Jiangsheng Group.

Gu Jingyan looked at the image projected on the phone, a softness flashed in his eyes.

Shen Qingchuan sent a WeChat message, Look, it's a good idea to retreat in order to advance. Look at your ex-wife's expression. She probably doesn't see that you are feeling disappointed.

Yes, it was Shen Qingchuan who came up with this bad idea.

Originally, Gu Jingyan planned to send it off in person, but Shen Qingchuan said that she shouldn't be pushed so hard all the time, and only by being relaxed can she be able to stop.

Only then did he resist sending her off.

Because of this, I saw the disappointment in Qiao Ruoxing's eyes.

Worth it.

Gu Jingyan sent a document to Shen Qingchuan.

Shen Qingchuan clicked on it and saw that it was a letter of intent for cooperation on a project in the High-tech Zone.

Oh shit.

I have begged you for so long, but you are not as good as Qiao Ruoxing, a guy with an expression who values ​​sex over friends!

Open the handcuffs! Tang Xiaoxiao frowned, I need to go to the toilet.

Shen Qingchuan threw the phone aside and said with a smile, Let's go like this. We are all good buddies. What are we afraid of?

Tang Xiaoxiao glared at him, Hurry up and untie it, or I'll turn you into a sister!

Shen Qingchuan clicked his tongue, How rude.

As he spoke, he opened the drawer and started rummaging through it.

Two minutes later.

Tang Xiaoxiao asked, Have you found it?

It seems like it's in a box.

Shen Qingchuan ran to look for the packaging box again.

five minutes later.

Tang Xiaoxiao was a little anxious, Have you found it yet?

Shen Qingchuan scratched his hair, Is it in the bedroom?

ten minutes later.

Tang Xiaoxiao said angrily, Where the hell did you put the key?

Shen Qingchuan said with an embarrassed look, I forgot.

So Shen Qingchuan pulled her and the two of them rummaged through the boxes and cabinets to find it.

Half an hour later.

Tang Xiaoxiao was holding back her urine until her face turned red, You bitch, did you do it on purpose?

I really forgot where I put it. How about I make a call and ask the firefighters to come over and open it.

Tang Xiaoxiao's eyes were red, Do you want our society to die?

Shen Qingchuan was helpless, Then what do you think we should do?

Tang Xiaoxiao looked ugly. There was nothing she could do. She didn't know how to open the lock.

More importantly, she really couldn't hold it in anymore. She didn't know if she was going to die or not. She might be suffocated to death first.

Without saying a word, she pressed the handcuffs with one hand and pulled them out with the other hand.

The sexy handcuffs looked like a toy, but they were very strong. After a while, Tang Xiaoxiao's wrists turned red.

Shen Qingchuan held her hand and said, Why don't you go to the toilet first? I won't watch.

Tang Xiaoxiao's eyes turned red and she said stubbornly, No!

Can’t you listen if you don’t watch?

How shameless is she going to the bathroom in front of a man?

But soon, she discovered that it was more uncomfortable to be choked to death than to lose her face.

Shen Qingchuan took out a pair of headphones, Should I wear this headphone?

As he spoke, he turned the volume of the headphones to the maximum and asked Tang Xiaoxiao to try it himself, Can't you hear anything?

After saying that, he put it into his ears and threw the phone on the coffee table, Let's go, you can't hear anything from these.

Tang Xiaoxiao wanted to endure it some more, but she really couldn't help it anymore.

Pulling Shen Qingchuan along, he ran to the bathroom.

Shen Qingchuan was wearing headphones with his back to her. Although he couldn't see anything, he could feel Tang Xiaoxiao's movements.

The music in his ears was very loud, irritating his eardrums, but his thoughts were uncontrollably thinking of the person behind him.

Thinking about what she was doing, I didn't know why my ears suddenly felt a little hot.

He rubbed his ears uncomfortably and focused on the music in his headphones.

Within a few minutes, Tang Xiaoxiao got up and washed her hands.

Shen Qingchuan turned around, and just as he was about to say something, he saw Tang Xiaoxiao's eyes were red, sobbing and crying.

He was startled, took off his earphones, and whispered, I'm wearing earphones and I didn't hear anything. Why are you crying?

Tang Xiaoxiao cried harder and harder.

Shen Qingchuan reached out helplessly to scratch her tears.

It's not like he's never seen a woman cry before, but when this little bandit cries, it's like a flood that has opened its gates.

Tears were like broken beads, flowing out in large pieces, which was both sad and heartbreaking.

I hate you so much, she said while burping, Why do you always see me looking so embarrassed?

I didn't see it either, Shen Qingchuan paused and then said, I won't tell anyone.

Tang Xiaoxiao sobbed and said, You swear.

Shen Qingchuan immediately raised three fingers and said, I swear, if I tell anyone, it will be like thunder and lightning, okay? Stop crying.

No, Tang Xiaoxiao choked, You said, if you tell others, you will be infertile and have children and grandchildren.

The corners of Shen Qingchuan's mouth twitched.

Isn't this curse too vicious?

Are you going to tell me? Tang Xiaoxiao looked at him with an expression like If you don't tell me, I will continue to cry.

Shen Qingchuan was at his wits end. He once felt that a woman was crying so hard.

He raised three fingers and gritted his teeth and said, If I say one word, I will be infertile and have a full house of children and grandchildren.

Tang Xiaoxiao stopped crying and said, Let me believe you just once.

Shen Qingchuan...

Why does he feel that he has been tricked by this girl?

Then what should we do now? Tang Xiaoxiao looked at the hands that were tied together.

Shen Qingchuan said, Call a locksmith.

Half an hour later, the locksmith entered this high-end community anxiously, thinking that he had received a big business.

When he entered the door and saw their hands intertwined, his eyelids jumped.

Just drive this?

Shen Qingchuan nodded, Open it quickly.

The locksmith pursed his lips, and without even using tools, he pulled a spot on the inside of the handcuffs, and the handcuffs opened.

Shen Qingchuan...

Tang Xiaoxiao...

Just... open?

Tang Xiaoxiao couldn't believe it.

The locksmith said, These handcuffs can be opened without a key. They are just to prevent accidents. Didn't you buy this thing without reading the manual?

Tang Xiaoxiao immediately glared at Shen Qingchuan, grabbed the pillow and threw it into his face, Son of a bitch!

After saying that, he stormed away.

Shen Qingchuan...

He doesn't know, either?

The locksmith coughed and said, We have handcuffs here that can only be opened with a key. They are absolutely confinement. Do you want them?

Shen Qingchuan...

The dance instructor hired by Murder Intention is a professional teacher from Jiangcheng Dance Academy.

There are more than ten actresses participating in the training, and they go to the dance studio to train at a fixed time every day.

It takes about 6-8 hours of training a day, which is quite a long time.

At the end of the day, everyone was very tired. When we got back to the dormitory, we just wanted to lie still.

Qiao Ruoxing just felt a little tired, but other actresses, especially those who didn't practice regularly, had sore muscles and screamed again and again at the end of the day.

While everyone was lying on the ground wailing, Qiao Ruoxing was even pressing her legs.

An actress named Yunyun asked curiously, Ruoxing, don't you feel any pain?

It hurts too, but it's not that serious. Maybe I do muscle massages regularly.

How about a massage?

Qiao Ruoxing smiled and said, I'll press it for you and you can feel it.

Yunyun was very cooperative.

Ten minutes later, screams came from the training room, Oh my god, why does this hurt more than spreading my legs?

Twenty minutes later, Qiao Ruoxing stopped moving with sweat on her face, lowered her head and asked, How was it?

Yunyun moved her body and said with a look of surprise, It doesn't seem to hurt that much anymore.

Other actresses came over one after another, How did you do it? Ruoxing, please press it for me, my old arms and legs...

Qiao Ruoxing smiled and said, I can press one more at most. I'm too tired today. If I'm not tired tomorrow, I can press one more. Which one of you will do it?

Me first, me first.

Yao Kexin came back from the bathroom and saw Qiao Ruoxing surrounded by people, like a star holding the moon.

Yao Kexin immediately had a long face. She gave these guys so many things when she came here, but she didn't see them treating her like this.

Hey, this technique is so professional, Yao Kexin walked in with a half-smile, Have you learned it in a massage parlor before?

(See you tomorrow at noon)

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