Mrs. Chen's face froze and she cursed, What nonsense are you talking about!

Qiao Ruoxing curled her lips, Mrs. Chen, do you still remember that Mr. Chen insisted on renting Longhu to me?

Mrs. Chen's face darkened, obviously thinking about it.

At that time, Qiao Ruoxing wanted to rent Longhu. She followed Zhong Meilan's instructions and sent Qiao Ruoxing away because Longhu was rented by others.

But only two days later, her husband suddenly asked about the rental of Longfor.

She proudly told her husband how she fooled Qiao Ruoxing away.

She thought she would be praised, but Chen Yeping scolded her.

He scolded her for being short-sighted and asked her not to get involved in the internal disputes between Zhong Meilan and Qiao Ruoxing's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. They said that the Gu family would belong to Gu Jingyan sooner or later, and it would not be good for them to offend Qiao Ruoxing.

Mrs. Chen disagreed. Qiao Ruoxing couldn't even give birth to a child, so it was uncertain whether she could secure her position as the granddaughter-in-law of Gu's parents.

But her husband got very angry and insisted on asking her to rent Longhu to Qiao Ruoxing.

Regardless of Mrs. Chen's character, she is absolutely devoted to Mr. Chen.

When Chen Yeping got angry, she was a little helpless. After all, they had been married for twenty or thirty years and rarely blushed because of quarrels.

Chen Yeping's attitude was very resolute, so Mrs. Chen could only rent the venue to Qiao Ruoxing.

As it turned out, something happened to Qiao Ruoxing's family before they rented it out. Then she divorced Gu Jingyan, so the planning of the birthday banquet naturally had nothing to do with her.

In fact, Mrs. Chen was also very puzzled as to why Chen Yeping suddenly intervened in this matter. He had always allowed himself to have a good relationship with Zhong Meilan before.

Moreover, how did Qiao Ruoxing know that her husband had mentioned this to her?

Mrs. Chen thought for a moment and said, Did you ask Jingyan to tell my husband? She smiled and said, You can only rely on your skills as a man.

Qiao Ruoxing glanced at her, I can deal with you myself, and I don't need him.

Mr. Chen speaks for me because he has something in my hands.

Qiao Ruoxing lowered her eyes and swiped the phone a few times, then raised her eyebrows at her, Mrs. Chen, please open the phone and take a look.

Mrs. Chen frowned and took out her phone to see that Qiao Ruoxing had sent her many photos on WeChat.

She clicked it suspiciously, and her face instantly turned pale.

That photo was a photo of Chen Yeping and the little star named Feng.

Some are holding hands, some are hugging, and some are even fooling around in the car...

That's not all. Scroll back and there is a photo of a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy.

The young man's appearance is exactly like that of Chen Yeping when he was young!

No matter how blind Mrs. Chen is, she can still see the relationship between this young man and Chen Yeping.

She was breathing hard, as if someone had pinched her neck, or as if she had been hit in the head.

Scroll further down, and there are actually photos of Chen Yeping attending some banquets with that vixen and that little bastard, and there is actually Chung Meilan in the photo!

Mrs. Chen's face was pale, her mind was dizzy, and she was even holding the phone a little unsteadily.

She stared at Qiao Ruoxing like a ghost, You must have found someone to forge these photos, just to alienate our relationship!

Qiao Ruoxing sighed softly, Mrs. Chen, I have no enmity with you. Do I need to fake these things to destroy your family? What good does that do to me?

Mrs. Chen still wanted to struggle, Why don't you have a purpose? You and Zhong Meilan don't get along, and you want to use me against her...

Mrs. Chen, Qiao Ruoxing interrupted her, Look at the date when Zhong Meilan took the photo with them. She knew about Mr. Chen and the little star before you asked her to borrow money to settle the matter with the little star.

Qiao Ruoxing emphasized, She always knew.

Mrs. Chen's eyes were red, I have done so many shameful things for her, and this is what she did to me!

Qiao Ruoxing reached her goal, patted her shoulder with a look of compassion, and took the opportunity to rub the cake on her hand onto her dress.

Think more of yourself. After all, you still have three daughters.

After that, he took the plate and went to spread the cake.

As for Mrs. Chen, let her suffer.

If she doesn't feel uncomfortable, she will make herself uncomfortable.

Mrs. Chen looked down at the photo, her fingers trembling uncontrollably.

Chen Yeping's promotion journey was so smooth, and she was indispensable for helping him manage things behind the scenes.

She did all the dirty things herself.

She always thought that she was different from the married wives in the wife circle. She and her husband were in free love, and they were true love.

They have been husband and wife for many years and have always been in love as ever. Chen Yeping would carefully choose a gift for her every holiday, which is also the envy of the wives.

It's easy to get a wish-fulfilling treasure, but it's hard to find a lover.

The only dark spot in her marriage was the little star who wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to become a leader.

He discovered this eight years ago. At that time, Chen Yeping said that he had been set up and apologized to her and begged her for forgiveness. When she proposed to send the little star away, he agreed without hesitation. .

In order to get rid of the little star, she did not hesitate to abandon her face in front of Zhong Meilan, tear off the fig leaf of marriage and ask her to borrow money.

As a result, she was the only one who was kept in the dark from beginning to end.

Zhong Meilan knew about Chen Yeping's cheating earlier than she did!

Thinking of Zhong Meilan's words to comfort her, she suddenly felt like maggots crawling on her body, which made her want to vomit.

Zhong Meilan never regarded her as a friend. She could say whatever she wanted. Even in front of so many people, he did not give her any face when he scolded her.

For the sake of Chen Yeping's career, she endured it again and again.

In the end, she was the stupidest one!

Why are you still standing here? Zhong Meilan's voice came from behind.

Mrs. Chen turned around, her eyes were red and her face was gray.

Zhong Meilan was startled, What's wrong with you?

Mrs. Chen pursed her lips and said calmly, It's okay. Sand got into my eyes. What's wrong, Sister Lan?

Zhong Meilan frowned, Where are the fireworks you prepared? It's almost time, why are you still writing here? Didn't I tell you that tonight's fireworks are important? Can we have some snacks?

Mrs. Chen clenched her hands and stared at Zhong Meilan's arrogant face. She wanted to rush up and scratch her face!

She swallowed the stagnation in her chest, lowered her eyebrows and said, I'll go right away.

Zhong Meilan's expression relaxed a little, Go quickly, don't worry about your husband's affairs, I will take care of it for you.

Mrs. Chen responded expressionlessly.

She wouldn't let her go so easily, as well as Chen Yeping and that little bitch!

Smile, cake! Hurry up! Qiao Ruoxing held two plates, one in each hand. They were full. Before anyone could reach them, the small paper plate on which the cake was placed was almost bent.

Gu Jingyan stepped forward to help her take it.

Looking at the two plates of cakes that were packed like a fortress, the corners of his eyes twitched, After you finish this plate, why don't you let you eat the second plate? It's so full!

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