As Song Tianjun entered the room, he asked, Where are the others?

The agent said, Upstairs.

Song Tianjun went upstairs without saying a word.

Why did Mr. Song suddenly visit? Didn’t you go to Kyoto?

The agent didn't want to think too much and quickly followed him.

Han Lie was sweating profusely in the gym upstairs, with the room speakers turned up very loudly. When the door opened, the heavy metal music that hit him almost knocked Song Tianjun out.

Are you hearing all these ghostly cries and howling things?

He walked directly to the stereo and pulled the latch.

As soon as the music stopped, Han Lie frowned, turned his head and saw Song Tianjun, his face stretched even longer.

How did you come?

Song Tianjun said, If your dad calls you and you don't answer the phone, let me come over and take a look for him.

Han Lie snorted, He didn't feel bad when he did it. How can he pretend to be a loving father when others do it?

You are thinking too much, Song Tianjun glanced at him, He said he was very happy when you beat him, and he asked me to see the joke for him.

After saying that, he pulled up Han Lie's clothes and looked at him, then said tsk, This isn't serious at all.

Han Lie's forehead twitched.

Have you finished reading? Get out of here.

After saying that, he turned around and went to get the dumbbells. Song Tianjun put his hands in his trouser pockets, stepped forward and put a foot on his butt.

Han Lie staggered and almost landed on his face. He finally regained his balance, turned around and cursed, Do you know how expensive my face is?

That's why I didn't kick you in the face, Song Tianjun narrowed his eyes and said, I'll listen if you say the word go again.

Han Lie snorted, I won't argue with you.

The agent leaned against the door frame, thinking, don't you want to worry about it? You don't have the guts to care about it.

He started taking Han Lie with him when he debuted. This kid was not like other young talents. He acted like a monster before he became popular. He had a chaotic relationship between men and women and had the company wiping his ass all day long.

He is not interested at all in matters between men and women. In addition to working out, he is obsessed with his two-dimensional world. He must have first-hand information on where there are exhibitions, where new figurines are on sale, and which new series is about to be released.

A new show dubbed by Higurashi Fanxing was released. After filming, he stayed up until midnight to make people popular.

If Higure Fansei said Thank you to the fans in the recording studio, he would smile more than if he was forced to participate in the show business.

He works tirelessly, but one thing is that he has a bad temper. If anyone says something that makes him uncomfortable, he will never give you face.

Except for Song Tianjun, he had never seen Han Lie afraid of anyone.

One year during the Chinese New Year, he accompanied Han Lie to record a TV show for a certain satellite TV station. The flight was canceled and he was unable to return to his hometown that day. Han Lie's parents very enthusiastically allowed him to stay at home until he returned home in the second year of junior high school.

The Han family has the custom of paying New Year's greetings to their elders on the first day of the Lunar New Year. Han Lie's grandparents are still alive, so the younger generations of the family have to go to the old house to pay New Year's greetings.

Everyone was ready, but Han Lie was still sleeping soundly with his butt sticking out. The Han family's parents couldn't wake him up no matter how they called.

Then Song Tianjun came. He kicked the door open, pulled Han Lie out of the bed, threw the clothes in his face, and said coldly, Wear it yourself!

This was the first time that the manager saw someone dare to do this to Han Lie. Han Lie got up very angry. Just when he thought the little Tibetan mastiff was going to jump up and fight with someone, Han Lie grabbed his clothes and whispered dissatisfiedly, Just wear it!

The little Tibetan Mastiff, who is not afraid of anything, is afraid of nothing, but when he meets his cousin, he really has no choice but to give in.

After Song Tianjun returned to China, he ran to the imperial capital two or three times. Every time Han Lie heard the news, he quickly evacuated.

After all, his parents' favorite thing to do was to let their nephew discipline their little Tibetan mastiff. Han Lie was afraid of Song Tianjun, so he naturally hid whenever he could.

I just didn't expect Song Tianjun to come back from the imperial capital so soon this time.

Song Tianjun stretched out his legs to pull the chair next to him and sat down, then asked, Did you take over Wang Xiao's role?

Han Lie rolled his eyes at him, You know why you still ask?

Song Tianjun said straightforwardly, I'm quitting acting. I'll find you another role.

Han Lie immediately refused, No!

Song Tianjun looked at him, You don't know how powerful your fans are. Before the movie was even filmed, you made my actors a hot topic. This movie is for winning awards. Don't make things worse for me.

Who caused trouble? Han Lie was dissatisfied. Someone deliberately wanted to sow trouble. I have already posted a blog to clarify it.

Is that what you call clarification? Song Tianjun had a headache, Who are you talking about in your sarcasm, do you think others can't hear it?

Han Lie's clarification on Weibo was too obvious, it was Yao Kexin.

More importantly, this little bastard also @Ruoxing, how should Ruoxing respond?

No, I look down on Han Lie, and I look down on Yao Kexin.

It's nothing to look down on Yao Kexin, the main thing is that her fans are too annoying.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but want to scold Gu Jingyan for that piece of shit. Isn't this the disaster he has created and caused trouble for others from time to time!

Han Lie looked indifferent and said, Just listen to it. I'm just stating the facts. I have to put eye drops in even a crying scene. How did you become so blind that you actually signed her?

Song Tianjun's eyes twitched, I didn't want to sign her, it was Jiayu who signed it.

Oh~ Han Lie's voice was drawn out, That cheap sister of yours, won't she terminate the contract after she signs it?

Before Song Tianjun opened his mouth, Han Lie said, Let me guess, is it possible that someone is pretending to be sick? Are you soft-hearted?

Song Tianjun...

What do you mean by pretending? Speak carefully!

Han Lie snorted, Every time she gets sick, the time is just right. There are so many people suffering from asthma in the world, why don't we see others like her? Lin Daiyu is not as weak as her.

The Han family disliked Su Wanqin and her daughter because of Song Wanqian's second marriage. Han Lie had been exposed to them since he was a child, and he hated them deeply, even though he had never met them a few times.

Song Tianjun slapped him on the head, My uncle and aunt are so good-tempered, how come they have such a vicious mouth like you?

Han Lie tilted his head to prevent him from touching him, It's up to you. Whoever was beaten like that in childhood must thrive, right?

Song Tianjun...

It makes so much sense that I can't refute it.

Han Lie wiped his sweat with a towel, Why are you rushing to the Imperial Capital to find your grandparents?

Song Tianjun came to his senses and said, Children should stop asking about adults' matters.

Han Lie said cut and said, Adults should stay out of the business of children.

After saying that, he stood up and said, I'm going to take a shower.

Wait a minute, Song Tianjun stopped him, Since you are on the set, you can help me with something.

Han Lie immediately became angry, Do adults still need help from children?

Song Tianjun glanced at him, Are you looking for a beating?

Han Lie curled his lips and said, Just tell me.

Song Tianjun got straight to the point, Help me protect Qiao Ruoxing.

Han Lie? ? ?

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