Gu Jingyan kept his word, he issued a death order and no one was allowed to bail Gu Jingyang.

Zhong Meilan spent the whole night begging her grandfather to sue her grandmother, and searched for all the connections she could find, but no one could get Gu Jingyang out.

Not only that, the police are not allowed to visit.

Zhong Meilan didn't sleep a wink all night, and before dawn the next day she went to the old house to beg the old lady.

The old lady knew about this the first night, so Gu Jingyan was on guard against Zhong Meilan's actions. When he came back from his second uncle's house last night, he went to the old house.

Tell the old lady exactly what happened last night, including what Gu Jingyang has done over the years.

After hearing this, the old lady didn't speak for a long time.

After knowing what Gu Jingyan was going to do next, the old lady said, Let her suffer, and her memory will be long. I really regret giving Jingyang to her to raise.

The old lady was afraid that Zhong Meilan would make trouble, so she went to the summer resort in City S last night.

So Zhong Meilan naturally failed. Not only could she not find the old lady, but her phone, as well as those of Uncle Qin and others, could not be reached.

Zhong Meilan finally confirmed that the old lady really didn't care about Gu Jingyang this time.

She left the old house with a white face.

On the way, Su Wanqin called, Sister Lan, how are you? Is Jingyang out on bail?

Zhong Meilan's eyes were bloodshot and she said hoarsely, Not yet, Jingyan is crazy and he won't let me go on bail.

Su Wanqin said, Jingyan is probably still angry.

Zhong Meilan suddenly said, Wanqin, can you help me bail this person out?

Su Wanqin sighed, Sister Lan, it's not that I won't help you, your family-friendly attitude is there. How can I, an outsider, interfere?

Zhong Meilan pursed her lips. She was also in a hurry and sought medical treatment. Gu Jingyan and the old lady refused to let go. No one could do anything about the bail.

However, I think there is someone you might want to go find.

Zhong Meilan was startled, Who?

Qiao Ruoxing, Miss Qiao. Su Wanqin said warmly, I heard that what she did was caused by her. Jingyan did not allow anyone to bail Jingyang. It is most likely related to Miss Qiao. If she can persuade Jingyan, this Things may turn around.

Zhong Meilan's face looked ugly to the naked eye.

Is she mentally ill? Looking for Qiao Ruoxing?

Su Wanqin said, It's important to fish Jingyang out first. You can put other things aside for now.

Zhong Meilan said with a sullen face, Let me think about it.

After hanging up the phone, Song Jiayu asked, Mom, can't you really help?

Su Wanqin said calmly, If the Gu family doesn't care, how can we help? Gu Jingyang also brought the blame on himself. Have you forgotten that she almost killed you? Besides, Gu Jingyan refused to let people bail in this matter, so we went to help. Gu Jingyan didn't care about you. Can I still have a good impression?

Song Jiayu lowered her eyes and said, Mom, Brother Gu doesn't seem to have that interest in me.

Su Wanqin took her hand and helped her adjust the hem of her skirt, Jiayu, you have to fight for what you want, whether it's a person or a thing. You can't wait for it to come towards you. Cats and dogs are half-hearted, let alone Is it a human? You have to catch it yourself and tame it into your own.

Song Jiayu said hmm and was about to say something else when Song Wanqian's voice came from outside the door.

Wanqin, Lao Xie got me a heated belt with moxa leaves in it. Song Wanqian walked in hurriedly, holding a belt in his hand, Her wife had a backache a while ago and it was fine after wearing it for a few days. , I’m about to come, let me put it on for you and you try it?”

Su Wanqin said hmm, and Song Jiayu retreated when she saw this.

Song Wanqian plugged in the belt, put his hands around her waist, tied the belt, and asked while adjusting the temperature, How about it, isn't it hot?


Song Wanqian then let go of his hand and sat next to him, If the pain does not subside after applying it for a few days, go to the hospital and take a X-ray.

It's an old habit, no need. Su Wanqin paused, Call Tianjun over for dinner at noon. He lives alone in Lanyuan, so his meal must be perfunctory.

Don't worry about him, he's not in Jiangcheng these days.

Su Wanqin was startled, Going out to play?

Song Wanqian pursed her lips and said, Go back to Kyoto to see his uncle and grandparents.

Su Wanqin closed her mouth and said after a long time, I've been back for so long, it's time to go and have a look. I wonder how my husband is doing?

It's pretty good. Song Wanqian said a little vaguely, then found an excuse and went out.

Su Wanqin pursed her lips, pressed her fingers on the heated belt on her waist, and rubbed it gently.

Qiao Ruoxing read the script for a day and watched several episodes of the popular drama. As the evening approached, the doorbell rang.

Tang Xiaoxiao was correcting the script while wearing headphones, and Qiao Ruoxing got up and opened the door.

There were actually Haidilao staff outside the door.

The two staff members carried a lot of things, big and small, and showed their signature smiles as soon as the door opened.

Hello, the Haidilao delivery service you ordered has arrived. I am happy to serve you.

Qiao Ruoxing was stunned, I didn't order it.

The staff took out the address for verification, 901, Building 7, Yunding International, Ms. Tang Xiaoxiao, mobile number 133XXX, isn't it you?


Qiao Ruoxing said, Please wait a moment.

Then he went in and pulled off Tang Xiaoxiao's headphones, Did you order Haidilao?

Tang Xiaoxiao looked confused, No?

Then they said you ordered it, and the address and phone number are yours.

Tang Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up, Is there such a good thing? Let someone come in quickly!

Qiao Ruoxing...

Tang Xiaoxiao ran to the door and welcomed the people in. The two staff members were very quick and quickly set up the scene in about ten minutes.

Tang Xiaoxiao twisted a small piece of crispy pork and asked after finishing the meal, Did you pay for the takeaway?

Paid. The staff handed over the bill, Please check it.

Tang Xiaoxiao glanced at it, and his eyes almost jumped to the small ticket.

Oh my god, it’s more than two thousand. Is this the pricey point?

Qiao Ruoxing whispered, Who ordered it for you?

Tang Xiaoxiao coughed and said, Maybe he is my admirer.

She couldn't guess who it was. It wasn't her birthday yet. Could it be her mother?

Last night, I just sent the other party an emoticon saying that my pocket is cleaner than my face. Did I get a response so quickly?

Sure enough, only mother is good in the world~

Tang Xiaoxiao dismissed the two staff members, took a photo of the table full of delicacies with her mobile phone, and sent it to her mother, Thank you, Queen Mother, for feeding me.

After a while, my mother replied, I'm trying to lose weight, don't send me these messy pictures.

Tang Xiaoxiao? ? ?

Mom, didn't you order this for me?

Tang’s mother said, “I’ll order something for you.”

Tang Xiaoxiao...

Who is that?

Just as I was thinking about it, someone coughed at the door.

Qiao Ruoxing turned around and saw that Gu Jingyan and Shen Qingchuan were standing at the entrance at some point. Shen Qingchuan held up the red wine and said, Let's share a table?

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