Qiao Ruoxing's eyes twitched.

Then I'll cripple you first!

Gu Jingyan laughed, and after a while, he whispered, The apartment I assigned to your name is bigger than this one. I'll have someone clean it up. You can move there.

Qiao Ruoxing pushed him away, How about supporting me? Just like you did when you supported Yao Kexin?

Gu Jingyan frowned, Since when did I support Yao Kexin?

Qiao Ruoxing was furious, The media articles all hit me in the face. Who doesn't know that Yao Kexin's financial backer is you?

Gu Jingyan frowned, as if he was remembering the rumors in the entertainment pages.

He frowned and said, In terms of providing resources, I am indeed her sponsor, but I am definitely not a sponsor in the sense of supporting her. I have never touched her.

Qiao Ruoxing said hehe twice, Then how did she get pregnant with your child? Asexual reproduction?

Gu Jingyan frowned, Why are you pregnant with my child?

Qiao Ruoxing opened her Moments and clicked on Yao Kexin's Moments from three months ago.

It's the picture showing the pregnancy test form.

She was six weeks pregnant when she posted this picture. You were photographed with her in her villa six weeks ago. Although the picture is blurry like a mosaic, I can still recognize you even after you turned into ashes!

Gu Jingyan frowned and stared at the picture. After a long time, he pulled out his Moments and clicked on Yao Kexin's Moments.

Scroll down to March, and on his side, he can't see this news posted by Yao Kexin.

Qiao Ruoxing also noticed.

She also noticed that Gu Jingyan set Do Not Disturb on Yao Kexin's WeChat.

She said ha, It can't be visible only to me, right?

Gu Jingyan was silent and didn't speak.

Qiao Ruoxing also fell silent.

So the two ran to the living room and found Shen Qingchuan.

The circle of friends is open.

Gu Jingyan said in a deep voice.


Open Yao Kexin's WeChat account, Gu Jingyan said again.

Shen Qingchuan didn't know why, so he switched to WeChat, clicked on Yao Kexin's WeChat, and clicked into her circle of friends.

What he saw in his circle of friends was exactly the same as what Gu Jingyan saw.

There was no pregnancy test sheet, and there were no photos of when she bandaged Gu Jingyan.

Shen Qingchuan still didn't understand what happened, so he raised his head and said, What's wrong?

Gu Jingyan pursed his lips and said with a gloomy expression, It's okay.

Qiao Ruoxing's face didn't look very good either.

Although she later suspected that Yao Kexin was lying, it was always just speculation.

Now that the evidence was in front of her, she was shocked to realize that she had been fooled by such a clumsy lie.

Bai Yueguang... Bai your mother sells mahuaguang!

Just as Gu Jingyan was about to speak, the doorbell rang and Song Tianjun's voice came from the monitor.

Ruoxing, open the door.

Qiao Ruoxing was so excited that she didn't care about cursing. She pushed Gu Jingyan and said, Hide, hide quickly!

Gu Jingyan's expression turned ugly, Why should I hide?

Is he that shameless?

Qiao Ruoxing gritted her teeth, I live in my boss's house and bring other men here. Is this ridiculous?

Gu Jingyan was unhappy and glanced at Shen Qingchuan, Why don't you let him hide?

He's not my ex-husband! Qiao Ruoxing glared at him, You don't know how many things you are not innocent about?

Gu Jingyan...

Shen Qingchuan added the knife and said, My sister-in-law and I are buddies.

Tang Xiaoxiao glanced at him and muttered, She's almost like a best friend.


After hearing no sound for a long time, Song Tianjun was a little worried, Ruoxing, are you at home?


Qiao Ruoxing shouted back, pushed Gu Jingyan directly into the bathroom, and warned, Don't make any noise, or you will be dead!

After saying that, he opened the door and ran to open it.

(See you tomorrow at 12 noon)

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