Gu Jingyan's lips trembled slightly and his eyes were bloodshot.

Qiao Ruoxing was like a stream of sand, no matter how he held it, she would slip through his fingers.

Except when his father passed away, he felt powerless for the first time, feeling flustered and scared.

He said hoarsely, Didn't you ask grandma? She said she doesn't mind.

Qiao Ruoxing shook her head, That's what I said to test grandma. Grandma may not take it seriously. If you think about it for a while, how could a family like yours allow you to have no children? Others will also look at you strangely.

Gu Jingyan looked at her for a long time before speaking in a low voice, From the beginning to the end, you have been talking about what grandma thinks and what others think. What about you? What do you think?

You are right, I care about what grandma thinks, but you are the one who will live with me forever, and your answer is the most important.

Children are not that important. If you want to give birth by yourself, we will go see a doctor. If you don’t want to give birth by yourself, we will adopt you. If you want revenge, then you can go.

I just want to know, what are you thinking, are you still willing to be with me?

Lin Shu stood outside the car window where the two were sitting, listening to the conversation inside.

Mr. Gu's words...can be considered an improvement, at least he has pointed out the main point.

A child's face is not as important as a wife's.

Qiao Ruoxing was lying if she said she wasn't moved by Gu Jingyan's words.

He has many shortcomings. He is not considerate enough, nor gentle enough. He has a vicious and stupid mouth. He has done good things, but it always ends up being self-defeating because of that mouth.

But he also has many advantages. When Gu Jingyang bullies her, he will secretly avenge her, although she always finds out after a long time. He can be venomous himself, but if others are venomous to her, he will definitely find ways to get it back. Although Those people may not be as venomous as her; they will also come to her rescue when she brags too much; they will order such an ugly necklace because of her casual words; he is quite good-looking, and it is entirely based on her aesthetic point...

She herself is not a perfect person. She is more venomous than Gu Jingyan, and she will always retaliate. She will coax him when she is good-tempered, but when she is bad-tempered, when Gu Jingyan comes home in the middle of the night, she will lock him out of the bedroom and prevent him from coming in when she gets upset... …

Even if Gu Jingyan was angry, as long as she cut a plate of strawberries the next day, he would be immediately flattered. At most, he would say that the bed in the study was too hard.

She was petty and vindictive, always remembering clearly how bad Gu Jingyan was to her, and always thinking that because Gu Jingyan couldn't marry his first love, he couldn't have her in his heart when he married her.

Only today did she finally understand what He Yurou had said before.

She said that when a couple lives their lives, they should not focus on each other's shortcomings, but also think more about each other's good points. There is no perfect person in this world. When you strive for the other person's perfection, you should also think about whether you have achieved it. Perfect standard.

God is always fair, and people cannot want and want more at the same time, otherwise they will be unhappy.

She asked herself, if Gu Jingyan was really perfect, like Mo Mingxuan, who considered everything carefully, was gentle and considerate without any flaws, would she like it?

the answer is negative.

Gu Jingyan like that would no longer be him. She would be afraid, panic, and think how could she be worthy of such a person?

But reality is not a fairy tale after all, and she can't happily end just by saying she is willing.

If the matter between them is not resolved, she will never be able to be with him at ease.

She would worry about gains and losses, worrying that he would regret it and go back to the previous state.

She doesn't want it.

Qiao Ruoxing suppressed the excitement in her heart, raised her eyes and said, I don't want to.

Gu Jingyan's face turned a little pale, and he asked with trembling lips, Why?

Qiao Ruoxing avoided his gaze, If I get married again, I will find someone who I like and who likes me, do you understand?

Gu Jingyan's face turned completely pale, his eyes were red, and his voice became gloomy as he said in a trembling voice, Who do you like?

Qiao Ruoxing was a little anxious, Who do you care he is?

She just wanted to make Gu Jingyan give up and made up any excuse.

Gu Jingyan didn't give up, and asked, Mo Mingxuan? Or Song Tianjun? Gu Jingyan thought about what Shen Qingchuan said before that it would be nice if Qiao Ruoxing had a sister, and her whole body tensed up, Is it Shen Qingchuan?

Qiao Ruoxing's mouth twitched.

Did he want to finish guessing all the men she knew around her?

Who is it?

Qiao Ruoxing frowned, Is that interesting for you to ask? No matter who you are, it's not you.

I always want to know where I am compared to the other party, Gu Jingyan said stubbornly, Why did you choose the other party over me?

Qiao Ruoxing grabbed her hair irritably.

Why didn't Gu Jingyan act according to common sense?

With his pride, he lowered his stature and said these words to her, and she rejected him. Shouldn't he just walk away in shame?

Why are you still getting to the bottom of it?

Gu Jingyan looked at her expression and suddenly said, It must be Song Tianjun.

You just divorced me, and he couldn't wait to sign you. He didn't let me get involved in anything related to you. Is he afraid that you would rekindle my old relationship?

Qiao Ruoxing...

Gu Jingyan's imagination is so big. How does Song Tianjun seem to have a crush on her?

But right now, there seems to be no better shield than Song Tianjun.

So she said, Yes, Mr. Song has a good temper and protects me. He helped me when I was in the most difficult time. He is so good-looking that any woman will be attracted to him.

Gu Jingyan's face turned really ugly.

You lied! You don't like that at all!

I know what I like? Qiao Ruoxing said irritably, You have been with me for so many years, and you still don't know? I just like people with good-looking faces, just like I chose you back then.

Gu Jingyan's eyes were full of gloom, and he gritted his teeth and said, Then you call Song Tianjun now and tell him that you like him.

Qiao Ruoxing vomited blood.

Why did Gu Jingyan's mind suddenly come online?

She blushed and said, I'm sick. I have a secret love now. Do you understand a secret love? How can I still be secretive if I break this window paper?

Gu Jingyan calmed down.

After staring at her for a few seconds, he concluded, So I still have a chance.

Qiao Ruoxing...

Well, after talking for a long time, it actually strengthened his confidence.

Gu Jingyan, I...

Gu Jingyan suddenly stood up and kissed her lips without warning.

Qiao Ruoxing was stunned for a moment, but Gu Jingyan let go of her just briefly.

He put one hand on the back of the chair behind her, and gently touched her lips with the other hand. He said in a low voice, If you have a crush on yours, if I pursue mine, I will definitely succeed before you do.

Qiao Ruoxing's heart almost jumped into her throat.

Where did this piece of shit like Gu Jingyan go to study?

(Six pm)

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