Qiao Ruoxing was stunned as soon as she got in the car.

A table of dishes was prepared on the car, and a candlestick was placed in the middle of the table. Next to the candlestick was a white rose in a small vase.

Qiao Ruoxing spat out, Who is so old-fashioned and still prepares this kind of candlelight dinner?

Gu Jingyan...

Qiao Ruoxing turned to look at him and suddenly fell silent.

She opened her mouth to say something, but her stomach began to sing the empty city plan first.

Gu Jingyan glanced at her, Your belly is more honest than your mouth.

Qiao Ruoxing...

She scratched her hair and suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

She and Gu Jingyan have known each other for so many years, but this guy has no romantic feelings at all.

One year, for Gu Jingyan's birthday, she bought a bunny costume to make him happy.

She was already dressed like that, but Gu Jingyan actually started to study with him whether this dress was a bunny dress or a fox dress.

Because the ears on her headband were too short, Gu Jingyan thought they were foxes.

Qiao Ruoxing was speechless. She said that the tail on the clothes looked like a rabbit, how could it be a fox.

So the more serious Mr. Gu searched out a lot of information to prove that the headband was the fox's ears.

As for why the tail on the butt is a rabbit tail, it is most likely that the merchant confused the two sets of clothes.

Although it later proved that Gu Jingyan's guess was correct, the clothes and headband were indeed not the same set.


Who the hell can hold a tablet and discuss whether the clothes are rabbit or fox at that time?

Gu Jingyan and Ben are romantic insulators. You discuss the past and present with him, and he talks to you about molecular theory, from the Big Bang to the history of human evolution;

If you take him to set off the Kongming lanterns and pray to God to see his wish, he will say that the Kongming lanterns will fall when they run out of fuel. If there is wind, they may threaten aircraft, high-voltage power supply equipment, etc., or even cause forest fires, so she should not Write your name in the lamp to avoid being caught and jailed;

If you want to walk with him in the rain, he will say that there is too much metal on your body and you will be struck by lightning. Go to the car. The enclosed space formed by the metal shell is absolutely safe...

Such a person would actually prepare a candlelight dinner, which is simply... too scary.

Qiao Ruoxing looked around.

Seeing that she was still not sitting down, Gu Jingyan asked, What are you looking for?

Qiao Ruoxing turned around, Shouldn't you keep two bottles of fire extinguishers on hand? It's unsafe to light candles in the car.

Gu Jingyan glanced at her and said, It's in the back.

Qiao Ruoxing...

Sure enough, he is still the straight man who puts safety first.

Gu Jingyan reached out to open the lid of the soup cup in the middle and handed a spoon to her, Eat it.

In fact, when Gu Jingyan called her out, she had just drank water and was no longer so hungry. But when she smelled the aroma of the food, the gluttons in her stomach were instantly awakened, and she became irritable and restless.

Qiao Ruoxing originally wanted to show off and show humility, but she couldn't care less at the moment, so she took the meal and started eating.

There is pigeon soup in the soup cup, which is fresh, tender and extremely delicious.

There were a total of six small bowls on the table, and Gu Jingyan opened them one by one. Each dish was small but very delicate. There was nothing too heavy. The combination of meat and vegetables looked very appetizing.

Gu Jingyan sat opposite, holding chopsticks and kept adding food to her.

Qiao Ruoxing was really serious about cooking. She didn't say a word during the whole process. In fact, she didn't know what to say.

She was not blind, so she could naturally see Gu Jingyan's behavior during this period.

But she was very confused. In fact, sometimes she deliberately avoided Gu Jingyan.

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