Grandpa's heart is like Ming Jing's. He has already lived to be a human spirit by living to this age.

He is nearly ninety years old, already considered to be a very old man. Several of his children have passed away one after another in the early years. Only one child is left, and now he is lying in bed with hemiplegia.

Once his children left, his relationship with his grandchildren gradually faded away. He had lived in his hometown for many years, and few people came to see him throughout the year. But as soon as the demolition money came in, there were a lot of filial sons and grandsons vying for them. Gather around the bed and show your filial piety.

Could he not know what these people think? Aren't you just interested in the demolition compensation in his hand?

At this age, he has long lost sight of things other than money.

He also knew that if he really wanted to share this little money, he was afraid that not many people would come to see him before he fell ill in the hospital.

When a person gets old, he cannot bring blessings to his children and grandchildren, and gradually becomes a burden.

He had this little money, and he wanted to come to Jiangcheng, so they picked him up. They all followed his wishes, and they were all thinking about this little money all the time.

He was watching TV with his fellow patients in the ward, and everyone was talking about the case in the drama. He looked at Qiao Ruoxing's face on the screen, and suddenly wanted to see his little great-granddaughter, whom he had not seen for a long time.

She is different from those people. She will not let him eat sweets, control his smoking and drinking, or worry about him catching a cold in the middle of the night and turn on the air conditioner for him.

She is still the same little girl when she was a child, even if she didn't like it, she would exaggerately say that sweets are delicious in order not to make people sad.

Not sensible enough.

Qiao Ruoxing held back her tears and said in a hoarse voice, I must let the Gu family give you an explanation.

Grandpa waved his hand, What can you argue with an uneducated girl?

Then he took her hand and stuffed the bankbook over again, Hide it quickly, don't let your uncle and aunt see it.

The second aunt outside the door stood on tiptoe and kept looking inside.

The hospital bed was blocked by the curtain, so she couldn't see clearly what was going on inside. She was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, circling back and forth.

The fourth aunt was also very anxious, but she couldn't bear to look at the door, so she could only turn around and ask Qiao Xusheng.

Brother, what does the doctor say? Can grandpa still be in good health?

Qiao Xusheng frowned and said, The fall was serious. I'll probably have to stay in bed for a while.

The fourth aunt frowned, How long will I be hospitalized?

It depends on the recovery.

When the second aunt heard this, she immediately turned her head and said, I said you can't come to this hospital. Look at the doctors now. They can't even say anything accurately. What do you mean by looking at the recovery situation? As long as the old man doesn't feel well for a day, he will Are you going to stay here every day? Then who pays for the expenses in the hospital?

Everyone looked at each other, no one said anything.

They were separated by generations, and they weren't even close to each other in the first place. Everyone knew why they could gather here.

On weekdays, you could just give the old man some food and drink, but when it came time to pay, everyone tightened their wallets.

Hospitalization costs a lot of money. You may spend hundreds or even thousands a day. If you add some nutritional supplements in the middle, it will cost tens of thousands for one stay.

And if the money comes out, it may not make that strange old man look favorably on him. Who knows who he will give the demolition money in his hand?

When the second aunt saw no one speaking, she said, Brother, if grandpa is hospitalized due to illness, the brothers and sisters have the unshirkable responsibility. They should provide money and take care of him. But this happened to him at Ruoxing's house. This matter is Shouldn’t they be in charge?”

The fourth aunt also said, If it hadn't been for their negligence, the old man wouldn't have been injured like this. I don't know what the root of the disease will be.

Fourth uncle pulled her sleeves and motioned for her to say less.

They all work in Qiao Xusheng's factory, and it's really not a good look to be fussing over each other about this matter.

Qiao Xusheng glanced at these useless guys and said coldly, Don't worry, I won't let you pay for the hospitalization!

Brother, that's not what we mean. How much does it cost to be hospitalized? The old man is getting older and older. After another fall like this, his physical condition will definitely get worse and worse. It's not okay to let him go like this all the time. Do we need to discuss who he will live with after he is discharged from hospital?

This question is on point.

They had argued about this issue before when the old man was healthy.

Everyone wanted the coffin book in the old man's hand, so naturally they were very enthusiastic.

It's a pity that the old man is very stubborn and won't follow anyone. The issue can only be put aside temporarily. Now that he is like this, the topic has been brought up again.

Qiao Xusheng naturally looked down upon that little money, but there was a piece of land in his hometown that he was very interested in. However, the old man refused to let it go. This fall was also an opportunity to cultivate feelings and coax them out of his hands.

Everyone has their own little calculations, and they go back and forth on the issue of support rights, refusing to give in to each other.

Qiao Ruoxing stood at the door, watching the farce these filial sons and grandsons staged outside the ward, and suddenly understood why the old man had been reluctant to hand over the savings he had.

She listened at the door for a long time, and when the group of people became red-faced, she opened the door and went out.

When everyone saw her coming out, they immediately stopped.

The second aunt kept looking at her with her eyes, and after a long time she asked, Ruoxing, what did the old man tell you?

Qiao Ruoxing said coldly, I didn't say anything. I drank some water and took a rest.

The second aunt obviously didn't believe it, Does it take that long to drink water? Didn't he tell you anything else?

Qiao Ruoxing glanced at her, What else is the second aunt talking about?

The second aunt was choked for a moment, and after a long time she said, It's nothing.

She covets the old man's coffin book, no matter how thick-skinned she is, she can't open her mouth to speak in front of the juniors.

At this moment, there was a commotion in the distance. Qiao Ruoxing turned around and saw Gu Jingyan walking towards this side.

On his right was Zhong Meilan, and behind him were two sturdy men in suits, one on the left and one on the right, escorting Gu Jingyang this way.

Qiao Xusheng was stunned for a moment when he saw this posture, then he reacted and hurriedly greeted him.

My mother-in-law, Jingyan, how could such a trivial matter alarm you all?

Qiao Ruoxing's face was gloomy, staring at the impatient Gu Jingyang, clenching her fists and walking straight towards her.

Gu Jingyan had been paying attention to her actions, and when she rushed over, he suddenly stepped forward, grabbed her wrist that was about to swing, and pulled her aside.

Qiao Ruoxing's voice trembled, Let me go!

Gu Jingyan whispered, I'll bring her over to apologize to Grandpa.

Qiao Ruoxing looked at him with red eyes, What are you apologizing for, those rude gifts?

Gu Jingyan pursed his lips and said, Let her apologize. Grandpa is free to do whatever he wants to do to relieve his anger, but you can't do anything.

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