Qiao Ruoxing took out the red envelope and squeezed it gently. It was still a little thick.

She raised her eyes and said to Shen Qingchuan, At least two thousand.

Shen Qingchuan also pinched it, It's more than two thousand. If this is new money, it will be at least three thousand.

Three thousand new dollars are not that thin.

It must be three thousand, otherwise the red envelope wouldn't be so big.

Gu Jingyan...

He suddenly felt a little embarrassed standing next to these two people.

Under Shen Qingchuan's encouragement, Qiao Ruoxing quietly opened the red envelope.

With an excited heart and trembling hands, I opened it and saw nothing.

Inside is another smaller red envelope.

Qiao Ruoxing...

Shen Qingchuan touched his chin, If that's the case, it might be as you said, it's two thousand.

Qiao Ruoxing opened this layer of red envelopes again, but there was another layer of red envelopes inside.

Now both of them were silent.

Shen Qingchuan pondered, It can't be a thousand, right?

One thousand is money, Qiao Ruoxing simply opened the third layer of red envelopes.

He reached out and touched it, and saw something thick like a card.

Qiao Ruoxing paused.

Shen Qingchuan was extremely anxious beside him, How much is it?

Qiao Ruoxing said, It seems to be a card.

Shen Qingchuan's eyes became a little round, Grandma must be generous. Take it out and check how much it costs.

Qiao Ruoxing reached out and took out the card inside.

Then, all three fell silent.

What kind of bank card is this? This is a plasticized single photo of Gu Jingyan.

The photo was taken when Gu Jingyan was in college. In the background, you can vaguely tell it is the playground of T University, because the experimental building of T University is too conspicuous, and the shape of the pants has not changed for more than ten years.

Gu Jingyan in the photo is obviously much younger. He is wearing a football uniform and sitting on the grass. His hair is wet and pushed back, revealing his handsome face. He is holding water in one hand and looking at the camera with a calm expression.

That appearance is much better than the most popular little guy in the circle nowadays.

This was the first time Qiao Ruoxing saw photos of Gu Jingyan from his college days.

Gu Jingyan didn't like taking pictures. Many of the photos were from her childhood, and most of them were stored with her grandma. When she went to the old house before, her grandma looked through them for her, but she had never seen this one.

However, the expression on his face when taking photos was as cool as ever.

There are words behind it.

Shen Qingchuan suddenly said.

Qiao Ruoxing turned over and took a look, her temples jumped hard.

There is only one word on the back of the photo - gift.

Gu Jingyan...

Shen Qingchuan's eyes wandered back and forth between the two of them, and he suddenly smiled and said, Grandma is very generous. I give you my most precious treasure.

Qiao Ruoxing said, I'll sell you the baby for three thousand yuan.

The corners of Gu Jingyan's mouth twitched.

Is he only worth three thousand dollars?

Shen Qingchuan waved his hands hurriedly, I can't afford it.

Qiao Ruoxing stopped talking and stuffed the photo into Gu Jingyan's suit pocket, I'm going to get something to eat. He hadn't eaten much since noon, so he was a little hungry.

As soon as Qiao Ruoxing left, Shen Qingchuan looked at Gu Jingyan with a smile.

Sending photos is so boring. Next time I pack them up and send them over, she might just accept them.

Gu Jingyan glanced at him, Have you seen too many bloody scenes?

He didn't know about the red envelope. When Qiao Ruoxing took out the photo, Gu Jingyan was also surprised.

But thinking that it was given by an old lady, I felt that it was in line with her usual style.

Shen Qingchuan said, Qiao Ruoxing still likes your face. Didn't you see her expression when she looked at the photo just now? Her eyes lit up.

Gu Jingyan paused, Is there any?

If she doesn't like it and sees you, her first reaction should be disgusting, but just now, she took a look at the photo five times! Qiao Ruoxing is a face control person. Look at the accounts she follows. They all have handsome faces and good figures. How can you put off those little internet celebrities with your face?

Gu Jingyan frowned, You compare me with those people?

Shen Qingchuan was speechless, Is this the point? The point is that Qiao Ruoxing likes your face. This is your advantage!

Gu Jingyan glanced at him and said, Do you still need to tell me?

Qiao Ruoxing likes his face, he has known it for a long time.

When she came out of the operating room after a car accident, and he went to see her, she had not worn off the anesthesia and was in a daze.

The doctor asked him to talk to her and see if she was conscious.

As a result, before he opened his mouth, Qiao Ruoxing opened her eyes, narrowed her eyes and called him brother, praised him a lot of nice things in his face, and asked for his contact information in vain.

Gu Jingyan knew what his face looked like, and Shen Qingchuan would sigh every time, saying that if he looked like him, he wouldn't even need to open his mouth to chase girls. Wherever he stopped, girls would come and strike up a conversation.

But with this face on Gu Jingyan, few girls came forward to chat with him.

Because his expression is always cold and alienating.

But Qiao Ruoxing dared.

Not only was she staring straight at him, her flirtatious words were even less noticeable.

Gu Jingyan was very disgusted with this kind of woman who only looked at her appearance superficially, but when Qiao Ruoxing was lying on the hospital bed and praising him with her tongue out loud, he felt a strange feeling in his heart.

Later, after I got married to Qiao Ruoxing, I had a clearer understanding of Qiao Ruoxing's appearance control and shamelessness.

Although he has never had a relationship with another woman, according to common sense, a woman should be ashamed to talk about it for the first time.

But Qiao Ruoxing is different.

It was Qiao Ruoxing who took the initiative to consummate their marriage.

He was afraid that the two of them would be embarrassed, so he wanted to turn off the light at that time, but Qiao Ruoxing refused to let him turn it off.

She just looked at him directly, which made him feel a little embarrassed.

It was not smooth at first. He caused Qiao Ruoxing some pain. When Gu Jingyan saw that her face was really ugly, he wanted to quit. However, she held his face and said, It won't hurt as much when I look at your face.

Gu Jingyan had clearly felt Mrs. Gu's superficiality early on.

Shen Qingchuan was so angry that he was itching his teeth and struck him mercilessly, Now someone better-looking than you has appeared. Look at Song Tianjun, can you compare to his face?

Gu Jingyan paused and looked at Song Tianjun.

The latter had followed Qiao Ruoxing at some point.

Song Tianjun took a food tote and gave Qiao Ruoxing a mango pie, and said warmly, It's so delicious.

Qiao Ruoxing said politely, Thank you, Mr. Song.

Jiayu was not sensible just now. I have already told her.

Qiao Ruoxing smiled and said, Miss Song's calligraphy is indeed good, I just took advantage of it.

Song Tianjun said, You haven't practiced. If you practice well, your writing will not be worse than hers.

The education she received since childhood was different. He Yurou had tried her best to cultivate Qiao Ruoxing to grow up like this.

With Ms. He's protection, Ah Xing's childhood was less painful. Even so, he was sad to think that Qiao Ruoxing was forced to marry Gu Jingyan in order to save He Yurou's life.

His sister deserved better.

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