In fact, the ladies were also discussing in private the matter of Gu Jingyan and Qiao Ruoxing's divorce.

Although not everyone likes Qiao Ruoxing that much, it is true that Qiao Ruoxing lost her mother and divorced the Gu family.

Chung Mei-lan had been marketing her image as a good mother-in-law in the past. As a result, her son got divorced. She was not too anxious. She was still in the mood to compete with her second wife for the right to host the birthday party. It was really not up to her previous persona. The wives I couldn't help but murmur in my heart.

It's not easy for a couple to live together. It's fate that we get together. That's what I always advise Jingyan. But this is just what we parents think. Young people are stubborn and no one can stop them if they get into trouble. Jingyan Yan and I can talk about it, but if Xing gets screwed, even I can't do anything about it, presumably because our mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have a close relationship.

These words cleverly put the blame on Qiao Ruoxing's head.

The implication is that I don't want them to divorce, but I can't persuade Qiao Ruoxing to initiate a divorce.

A lady said, An unlucky person is not worthy of entering a blessed family. Let me tell you, this marriage is a good one, but that Qiao Ruoxing is fair and fair. Who knew she was an illegitimate daughter? Doesn't this ruin the reputation of the Gu family? ?”

Fortunately, she is self-aware and divorced herself first. It would be troublesome if she refused to divorce and kept pestering Jingyan.

Who says it's not the case? Fortunately, I left early. With Jingyan's conditions, he has to find someone who is well-matched.

Someone has seen Qiao Ruoxing in Shiyouwei before, and she seems to be pestering Jingyan.

After you got divorced and found out you were an illegitimate daughter, do you regret it?

Zhong Meilan sighed, It's not easy for her as a divorced woman. When you see her in the future, please help me take care of her.

Mrs. Chen said, Sister Lan is still soft-hearted.

The ladies quickly changed the subject, Sister Lan, your ring looks nice.

A wife noticed with sharp eyes that the diamond ring on Chung Mei-lan's index finger was the seven-carat pink diamond that was auctioned at the Mo Shiyun Jewelry Exhibition a while ago.

Zhong Meilan smiled lightly, Jingyang chose it for me. The child likes it very much. It looks good to me. Let's wear it for fun.

Six to seven million worth of stuff to wear and play with.

The ladies felt sour in their hearts, there was still a gap between a wealthy family and a top wealthy family.

Chung Mei-lan's entire wardrobe costs at least tens of millions, and the terrible thing is that this outfit is not even the most expensive in her cupboard.

That's the difference.

The ladies were chatting happily when someone suddenly said, Why is Qiao Ruoxing here?

All the ladies were stunned and turned to look over.

Qiao Ruoxing came in a taro-colored dress and a French retro hairstyle.

On her slender and white neck, she wore an extremely bright diamond necklace. The bright lights at the scene made the necklace even more dazzling.

Beside her, Gu Jingyan was putting his coat on her body. When he put it on, Qiao Ruoxing waved it off. Gu Jingyan put it on again, Qiao Ruoxing waved it off again... repeated many times.

Ladies and gentlemen...

Didn't you mean that Qiao Ruoxing was pestering Gu Jingyan?

No matter how you look at this posture, it looks like Gu Jingyan is pestering Qiao Ruoxing.

Zhong Meilan frowned, but she didn't expect Qiao Ruoxing to have the nerve to come!

She took a deep breath and called out with dignity, Jingyan.

Gu Jingyan made a move and his clothes were thrown off by Qiao Ruoxing.

Qiao Ruoxing naturally heard Zhong Meilan's voice, turned her head and raised the corners of her lips, Mrs. Gu, long time no see.

Zhong Meilan's eyes darkened, but she still had a decent smile on her face, Ruoxing, why are you here?

Qiao Ruoxing said calmly, Isn't Mrs. Gu the organizer of this birthday banquet? Why doesn't she even know who is on the list of grandma's invitations?

Zhong Meilan pressed her lips, Of course I know the old lady invited you, but I was thinking that after such a big thing happened in your family, you shouldn't be in the mood to come over. But I underestimated your self-regulation ability.

Qiao Ruoxing glanced at her and said directly that it was enough to underestimate her face, which was quite subtle.

Originally I wasn't in the mood, but Gu Jingyan calls me every day and it annoys me so much that I just have to give him some face. After all, we are just a couple. If I don't care about your face, I have to care about his.

Zhong Meilan looked at Gu Jingyan with a sullen face.

He didn't even refute a word, as if he believed what she said.

Zhong Meilan is a troublesome, worthless thing!

Jingyan is filial. He just doesn't want to make the old lady sad on the big day.

The implication is that the call is for the old lady, so don't think too highly of yourself.

Qiao Ruoxing curled her lips, You are quite filial. You were afraid that I wouldn't come, so you gave me a necklace. She touched the red diamond under her neck as she spoke, Forty-seven million is still very attractive. of.

Gu Jingyan glanced at her and said nothing, letting her continue to brag.

Zhong Meilan was startled and her face darkened instantly.

The ladies behind him were in a frenzy.

Just now everyone was discussing whether the diamond necklace on Qiao Ruoxing's neck was real or fake, and the next second the price was revealed.

Not only that, this necklace was given by Gu Jingyan. Aren't they divorced? Is this lonely?

And after the divorce, Qiao Ruoxing was completely different from her previous state.

In the past, when she was around Zhong Meilan, she always lowered her eyebrows and shrank. She didn't dare to say another thing when Zhong Meilan said one thing.

Why is it that after a divorce, people are as if they have changed their minds? No matter how slow the reaction was to those words just now, everyone could tell that the ex-mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were talking like a gun and a stick.

But obviously, Zhong Meilan is slightly inferior.

This 47 million necklace alone directly defeated Zhong Meilan.

In front of this 47 million necklace, the 7 million pink diamond ring on her hand instantly became less eye-catching.

Zhong Meilan clenched her hands and suppressed her tone, You divorced Jingyan and left home. It's normal that he wants to compensate you. Forty to fifty million is nothing to the Gu family.

Qiao Ruoxing turned to look at Gu Jingyan, Your mother said it's nothing, so why don't you give me a few more.

Or do you want to be a leash?

Gu Jingyan glanced at her and said Okay lightly.

Ladies and gentlemen...

Zhong Meilan almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

She suppressed her anger and said to Gu Jingyan, Jingyan, Jingyang and Jingran have gone to celebrate the old lady's birthday. You should hurry up and don't let people laugh at the wrong time.

Gu Jingyan looked at Qiao Ruoxing and said, Let's go together.

Qiao Ruoxing said calmly, You are the eldest grandson and I am an outsider. Go to hell. I will go when it's my turn.

Gu Jingyan frowned.

He was not worried about leaving Qiao Ruoxing here. Zhong Meilan's evil deeds had exceeded his imagination. She would suffer a loss if she stayed here alone.

Qiao Ruoxing coaxed him with a soft voice, Go quickly, I'll wait for you.

If Gu Jingyan refused to leave, she was still worried that he was protecting his mother.

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