There are few actors she has ever met who care so much about the feelings of their fans.

When she was running with the crew before, she had seen some fans of the actors who had traveled thousands of miles to visit the cast. It was freezing cold, and they lined up outside in long queues wearing down jackets, and their faces were all blue and purple from the cold. , but he was concerned about whether his brothers and sisters would be cold, whether they suffered any unfair treatment on the set, and how long it would take to finish filming the scene and take photos with everyone.

In fact, their brothers and sisters were enjoying themselves in the warm air-conditioned room, and even because it was too cold, they were unwilling to come out and comply with such a simple request as taking a photo with them.

In the eyes of most celebrities, fans do not represent people, but a string of data, and they do not care about the feelings of a data.

Chen Xi said, Did you know? The longer the fans wait, the higher the popularity and the stronger the ability to maintain followers.

Qiao Ruoxing was very surprised, I can't even stand on this hot day. Isn't this tormenting people? Let them go back early. We won't do that.

Chen Xi smiled and said, Don't worry.

At 11 o'clock, the actors and staff began to gather, and at 11:20, the ceremony officially began.

Incense was burned, firecrackers were set off, and amid the smell of gunpowder smoke, Qiao Ruoxing's first big movie started.

After the opening ceremony, a group interview was arranged.

Fans of Yao Kexin and Han Lie moved the flower baskets and bouquets to the stage one by one.

Fans of Yao Kexin even made her a Winnie-the-Pooh using the blue enchantress, which was so beautiful.

I heard that Yao Kexin’s cheering color is blue and Winnie the Pooh is her favorite cartoon character.

Qiao Ruo

Just as she was thinking about it, a giant mango made of gradient champagne roses more than two meters high was staggered onto the stage.

The mango was lifelike, with leaves and stems on it, and it was actually made of rare green roses.

Qiao Ruoxing was just thinking about which company was so good when she saw the staff wrapping a banner around Rose Mango, which read - Warmly celebrate the smooth launch of Murder starring Ms. Qiao Ruoxing.

Qiao Ruoxing...

She instantly understood who gave the big mango.

She raised her eyes and looked down the stage.

In the thick crowd, she immediately spotted Gu Jingyan standing in the distance.

He was wearing a shirt and sunglasses standing far away from the crowd. When he saw her looking over, the corners of his lips curled up slightly, and he raised his hand and waved.

The corners of Qiao Ruoxing's eyes twitched. He actually held a small support card, which was exactly the same as the ones held by the few fans just now.

You got it by cheating, right?

Qiao Ruoxing basically guessed it right.

Gu Jingyan saw the fans who were cheering for Qiao Ruoxing as soon as he arrived.

He pretended to be casual and went over to strike up a conversation with a few people, saying that he was also a fan of Qiao Ruoxing. He was passing by at work and came to take a look.

The children were very happy and gave him a cheering card, while Gu Jingyan handed the prepared bouquet to one of the fans and asked her to help him get on stage and give it to Qiao Ruoxing.

The little fan happily agreed, and told Gu Jingyan to always support Qiao Ruoxing, and then pulled Gu Jingyan into their fan group.

Of course, Qiao Ruoxing knew nothing about this.

She didn't look at Gu Jingyan for long before a fan came to the stage to lay flowers.

She took the bouquet and thanked her sincerely.

When the media saw the giant mango at the scene, they ignored the interview with the leading actor and went over to take photos of the mango. Some of them went directly to interview Qiao Ruoxing.

Yao Kexin was on the side, his face turned blue with anger.

(See you tomorrow at noon)

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