Qiao Ruoxing said tsk.

She is a stingy person and even said that she is obsessed with money.

It happened that the phone rang at this moment. When she saw that it was Tang Xiaoxiao, she answered the call.

Tang Xiaoxiao's twitching voice came from the phone, Axing, where are you? Come to the police station quickly. They said I am suspected of theft...

Qiao Ruoxing's face changed and she suddenly became nervous, Don't worry, I'll be there right away. Which police station?

Tang Xiaoxiao reported her position.

After hanging up the phone, Qiao Ruoxing shamelessly asked Gu Jingyan, Mr. Gu, can you send me to the Beicheng District Police Station? Something happened to my friend.

I thought I was going to have a nice talk, but I didn't expect that Gu Jingyan didn't say anything, and just motioned to Lin Shukai to go to Beicheng Police Station.

Along the way, Qiao Ruoxing was extremely worried, worrying that Tang Xiaoxiao would really get into trouble.

As soon as the car stopped, he rushed into the police station without even having time to say anything to Gu Jingyan.

After finishing the procedure, I saw Tang Xiaoxiao in the interrogation room through the glass. This guy's eyes were swollen from crying.

Tang Xiaoxiao usually seemed energetic, but her social circle was very simple. She had never seen someone being handcuffed and interrogated by the police, and she would have been frightened.

Qiao Ruoxing was so distressed that she suppressed her emotions and asked the police, Comrade police, what did my friend commit?

The policeman looked her over and asked, What is your relationship with the suspect?

I'm her friend. Qiao Ruoxing handed over her ID card.

The police checked in and said, Someone called the police and reported that she had stolen. We did find the missing property of the reporter in her home.

Qiao Ruoxing immediately retorted, This is absolutely impossible. I live with her and I have never seen anything that doesn't belong to her around her. Are you making a mistake?

The policeman paused and asked, You live together? How long have you lived together?

Qiao Ruoxing said, It's been more than a week.

The policeman's eyes immediately changed, The reporter has also lost his belongings for a week. You two live together, so you may be a suspect, or maybe a gang committed the crime.

Qiao Ruoxing...

She suspected that this police officer was a non-staff person. This was too unprofessional. He did not interrogate people or examine physical evidence. He handled the case based on guesswork and just spoke.

Qiao Ruoxing said patiently, Okay, even if I am also a suspect, I must at least know what we stole, right? Don't we need to identify the stolen goods?

There are stolen goods, the policeman took out an evidence bag and waved it towards them both. This is the stolen goods. She said it was not hers. We found it at her residence and it was not hers. Who else?

The moment Qiao Ruoxing saw the stolen items, her expression collapsed.

The so-called stolen item was clearly her wedding ring!

She finally knew which bastard called the police!

Qiao Ruoxing took a deep breath, suppressed her anger and said, This thing is mine.

The police didn’t believe it, “How can I prove it’s you?”

Qiao Ruoxing opened the gallery on her phone and flipped through several photos of herself wearing rings.

The police said, The techniques are skillful and all the evidence has been prepared in advance.

Qiao Ruoxing...

Comrade, take a closer look. I took this photo a year ago. Doesn't it prove that it's mine?

The policeman looked at the shooting time again, and seemed to feel that his conclusion was too hasty, so he added, You need a shopping invoice to prove that the thing is yours. The person who reported the crime provided the invoice.

The implication is, where is your invoice?

Where does Qiao Ruoxing have the invoice? Gu Jingyan bought the ring, so of course the invoice is at that piece of shit!

Comrade police, is the surname of the reporter you mentioned Gu? His name is Gu Jingyan.

The policeman looked at her in surprise, Did an acquaintance commit the crime?

Qiao Ruoxing's mouth twitched and she gritted her teeth and said, He is my husband!

What evidence do you have?

What evidence does this require? Prove that her husband is her husband?

For the first time, Qiao Ruoxing felt that there was a difficulty in communicating with the police. She stopped talking nonsense and called Gu Jingyan directly.

As soon as the call was connected, the dog man's deep and mellow voice came from the other end, What's wrong?

What a piece of shit, still pretending!

Qiao Ruoxing held back her anger and said in a cold voice, Come in and explain to the police.

Gu Jingyan seemed to be waiting for her to say this, but he hung up without asking why.

Qiao Ruoxing became more and more certain that Gu Jingyan did it on purpose.

In fact, Qiao Ruoxing also saw Tang Xiaoxiao's accident and became dizzy. Once she calmed down and thought about it carefully, the functions of the police station were very limited. How could a multi-million theft case be tried casually at the police station?

As soon as Gu Jingyan came in, Qiao Ruoxing pulled him over and said, Comrade police, he is the person who reported the crime. He is my husband.

Gu Jingyan did not deny it.

The policeman looked at Gu Jingyan and then at Qiao Ruoxing, He is your husband, don't you live with him?

Qiao Ruoxing was speechless.

Gu Jingyan raised his eyebrows as if watching the fun, I want to ask you something.

Qiao Ruoxing glared at him and held it in for a long time before saying, We had a fight recently. I moved out to live with my friend. I brought the ring there. My friend is not a thief.

The policeman frowned and said, You two had a quarrel and called the police to arrest someone else? Are you making a fuss?

Qiao Ruoxing lowered her head while being scolded, mentally scolding Gu Jingyan for generations.

The police gave the two people a profound ideological education, and then asked them to sign the case and then released Tang Xiaoxiao.

Tang Xiao smiled and hugged Qiao Ruoxing, obviously frightened.

Qiao Ruoxing patted her back and comforted her, It's okay, it's okay.

Do you still want to reminisce about the past here? Gu Jingyan interrupted the two of them and said without emotion, Let's go.

The group of people got into the car and were speechless all the way.

The car quickly arrived at Tang Xiaoxiao's apartment. When Qiao Ruoxing took her out of the car, Gu Jingyan said three words behind his back, Ten minutes.

Qiao Ruoxing paused, pulled Tang Xiaoxiao and left.

After sending her home, Qiao Ruoxing poured her a glass of water and whispered, I sent a text message to Mumu. She will be here soon. I'll go out.

Tang Xiaoxiao asked with red eyes, Are you coming back?

Qiao Ruoxing squeezed her hand and said, Wait for my call, and then said, I'm sorry.

Downstairs, Gu Jingyan stared at the time.

At thirteen minutes, Qiao Ruoxing's figure finally appeared in sight.

Opening the door, getting in the car, and sitting down, there is not a single unnecessary action in the whole process.

Gu Jingyan glanced at her and said, Four minutes late.

Qiao Ruoxing suppressed her anger all the way and asked, Gu Jingyan, what does our matter have to do with others? What do you mean by calling the police?

Gu Jingyan was very dissatisfied with the tone of her question and said with a cold face, Why don't you ask your good friend what he did?

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