And since they were with him both times, Song Wanqian couldn't help but feel that he didn't take good care of Jiayu.

You are so capable. You are angry at Jiayu. Don't you know that she is not in good health? Can't you just say it well if you have something to say?

Isn't it just that I signed a contract with a star? What's the big deal? If she wants to sign it, let her sign it. It doesn't matter if the little star is popular or not. The family doesn't have such a small amount of money, so you still get angry!

Song Tianjun pursed his lips and said nothing.

Su Wanqin brought the water and persuaded, Forget it, Jiayu is fine. You, as long as it's Jiayu's matter, if there's any trouble, you'll go to war. Tianjun also thinks about the company. You don't know how much he protects Jiayu. Is it? It was nothing at first, but your scolding has ruined the relationship between the two children.

Song Jiayu was also awakened by the movement downstairs and came down from upstairs, Dad, I told you everything was fine, why did you call brother here again?

I'll just talk to him if nothing happens. If anything happens, I'll beat him up! Song Wanqian glanced at Song Tianjun, You don't have to worry about this matter. Just sign it. I can't afford to pay for the little girl my daughter signed. A star?

Song Tianjun tightened his lips and said, Dad, this is not about losing money.

Pah - Song Wanqian slammed the cup onto the table and said angrily, You still said that!

Tianjun, don't mess with your dad, Su Wanqin said, trying to be a peacemaker, He has high blood pressure and can't get angry. Let's just leave it like this for now. If there is really something wrong with the actor Jiayu signed, , just wait for him to make a mistake and look for an opportunity to resign, there is no need to hurt your father's heart because of this.

Song Tianjun clenched his hands tightly and finally said hmm for a long time.

He knew in his heart that Song Wanqian, Song Jiayu's daughter, was more at ease than his son.

Song Wanqian was a daughter slave, and the daughter he couldn't keep kept him awake at night every time he thought about it.

It took several years to get over the grief of losing his wife and daughter. A large part of the reason why he and Su Wanqin remarried was because of Song Jiayu.

The same age and the same thin body easily aroused Song Wanqian's longing for her daughter.

He held Song Jiayu in the palm of his hand and used her to express his longing. That's why he became so angry when he learned that Song Jiayu was ill.

He fears history repeating itself.

Song Tianjun thought about Song Wanqian's reaction if he learned that his sister was still alive.

His enthusiasm probably scared Ruoxing into moving overnight.

It's better to do Ruoxing's ideological work first. When the time comes, it will be logical to accept her home.

After Song Tianjun left, Su Wanqin started nagging about Song Wanqian.

You, don't be so angry when you talk about Tianjun. How old is Tianjun? Are you trying to make him think that if he has a stepmother, he will have a stepfather?

Song Wanqian sighed, I'm also angry. Besides, that guy is thick-skinned and honest, so he won't take it easy.

Song Tianjun really wouldn't take it easy. If he did, he would have been so angry with his father that he would have run away from home.

Yao Kexin posted on Weibo that afternoon.

[Thanks to @Qingshan Media for accompanying you all the way, and we can look forward to the future @YaTV Media]

After it was posted on Weibo, the topic # Yao Kexin signed a contract with YaTV Media # quickly became a hot search topic.

Everyone in the industry knows the background of YaTV Media.

It is said that there are not many artists signed at present, and Yao Kexin will be directly parachuted into the first sister. When the time comes, the resources will definitely be at a loss, and she can't help but make her peers envious.

However, this envy only lasted until the evening. Another topic # YaTV Media did not respond # also topped the hot search.

Yao Kexin officially announced her contract with ATV Media, but the official Weibo of ATV Media did not respond. Instead, it forwarded an official announcement photo of the queen's back posted on the official blog of Linglong Biography.

The actors of Linglong Biography have been released one after another, but only a few of them still maintain a sense of mystery.

One is an actor who plays the queen, and the other is an actor who plays the royal doctor.

Although the picture of the queen is from the back, it can still be seen that the actress has a very good figure. The earlobes exposed under the hat are as round as beads, and the skin is so white that it glows.

Now Yao Kexin's fans exploded.

Previously, they had a falling out with the officials of Linglong Biography because the role of the Queen was not played by Yao Kexin.

As a result, this new company forwarded this Weibo post. What does it mean?

Who are you trying to intimidate?

So the two entries # contract termination # rushed to the hot search.

Fans bravely opened the wheat for Steam and denounced YaTV Media.

Yao Kexin was originally overjoyed about signing the contract, but her face turned green when she saw the hot search, and she quickly contacted someone to suppress the hot search.

These stupid fans are crazy!

Yao Kexin was furious, I finally signed a contract with YaTV Media, but they came over to make trouble. After a few data brushes, they really thought they were the boss. They would dictate everything. I could sign whoever I wanted. Never mind their business!

Yan Xiaoou whispered, Cousin, please keep your voice down. Don't dare to say this to outsiders. Fans are our parents, so you can't scold me like this no matter what.

Fart's parents, they only gave me one million sales of that magazine last week. Do you know how many sales Li Qinghe had in the same period? It's almost twice as much as mine!

You say you like me, but if you like me, do you take some practical actions? They are everywhere that causes trouble!

Yan Xiaoou pursed his lips.

When brushing data, he shouted baby one after another. When he caused trouble, he opened his mouth and kept silent like a fool.

These fans who really care about her don't know how they would feel if they knew that the idol they fanned called them that in private.

Royal Garden Villa.

In one day, Kong Zheng's speed in answering multiple-choice questions has improved significantly.

Gu Jingyan also taught him calculus.

The look in Kong Zheng's eyes when he looked at Gu Jingyan had changed from doubt to admiration.

Brother-in-law, what major did you major in university?

Mechanical automation and physical electronics. Gu Jingyan paused, Double major.

Kong Zheng...

These two people find it very difficult to learn any one of them, but they actually practiced two. They are indeed not ordinary people.

No wonder he can solve physics and mathematics so well and his logical thinking is so strong.

Kong Zheng asked again, What majors does your company recruit?

Gu Jingyan glanced at him and said, Want to come to our company?

Kong Zheng nodded, Your company's salary is high.

Gu Jingyan...

Pretty honest.

There are professional restrictions on the recruitment information on the company website. You can check it out yourself. Gu Jingyan paused, Academic qualifications are only secondary. If you don't show decent skills, I will kick you out even if you are hired.

If you want to kick me out, I'll go find Sister Xing.

Gu Jingyan took a sip of tea casually and said, It's useless for you to find anyone.

Kong Zheng's cell phone vibrated. He glanced at it and suddenly said, Sister Xing's phone number.

Gu Jingyan's hand shook and some water spilled out. He didn't care and immediately took Kong Zheng's cell phone.

Take a look at the results.

Customer service call at 10086.

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