Two people died and one was injured. The compensation of more than one million yuan was really too little. It was strange that these passengers didn't make a fuss.

But with the Qiao driver line, the passenger side is not very important.

As long as we can get something out of the driver's mouth, we might be able to follow the clues and find the truth.

Qiao Ruoxing was very satisfied with the progress and paid the second payment neatly.

When finishing work in the afternoon, Mrs. Gu called.

Ruoxing, Lao Qin recently made a lot of dried mangoes. I couldn't eat them, so I sent some to you. Have you tasted them?

Qiao Ruoxing remembered the WeChat message Tang Xiaoxiao sent in the morning, saying that she had signed for a large box of dried mangoes. It turned out to be from the old lady.

Her eyes softened and she whispered, I haven't gone home yet, but what Uncle Qin did is definitely not bad.

Old Qin is reliable in his work, the old lady praised Uncle Qin a few words, and then said, For my birthday next Wednesday, Old Qin has ordered a giant cake with a layer of mangoes. I will ask Jingyan to pick you up when the time comes. eat more.

Qiao Ruoxing made a move, Grandma, I'm going to go...isn't it appropriate?

What's inappropriate? You and Jingyan are divorced, so you don't recognize me as your grandma?

That's not what I meant. You will always be my elder, Qiao Ruoxing whispered, It's just that I am divorced from Gu Jingyan. He will be embarrassed when I arrive. The day before your birthday, I will go to see you. Our little one Is it okay to wait a while?”

After the divorce, Qiao Ruoxing mercilessly threw the blame on Gu Jingyan.

He's so embarrassed! He's so embarrassed that he leaves. It's my birthday, so I just want to invite the people I like to celebrate my birthday.

The old lady sighed as she spoke, This eightieth birthday is basically the last big birthday party in this life. I just want to make it a perfect one. If you are really embarrassed, forget it. Anyway, I, an old woman, don't You only have a few years to live, just live in a daze, just like Lao Qin said, don’t always cause trouble for the children.

The corners of Lao Qin's eyes twitched?

Is this what he said?

When Qiao Ruoxing heard this, she immediately softened.

The doctor said that you are in good health and will definitely live a long life. Then he paused and whispered, I'll just go. Don't keep saying unlucky things.

The old lady immediately smiled and asked her a few questions about her recent situation before hanging up the phone.

At the same time, Mo Mingxuan's case regarding property division was also in full swing.

When Qiao Xusheng received the court summons, he almost died of anger.

Qiao Siyao's propaganda incident had an impact on the company. This time Qiao Ruoxing's divorce caused him to lose a lot of orders.

He was so busy filling these holes that he didn't even have time to settle accounts with Qiao Ruoxing. She came to him first!

Qiao Xusheng called Qiao Ruoxing immediately. Not surprisingly, his treatment was no better than Gu Jingyan's.

Qiao Xusheng threw away his phone and cursed angrily, White-eyed wolf! Why did I raise this white-eyed wolf! I provided her with food and drink, but now that her wings are hardened, she wants to rebel!

Qiao Ruoxing did not contact him, but her lawyer did.

The other party's request should not be too direct: if you want to be private, just leave the house.

Is this going to be private?

This is a tough fight with him!

The company he worked so hard for wanted to take it away from him, dream!

Bai Huizhu picked up the phone, put it on the table, and said warmly, Brother Sheng, don't be angry, your health is important.

Look at this summons, Qiao Xusheng threw the thing in his hand to her, I asked her why she was so peaceful during the divorce. It turned out that she was planning this matter! She thought that just with the little things in her hand, she could Can you win the case?

Bai Huizhu pursed her lips and said, Brother Sheng, the lawsuit is not the most important thing. Master Li and his family just contacted me.


Qiao Xusheng didn't react for a while.

Bai Huizhu whispered, The driver from before.

Qiao Xusheng frowned, Why is he calling?

Someone went to their town to investigate him.

Qiao Xusheng's face changed slightly, Who is it?

I don't know, but Brother Sheng, if you were to check Master Li at this time, who do you think it would be?

Qiao Xusheng's expression became solemn, You mean... Ruoxing?

Brother Sheng, Qiao Ruoxing knows that He Yurou filed for divorce with you seven years ago, and she still has the evidence that He Yurou dumped in her hand. It is impossible for Qiao Ruoxing not to doubt the car accident and the division of property. As long as she can find a reliable Qiao Ruoxing's lawyer may not be able to succeed, but if she finds out something, it won't be a matter of losing a few dollars.

Qiao Xusheng's face turned pale. He tried his best to calm down and said, The vehicles involved have been destroyed and the police have concluded. Even if she finds something without evidence, what kind of trouble will it cause? As for the lawsuit, it will be settled in the worst case. She counts money, isn’t that why she cares about this?”

Bai Huizhu was not so optimistic, Brother Sheng, you underestimated Qiao Ruoxing. She dared to divorce Gu Jingyan directly after He Yurou's death. That means that money is not important in her heart at all. What is important is He Yurou.

Think about it, when you asked her to attend these banquets and wanted to use her for marriage, was it because of He Yurou that she couldn't refuse you? He Yurou raised her up, and she respected He Yurou far more than she did you. Much more, now that I have discovered that there may be something wrong with He Yurou’s car accident, she will never let it go, and she will bite us all and go to hell together!”

Hearing the word hell, Qiao Xusheng's hands shook unconsciously, and the image of He Yurou covered in blood and being dumped on the road seemed to appear in front of his eyes, and his lips were faintly white.

Then what do you think we should do? She has already started to investigate. If we make other moves at this time, won't she be more suspicious?

Bai Huizhu curled her lips and said, Brother Sheng, just accept this summons and we will fight this lawsuit with her. It's not yet certain who will win and who will lose. Once the lawsuit is over, I will keep her in mind and she will no longer be in the mood to investigate the past. car accident.

Qiao Xusheng was worried, but at this moment, he could only believe in Bai Huizhu.

They are grasshoppers on the same boat, enjoying both prosperity and disgrace.

In the property division case, Qiao Xusheng's lawyer quickly contacted Mo Mingxuan.

After the two parties connected, the court date was adjusted to next Monday.

The original time was one month later, but Qiao Xusheng filed an application with the court. After negotiation between the two parties, the court date was adjusted.

Qiao Ruoxing felt puzzled. With Qiao Xusheng's character, the lawsuit would definitely be delayed as long as possible. She even thought about the court opening and he wouldn't even come back and would only let the attorney come.

Unexpectedly, the other party agreed quite simply.

Does he think this lawsuit is a sure thing?

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