Gu Jingyang's mouth hurt and he couldn't eat anything, so he knocked the bowl and chopsticks to the ground angrily.

The nanny squatted on the ground to tidy up tremblingly. She grabbed the glass and smashed it directly at the nanny's feet.

The flying glass scratched people's hands, and blood instantly overflowed.

Get out! Get out of here!

As soon as she finished yelling, she clutched her cheeks in pain.

Why are you angry at Auntie?

Zhong Meilan scolded her, turned to the nanny and said, Stop cleaning it up. Treat the wound first.

The nanny responded and left.

Zhong Meilan picked up another bowl of porridge and handed it to Gu Jingyang, This bowl is cooler, eat slowly.

In the past few days, due to the wound in his mouth, Gu Jingyang had difficulty eating. He had lost weight, and his nutrition had not kept up. Not only had he lost weight, his complexion also became very poor.

Coupled with the constant pain, her already bad temper became extremely irritable.

I don't want to eat, Mom, it hurts so much...

she said, sobbing quietly.

Zhong Meilan looked at her daughter who had gathered around her, pressed her lips tightly, and said after a long time, Eat well and heal the wound first. Don't worry, Mom won't just let this matter go.


Tang Xiaoxiao was waiting outside. When Qiao Ruoxing came out of Mrs. Chen's place, she asked anxiously, How is it? Have the negotiations been completed?

Qiao Ruoxing shook her head, The boss of Longhu is Mrs. Chen.

Tang Xiaoxiao was stunned, Is that Mrs. Chen who won hundreds of thousands of dollars from you and always gave you a stumbling block?

Qiao Ruoxing nodded.

We are enemies on a narrow road. How could it be her? Does she hold a grudge and deliberately not rent to you?

It's possible.

The probability of this possibility should be very high.

It was impossible for Mrs. Chen not to know that the Gu family was going to hold a birthday banquet. Zhong Meilan had been worrying about this matter early in the morning. She would definitely leave the venue to Zhong Meilan. As a result, Zhong Meilan did not win the right to host this year, so Mrs. Chen rented out the venue immediately. This is also What a coincidence, right?

How about... Tang Xiaoxiao tentatively asked, Ask Gu Jingyan for help? Mrs. Chen has to sell his face, right?

Qiao Ruoxing said nothing.

To be honest, she and Gu Jingyan hadn't spoken much since the incident between her great-grandfather and Gu Jingyang.

Now she licked her face and begged him for something. She couldn't let go of her pride.

Tang Xiaoxiao sighed, she was trying her best, but why did Gu Jingyan make Ah Xing angry because he didn't do his best?

By the way, Mr. Song can help. Didn't he say he owes you a favor? Just in time, ask him for help to return the favor.

I'd better think of another way.

Song Tianjun helped her get rid of suspicion for no reason. She really felt a little bit wrong about this person.

He's so good, why should he help me?

Not to mention the life-saving grace, the Bentley would have been paid off long ago.

I'm afraid that if she finds someone to help, and someone else has other purposes, it will be even harder for her to get off the hook, and it will be even more difficult for her to end.

She still had to solve the venue issue herself.

Tang Xiaoxiao started the car, Let's go, accompany me to the hospital first, and think about it slowly on the way.

Qiao Ruoxing was surprised, Are you feeling uncomfortable?

I've been feeling a little pain in my chest lately. It feels like there's a lump inside. I want to go to the hospital for a checkup. I'm scared to be alone.

Qiao Ruoxing frowned, Why didn't you tell me earlier? How long has it been hurting?

It's been several months. Sometimes it hurts and sometimes it doesn't. The pain has been severe these past few days.

Qiao Ruoxing was really pissed off by her, It's been hurting for several months and you didn't even think of checking it out? There's something really wrong, and the delay has caused you to die!

Tang Xiaoxiao immediately became frightened, There won't be anything serious, right? Don't scare me. My second aunt has breast cancer. Is this disease hereditary? Could it be that I have breast cancer? I'm not even married yet. Is this necessary? If my breasts are removed during surgery, how can I get married in the future?

Qiao Ruoxing...

She said angrily, If it doesn't work out, change your gender.

Tang Xiaoxiao suddenly became dissatisfied, I haven't experienced the joy of being a woman yet. You want me to change gender? Even if I want to change gender, I have to sleep with a man before I change.

Qiao Ruoxing...

Why would she answer Tang Xiaoxiao's mindless remarks?

I thought that if I registered on the road, I would be able to get in line quickly when I arrived at the hospital, but it turned out that there were so many people in the breast surgery department.

And many of them are women about the same age as them.

I don’t know if it’s because women have been under increasing pressure in recent years, but I always feel that the age of onset of breast disease is getting younger and younger.

She originally wanted to turn around and comfort Tang Xiaoxiao, but it turned out that this guy had already started playing the game.

The corner of Qiao Ruoxing's mouth twitched, Aren't you afraid that you will get breast cancer?

Tang Xiaoxiao didn't even raise her head, In the worst case, I'll change my gender.

Okay, she's worried for nothing. How open-minded are people?

Then you wait in line here while I go to the bathroom.

Then come back quickly. I'm afraid if I go in alone later, you have to stay with me.


When Lin Shu came out to get the boiled water, he suddenly saw a familiar figure flashing past in the direction of the bathroom.

He was startled: Why is my wife in the hospital?

He thought for a while and followed, only to see Qiao Ruoxing come out of the bathroom and take the stairs upstairs.

He followed him all the way to the Breast Surgery Department, and then saw Qiao Ruoxing entering the outpatient department of the Breast Surgery Department.

He was shocked and quickly called Gu Jingyan.

Mr. Gu, my wife has registered with the breast department.


Hospital ward.

Gu Jingyan sat on a chair and looked through the photo album.

The little nurse tidied her clothes and walked in softly.

Mr. Gu, come to see Coco again?

Interrupted from his thoughts, Gu Jingyan pursed his lips and turned off the screen.

How is she doing?

Keke is in good condition recently, but sometimes she gets a little bored in the ward alone. You can come and see her often.

Gu Jingyan didn't answer.

The nurse looked at Gu Jingyan. He was really good-looking. When he raised his eyes, he was very sharp. When he lowered his eyes to look at the phone, he was very soft.

There are so many people coming and going in the hospital every day. Even the celebrities who treat patients here are not as outstanding as Gu Jingyan.

She clenched her hands and nervously handed the bento to Gu Jingyan. She blushed and said a little embarrassed, Come on, it's almost noon. I see you haven't eaten yet. I made the bento myself. If you don't mind it, , you can try it.”

Gu Jingyan looked at the lunch box and was startled.

He also has one of this lunch box at home.

It's blue with a rabbit on it, bought by Qiao Ruoxing.

The first time she made a lunch for herself, she used this lunch box.

Let me tell you, this is my first time cooking. If it doesn't taste good, you have to eat it, or else my blisters will be in vain?

It's nice to have someone cooking for you, but you still have to choose?

Gu Jingyan, am I the first woman to cook for you?

You are not allowed to eat what other women cook, you are only allowed to eat what I cook.

My cooking skills are not good, but I am good-looking. I will sit next to you when you eat, so I can eat more.

It turned out that she had lost all face and skin at that time.

Thinking of those long-lasting memories, Gu Jingyan suddenly curled up the corners of his lips. The little nurse's heart trembled at the smile and her face turned red.

Mr. Gu, I...

Before the words were spoken, a voice came from the door, Dad.

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