After the car drove for a while, Shen Qingchuan asked, He Yurou is dead, and your best friend is no longer Qiao Xusheng's daughter. What's the use of checking these things?

Qiao Ruoxing doesn't seem to be someone who is very keen on the Qiao family's fortune. After all, she doesn't even want Gu Jingyan's money, so how could she fall in love with the Qiao family's three walnuts and two dates.

She and Qiao Xusheng are not father and daughter, so they can be completely separated. How great. Why do they have to get entangled with the Qiao family again?

Tang Xiaoxiao said, When a person dies, revenge will not be avenged? These two adulterers and adulterers worked together to cause Aunt He to have a car accident and become a vegetative state. She has been lying on the hospital bed for seven years. Now that Aunt He is gone, why? Let them both live happily? Is this fair?

Shen Qingchuan was startled, You said that what happened to He Yurou was Qiao Xusheng's fault?

Otherwise? Aunt He was about to let Qiao Xusheng clean up and leave the house. As a result, he got into a car accident and lost consciousness. Who do you think is the biggest beneficiary? This alone makes Qiao Xusheng very suspicious!

You didn't call the police?

Axing consulted his friends in the police force. The vehicle responsible for the accident had been destroyed that year. It was almost impossible to find direct evidence to overturn the case. The detective hired by Axing suggested that we start by driving a wedge between Qiao Xusheng and Bai Sansan. Their relationship collapsed. , maybe we can reveal useful information.”

Tang Xiaoxiao paused, Don't tell anyone else about this, or I'll kill you!

Shen Qingchuan glanced at her and said, Don't worry, I'm very strict with my mouth.

After sending Tang Xiaoxiao to the company, Shen Qingchuan called Gu Jingyan.

Do you want a chance to show off in front of your ex-wife?

Gu Jingyan had just finished the meeting. He held his mobile phone and said as he walked, Tell me.

Shen Qingchuan raised the corners of his lips, Your ex-wife suspects that her mother's car accident was caused by Qiao Xusheng and the mistress. If you can find out this matter for her, your early impression of you will definitely change.

He paused and added, Let me remind you, that mistress seems to have a pretty boy. You can start from here.

After hanging up the phone, Shen Qingchuan hummed a song and headed home.

Now there are people who are looking for information. They cheated a little cook back without spending a penny. Why is he so smart?

Gu Jingyan returned to the office and gave instructions on the matter.

After saying that, he asked, Has Qiao Xusheng lost all his money in Core Venture Capital?

Lin Shu said, That's not true, but he has already lost more than half. He just cut and sold half of the meat this afternoon, and is still waiting to see the rest.

Gu Jingyan didn't even raise his head, Continue to use leverage. If he doesn't move, he will lose all his money.

This bureau has been in place for so long, and it has finally begun to close the net recently.

Lin Shu sighed and had to admit that Mr. Gu still saw human nature quite accurately.

Their plan was very hasty, and overall they were not that smart. If Qiao Xusheng was cautious enough and retreated when he made a sum of money, he would have made a fortune.

But this person is very greedy and a novice who has just started playing stocks. If Gu Jingyan throws enough bait, he will definitely take the bait.

However, this was the first time he had seen this method of injuring the enemy by eight hundred and damaging himself by one thousand.

Gu Jingyan's phone vibrated.

He clicked on it and saw that Kong Zheng had sent him a report card.


Gu Jingyan smiled, then picked up the pen, wrote a line of words on the white paper, took a photo and sent it to Kong Zheng.

Lin Shu glanced at it.

【Wide sea diving, sky high the birds to fly】

The brushstrokes are vigorous and the fonts are free and easy.

Lin Shu vaguely remembered that when he came to Jiangsheng for an interview for the first time and failed to do so, Gu Jingyan also wrote a sentence on the back of his resume.

【Where there is a will, there is a way】

With these words, he spent a whole year crazily studying all the information on Jiang Sheng, including the founding process, company history, and the characteristics and sales of current products.

During the social recruitment the next year, he came for an interview again, and this time he got the green light.

The last step was Gu Jingyan's solo interview with him.

Lin Shu was nervous as never before.

Gu Jingyan simply asked a few questions and passed him.

Later, after getting familiar with each other, Lin Shu once mentioned this matter to Gu Jingyan.

He was very grateful and told Gu Jingyan that if he hadn't seen that line on the back of his resume, he might not have come a second time. It was Gu Jingyan who gave him this opportunity.

Gu Jingyan was stunned for a moment, and then said, It's your own fault.

Later, Lin Shu learned that Gu Jingyan would write on the back of the resume of everyone who entered the final round of interviews every year.

Most of them were encouraging words, but Jiang Sheng's threshold was high, and most of the people who came for interviews were from prestigious schools. After being rejected, they felt a little unconvinced, and they might not even look at the resume.

The manager of the human resources department told him that Mr. Gu writes every year, but there are very few people like Lin Shu who put down their dignity to show off.

Gu Jingyan's work style may be considered too cold and rigid in the eyes of many people, but a practical entrepreneur like him can actually provide job seekers with a stage where they can express themselves as equally as possible.

Have the flowers been delivered?

Gu Jingyan raised his eyes and asked.

Lin Shu's thoughts were interrupted.

Hmm... maybe a little bit more love-minded.

Sent it, signed for it today.

Gu Jingyan was a little surprised, after all, he had just thrown it out a few days ago.

What did you say?

Lin Shu pursed his lips, Ms. Tang signed for it. She said she wanted to use it for a bath, and my wife agreed.

Gu Jingyan...

Seeing that he was a little discouraged, Lin Shu coughed and said, Mr. Gu, this is a good sign. Even if Miss Tang signs for it, if the wife is not willing, Miss Tang can't take it in.

Gu Jingyan looked better and asked again, Has Yashi arranged any work for her recently?

There is a movie that needs to be selected at YaTV Media. My wife is going to audition on Monday. The audition will be at the Deep Blue Club. Lin Shu paused after finishing speaking. Mr. Gu, Mr. Yang is also entertaining guests at the Deep Blue Club on Monday. Do you want to attend the appointment? ?”

Gu Jingyan glanced at him, What do you think?

Lin Shu smiled and said, I will reply to Mr. Yang immediately.

Qiao Ruoxing rested for five days before Li Kai arranged a new audition.

There is a director who makes a suspense movie and wants to cast a film in YaTV Media.

The movie is called Murder, and the story is based on a major poisoning case in the 1990s.

The script was not given, only a general story line.

Qiao Ruoxing is very interested in this story, and Li Kai is also very optimistic about this story, but a big movie needs someone who can carry the box office, and Qiao Ruoxing is a newcomer, so she feels that the chance of her taking the leading role is low.

No matter how good the script is, it still depends on the attitude of the capital side.

Qiao Ruoxing is very optimistic, The lead actor in an anti-gang drama a while ago was rejected more than 200 times for interviews. Compared with others, what does being rejected once mean? I can take the road that others can take.

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