and I - ah, no, when I was playing with Qiao Ruoxing, let alone taking advantage of her things or saying a word to her, she would always ignore her. So arrogant, I didn’t expect that she was actually an illegitimate daughter.”

Qiao Ruoxing was silent.

She didn't even recognize who this voice was. Was he really playing with her?

However, Qiao Siyao obviously likes this kind of flattery and contempt. She can't wait to step Qiao Ruoxing into the quagmire and never stand up!

She's always been like that, with her eyes above her head.

Fortunately, the Gu family opened their eyes and kicked her out. I heard that she has started filming now. It seems that she was also the daughter-in-law of Gu's eldest son and grandson, but now she has to make money by selling jokes. I really want to see her in despair now.

As soon as he finished speaking, the door of the bathroom stall was pushed open from the inside.

Qiao Ruoxing came out expressionless. She was dressed simply and only wore a pair of diamond earrings. She obviously didn't have any expensive accessories on her body, but she stood there and her face alone made you think she was well-dressed. Yes, all of them are valuable.

A niche brand that costs a few hundred yuan, it just looks like a big brand.

Qiao Siyao's expression stiffened for a moment. They were really enemies on a narrow road!

Qiao Ruoxing didn't even bother to give her a look, and walked around Qiao Siyao before leaving.

Qiao Siyao moved to block her way, Sister, long time no see.

Qiao Ruoxing paused and looked up.

In order to highlight how bad she was to her, Qiao Siyao had always hidden her fine clothes and expensive jewelry in public places, but now she wore them all.

Her face also changed slightly and she looked prettier than before. I wonder if it was because of the last incident that she was afraid of affecting her life, so she had plastic surgery?

(The editor showed me a comment. A reader said that he read the book because of the title, but Mr. Gu couldn’t eat meat hahahahaha. I think this reader may have misunderstood. Please read the title carefully and ask: Want to eat Who is the meat one?)

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