In the next room, Gu Jingyan watched the live broadcast on the screen, pursed his lips and said nothing.

This was the first time he saw Qiao Ruoxing dance like this.

In fact, she occasionally dances when she is at home.

The best habit that Qiao Ruoxing maintains is to take time to press her legs and practice some basic dance skills every day.

Sometimes I will jump a few times on a whim, but mostly they are funny.

For example, the aliens dance, the frog prince dances, the pandas dance...

Every time I imitated these, I would call him over, and while the original video was playing on the TV, I would simultaneously twist my body and do all kinds of weird dance moves with the animators on the screen.

Gu Jingyan didn't watch popular videos before, so when he saw this thing for the first time, he just thought it was strange.

But Qiao Ruoxing's imitation can almost overlap with the characters' movements in the animation.

For the first time, he knew that the human body could be so flexible.

Her alien dance dressed in yellow is still saved in his mobile phone.

I once attended a business reception and someone danced this dance. A boss’s wife who studied dance said that this dance looks simple, but it requires high coordination of the body. Generally, you can get it down after a few times. Not bad either.

So when Qiao Ruoxing told the director that her skills were average, she was really being modest.

She really brought the Chinese people's inherent modesty to the extreme. Well, maybe she wasn't trying to be modest, but she was deliberately talking and dancing in a normal way, and then stunned the audience.

After all, Mrs. Gu's favorite thing to do is to show off.

Just like in a group of classmates, those who show off how capable their husbands are and how much they earn, and then ask her what her husband looks like and what he does.

Mrs. Gu would say, my husband is not as powerful as your husband. He is just an ordinary person. He runs a small business at home and can barely afford to support me.

Then at the class reunion, she asked herself to drive a Rolls-Royce to see her off. She must wear the most expensive clothes in the wardrobe, wear the most expensive jewelry, pick up the most expensive bag, and then slap her in the hardest face.

Rather than showing off with words, Mrs. Gu prefers to show off with practical actions.

My wife must be stable. Lin Shu said, Look at the director's expression.

Gu Jingyan glanced at him with a pleased expression, Do you even need to tell me?

Lin Shu...

It was his wife who was being praised, why did Mr. Gu act like others were praising him?

When he led his team to win the Municipal Science and Technology Award, he didn't look like this even when he came on stage to accept the award.

He really wants to say that you and your wife have divorced, and you can’t be praised by others for your wife.

It's a pity that he didn't dare.

Emotionally, Mr. Gu is more like a child and likes to hear nice words.

After Wang Xiao discussed with the screenwriter and others, they decided on the role of Chang Ge.

He told Qiao Ruoxing.

After joining my crew, you can't be late. I don't care what your reasons are. After the filming officially starts, if I can't find you during filming, I can replace you at any time.

The fact that she was late today actually left a bad impression, although she tried her best to save it with her acting skills.

Qiao Ruoxing said, Don't worry, Director Wang, being late will never happen again.

Wang Xiao's face felt a little relieved, Let's read the contract and sign if there's no problem.

Qiao Ruoxing said, I want to make a video call to my agent and ask him to look over this contract for me, is that okay?

Before Director Wang could speak, the assistant at the side said, There is almost no difference in this kind of contract. Hurry up and sign it and get it done. It's already late and it's delaying things like this...

Wang Xiao raised his hand to signal the other party to stop talking.

Then he said to Qiao Ruoxing, You go ahead and fight. It's good to be cautious.

When Xu Ying heard that she was going to call Li Kai, her face changed slightly.

Qiao Ruoxing thanked him and, accompanied by several people from the crew, went downstairs to a place with signal and made a call to Li Kai and sent the contract contents to him.

Li Kai was still on the high-speed rail. After reading the contract, he asked her, What song did you audition for?

Qiao Ruoxing said hmm.

I went late today. When I arrived, Ye Ling's role had already been decided, so I tried out for Chang Ge. I also liked the role of Chang Ge better.

In fact, Li Kai also liked this role more. If a movie wants to win awards, the best role must be the most complex role in the play. However, Song Tianjun said that the female lead must be the first, so he arranged for Qiao Ruoxing to interview for the role of Ye Ling.

Song Tianjun is a capital person. He only knows investment and knows almost nothing about acting. In his opinion, the female lead must be the best.

But Li Kai is a professional. He knows very well what kind of role has more dramatic tension and what kind of role is suitable for his actors.

So Qiao Ruoxing's role as Chang Ge was a perfect fit for him.

But he still asked, You're so late. Didn't Xu Ying pick you up?

With people from the crew nearby, Qiao Ruoxing couldn't go into details, otherwise news of the discord within YaTV Media would spread, which would be detrimental to the company, so she said, We'll talk about it when you come back.

Li Kai didn't ask further and just said, Wang Xiao is a pretty good director and has some skills. You're good at shooting female group portraits. If there's anything you don't understand about the script, you can ask him directly. He likes to work with you the most. The actor went to explore the role, but he just loves to chatter and is a beeping machine, so just tolerate it.

Qiao Ruoxing...

After all, he is also a great director who has won many awards, and Brother Kai's description is not too disrespectful.

After hanging up the phone, Qiao Ruoxing went back upstairs and said goodbye to the director and his party.

Wang Xiao was very happy to have cast two important roles at once. When he left, he patted Qiao Ruoxing on the arm and said four words, Young people are to be feared.

After a few people left, Yao Kexin also came over, Qiao Ruoxing, don't be too proud. Signing the contract is just the beginning. Whether you can stay until the end is your business.

In movies and TV shows, it’s not too common for actors to be changed during filming.

Yao Kexin has been in this circle for many years and knows these things very well. Whether Qiao Ruoxing stays or not, how can she avenge her previous shame?

The sunset is full of stars, Linglong Biography, one thing after another, the general ledger must be calculated.

Qiao Ruoxing glanced at her lightly, I also send this sentence to you. As a third party, you sent me a pregnancy test sheet to instigate our relationship as a couple. You said that your fans know that the pure and beautiful girl they defend is actually a Will those filthy bed bugs eat you alive?

Yao Kexin's eyes were cold, and a trace of panic flashed in her heart, but her face was suppressed and calm, Do you think everyone will believe you if you talk in vain?

Her persona is so perfect, and she has been washed away several times, but all the remaining fans are die-hard fans. As long as she does not break the law or commit any crime, her persona will be enough for her to retire.

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