Can that be the same? Zhong Meilan blurted out. After speaking, her face changed, and she gritted her teeth and said, Did Qiao Ruoxing tell you that? Do you believe whatever she says? I was also there at the time. It was obviously her mistake. For the room!”

Really? Gu Jingyan said coldly, Then why don't you dare to let her tell grandma?

Zhong Meilan clenched her hands, I'm not doing it for your face! Don't you feel ashamed when your wife cuckolded you on the wedding night?

Zhong Meilan's confident energy completely eliminated Gu Jingyan's last illusions about her.

He said expressionlessly, I won't be ashamed because she was bullied. I will be ashamed because I have a mother like you.

Zhong Meilan's expression suddenly changed, Gu Jingyan, I am your mother!

Gu Jingyan said lightly, Since you care so much about the Zhong family, you can move out from the Gu family from today on. The Gu family is not that pedantic. There is no need for you to keep my father's integrity. Whether you live alone or remarry is up to you. I will support you. It will be paid on time. If you marry another person someday, I will also send a congratulatory gift to the Gu family.

Zhong Meilan was stunned, and then her expression became extremely ugly, Gu Jingyan! Do you know what you are talking about?!

Gu Jingyan was no longer too lazy to talk nonsense to her. He turned around and asked Shen Qingchuan, who was watching the excitement, Have you called an ambulance?

Shen Qingchuan shook his phone and asked, How often do I act bravely?

Zhong Meilan wanted to continue shouting, but Shen Qingchuan said, Auntie, please help stop the bleeding first. If the ambulance doesn't come soon, my uncle will lose too much blood first. How unfair it is.

In fact, Zhong Xiang didn't bleed much. Anyway, he didn't see any blood coming out while he was lying there. He only saw a little blood on his palms.

That vase was bought by Tang Xiaoxiao on Pin Xixi for 9 yuan. It looks good, but the body of the vase is very thin and the weight is not big. No matter how strong Tang Xiaoxiao is, she is still a girl. Throwing it from such a distance will take away a lot of strength. .

Zhong Xiang was probably knocked unconscious not by being smashed, but by the blood.

But Zhong Meilan helped her brother Mo Ya. When she heard this, she immediately became nervous. She didn't bother to argue with Gu Jingyan and hurriedly went to check on Zhong Xiang's condition.

First her daughter, then her younger brother, they were all her favorites, but this son...

Qiao Ruoxing looked at Gu Jingyan, pursed her lips and asked, Did you pay for it with phone bills?

Gu Jingyan twitched the corner of his mouth, Maybe it's the Gu family admission ticket found in the trash can.

Qiao Ruoxing was stunned for a moment. She was just joking and had no intention of stoking the relationship between Gu Jingyan and Zhong Meilan, but... Gu Jingyan's answer seemed to indicate that he already knew Zhong Meilan's attitude towards him.

She suddenly felt that she was in the same boat as Gu Jingyan.

She couldn't get Qiao Xusheng's fatherly love, but why didn't Gu Jingyan give in at all times for Zhong Meilan's maternal love?

Qiao Xusheng was stingy in giving her his father's love because she was not his daughter, but what about Gu Jingyan?


Before Qiao Ruoxing could say anything, Gu Jingyan said, My biological child, I have done an appraisal.

Qiao Ruoxing...

Suddenly I didn't know what to say.

After she knew that she had nothing to do with Qiao Xusheng, all her previous expectations disappeared.

Because she is not her biological child, Qiao Xusheng doesn't love her. This reason can convince her.

It's uncomfortable at most, not too sad.

But what about Gu Jingyan?

How disappointed must he be with Chung Mei-lan to do a paternity test?

The blood bond between him and Zhong Meilan must be the source of his inability to let go.

She opened her mouth, then closed it, and after a long time she said, And grandma.

Gu Jingyan knew that Qiao Ruoxing was comforting him.

He squeezed her hand and whispered, With you.

Qiao Ruoxing...

How does his emotional intelligence fluctuate?

One moment, he made people want to kick him because he called her fat, but the next second, he said with you in a sticky manner, which made her unable to kick him.

The ambulance quickly arrived at the scene, along with the police.

Zhong Xiang was quickly sent to the hospital, while the police stayed at the scene for questioning.

Zhong Meilan insisted that it was Qiao Ruoxing who made the first move, while Qiao Ruoxing said that it was the other party who broke into the house privately and attacked her first, and she was out for self-defense.

Both sides insisted on their own opinions, and it was difficult for the police to make a decision for a while.

And in view of the complicated relationship between the two parties, the police still advocate mediation.

Qiao Ruoxing actually didn't want to go into details. Firstly, it was Tang Xiaoxiao who smashed the vase, so she was worried that it would implicate her. Secondly, her movie was about to start and she didn't want to waste time on such a matter, so when the police asked for mediation, Qiao Ruoxing remained silent.

However, Zhong Meilan didn't want to give up, and it was Qiao Ruoxing who made the first move, as if she was bound to be sent to prison.

Just when Zhong Meilan was confusing right and wrong and talking nonsense to the police, Gu Jingyan suddenly asked Qiao Ruoxing, Are the surveillance cameras at home always on?

Qiao Ruoxing was stunned.

Where is the surveillance at home?

She paused, understood instantly, and nodded, Always leave it on.

Then adjust the monitoring, Gu Jingyan said calmly, Wouldn't it be clear who is lying?

After saying that, he looked at Zhong Meilan and said, When the surveillance is called, Zhong Xiang is not as simple as being hospitalized.

Zhong Meilan's expression changed, and finally she gritted her teeth and said bitterly, You traitor!

Then he hurried to the hospital.

The police finished recording the call and left.

Shen Qingchuan went to the room to find Tang Xiaoxiao.

Gu Jingyan opened the refrigerator door and took out a bottle of ice water. Then he went back and pulled Qiao Ruoxing to sit on the sofa and helped her apply ice.

He was clumsy, causing Qiao Ruoxing a little pain.

She frowned, took the bottle of water from his hand, and put it on her face to ice it.

After a while, Gu Jingyan said softly, I'm sorry.

Qiao Ruoxing didn't look at him, If you apologize for Zhong Meilan, you don't need to.

I'm speaking for myself, Gu Jingyan pushed her hair back, Let's move back.

No, Qiao Ruoxing glanced at him, You want to be pretty and graduate before your points are even filled up?

Gu Jingyan was helpless, I'm worried about you and your family's safety.

Qiao Ruoxing glanced at him, Yunding's real estate is very good. Zhong Meilan can come in, isn't it because you have real estate here? Otherwise, how could the real estate company let her in?

Gu Jingyan opened his mouth, but had nothing to say.

Then I will arrange a bodyguard for you and live with you.

Qiao Ruoxing...

You have watched too many bloody dramas. How can there be so much fighting and killing in reality?

Besides, if they take action, they may not be able to get an advantage.

Of course, she forgot to be wary of Zhong Xiang today. She didn't have much contact with her uncle Gu Jingyan, and she didn't know her well at all. Visiting relatives during the holidays was pretty good on the surface, so she didn't expect that the other party would be so serious at that time.

Gu Jingyan still felt uneasy, Then I will arrange a butler for you.

Qiao Ruoxing's eyebrows skipped a beat, why did Gu Jingyan become a mother-in-law?

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