These words are high-sounding.

Others look for women because they spend a lot of time and alcohol, but he has no choice but to look for women because his wife is in a vegetative state and cannot satisfy him.

It seems that if the reason is changed, this behavior becomes more reasonable.

Humans are not animals, so what are their physiological needs?

Or are men so shameless when it comes to cheating? Put all the blame on women?

If your mother was alive and well, I would never find another woman. I built the company with her through thick and thin. That feeling cannot be replaced by others.

If he hadn't been in a hurry to get divorced not long after He Yurou's accident, Qiao Ruoxing would have believed his lies!

If it weren't for the fact that she was now married to Gu Jingyan and was still useful to the Qiao family, why would he care about He Yurou's life and death? Not getting divorced was just to contain He Yurou in the name of taking care of her.

Qiao Ruoxing didn't have much expression on her face, she just asked, What's that woman's name?

Qiao Xusheng paused for a moment, What do you call her? If you don't like her, we won't see her again.

Qiao Xusheng obviously didn't want to continue this topic, so he asked instead, Have you delivered all the things I asked you to deliver before?

Qiao Ruoxing pursed her lips and said hmm.

You came out with Jingyan?

No, with friends.

Qiao Xusheng frowned, Married people, don't just play around all day long. Use this time to think about how to please Xia Jingyan. You have been married for so many years and you don't even have a child. What do you want the Gu family to think? Want to have sex with you?

Qiao Ruoxing felt physically nauseous hearing these words. Every word reminded her of the nature of this marriage. She and Gu Jingyan had never been fair and reciprocal. What she wanted to do was to please his husband so that he could treat her better. Joe's shelter.

How could Gu Jingyan think highly of her in such a purposeful marriage?

Qiao Xusheng wanted to continue preaching, but his cell phone rang suddenly. After answering the call, he turned to Qiao Ruoxing and said, I have something to do at the company, so I'll leave first. If you have nothing to do, go home early. Jingyan has to work all day, so at least give him a warm meal. meal.

After Qiao Xusheng left, Tang Xiaoxiao, who was hiding in the dark, came out and cursed, Your dad is really good. He feels sorry for his daughter without seeing him, but he feels sorry for his son-in-law and son... No, just like his uncle, Gu Jingyan likes girls. , if he likes men, your dad will probably want to go into battle himself!

Qiao Ruoxing was used to Qiao Xusheng's snobbery. She turned to Tang Xiaoxiao and asked, Is the dash cam on in the car?

It's open, what's wrong?

Qiao Ruoxing got into the car and exported the footage captured by the recorder.

Because the angle was not good, he only briefly captured the face of the woman who was with Qiao Xusheng. Qiao Ruoxing cut out the picture and stared at the woman without knowing what she was thinking.

Is there a problem? Tang Xiaoxiao asked.

Qiao Ruoxing was silent for a moment and whispered, I always feel like I have seen the woman who was with Qiao Xusheng just now somewhere.

Especially when she asked Qiao Xusheng the name of the woman, Qiao Xusheng gave a cryptic answer, which made her feel that it was not her illusion.

Where have you seen it?

Qiao Ruoxing shook his head, I can't remember.

Then let's eat first and think about it while eating. If it doesn't work out, we'll find a private detective to investigate and make Auntie feel bad.

Qiao Ruoxing smiled. If He Yurou had been awake, she might have been in an uproar. She was a woman who couldn't tolerate sand in her eyes.

Qiao Ruoxing herself would not bring matters to that point. She just wanted to find out who that person was and why he looked so familiar to her.

The next day, Qiao Ruoxing was woken up by her mobile phone while she was still sleeping.

She frowned and answered the question, then said sleepily, Hey, who's there?

Ruoxing, aren't you up yet?

The steady female voice over there instantly frightened Qiao Ruoxing. She hurriedly climbed out of bed, cleared her throat, and whispered, Mom? Is something okay?

Zhong Meilan said calmly, A few friends are coming to play at home today. Come and help entertain them.

Qiao Ruo I’m not very good at talking and I’m afraid of being left out.”

Jingyang went out with friends, otherwise I wouldn't call you. You will have to deal with a lot of things when you go out with Jingyan in the future. Is it possible that you avoid it every time? If word spreads, outsiders will think that we are the daughter-in-law of the Gu family. How unattractive it is.

Qiao Ruoxing shut her mouth.

Get ready and come here early.

After saying these words, Zhong Meilan died.

There was no other way, Qiao Ruoxing could only pack up and go to Zhong Meilan's residence.

Zhong Meilan was a famous lady in Jiangcheng when she was young. After marrying into the Gu family, as the Gu family became famous, her status in the circle of wives also increased day by day. She often invited some wives who had business dealings with the Gu family to go out to get together. They said it was to exchange feelings, but in fact they were to exchange tests. some information.

It is best for men to convey things privately to women if it is difficult for men to speak out.

At around ten o'clock in the morning, the three ladies arrived. Mrs. Li and Mrs. Chen, Qiao Ruoxing, had met before and were considered acquaintances. There was also Mrs. Bai, whom Qiao Ruoxing had not seen before and looked quite unfamiliar.

She couldn't tell that Mrs. Bai was any different from the other two ladies just from her dress, but when they talked, she clearly felt that Mrs. Bai was more arrogant, and Mrs. Li and Mrs. Chen were obviously a little bit giving in to her. Even Zhong Meilan is closer to her than others.

When Qiao Ruoxing delivered the fruit plate, Mrs. Bai raised her eyelids and glanced at her from top to bottom, and said leisurely, Sister Lan, this is your daughter-in-law. She is quite pretty.

Zhong Meilan smiled lightly but did not answer.

Qiao Ruoxing put down her things and retreated.

When Mrs. Chen saw her walking away, she said, Sister Lan, how effective is the medicine you took earlier? Is there any news?

Haven't heard yet.

This is the doctor we have been to. No matter what, we should be pregnant. Is there anything wrong with her?

Zhong Meilan lowered her eyes and said calmly, There is nothing wrong with the physical examination. I don't know why?

What's wrong? Could it be that her horoscope is not compatible with your family Jingyan?

Mrs. Li said, Do you still need to read your horoscopes? From family background to upbringing, how can she be compatible with the Gu family? I don't know what the old lady likes about her?

I heard that she and her mother were in a car accident together. The co-pilot was the most seriously injured at the time. As a result, she was fine and fine while sitting in the co-pilot, but her mother became a vegetative state. What do you think is evil? Not evil?

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