When he went upstairs, Gu Jingran asked about it.

He didn't hear what Gu Jingran and Qiao Ruoxing were talking about.

The old lady and her second uncle went to the study to talk about things. Song Qingyun was getting weird about the birthday banquet. Zhong Meilan was not to be outdone. Gu Jingyan was too lazy to listen, so he found an excuse to leave and come here.

As soon as he arrived, he saw Gu Jingran standing in front of Qiao Ruoxing. He didn't know what he was talking about. Qiao Ruoxing had a sullen face and an ugly expression.

It was the same thing the last time I was in the company.

Qiao Ruoxing didn't even bother to hide her displeasure with Gu Jingran.

I didn't say anything, I just made a few jokes.

Qiao Ruoxing talked it over in a few words and didn't want to go into details.

In fact, she really didn't know what to say about this matter, because if she talked about it in detail, it would also involve Gu Jingyang and Zhong Meilan.

When they got married that year, Gu Jingyan left her behind at the wedding venue. She was toasted in turn. Although she was later rescued by Lu Zheng, she drank a lot.

When I went back, I was a little dizzy.

Gu Jingyang and the nanny at home sent her back to her room.

She was in her early twenties, but her husband left her with another woman on their wedding night. No matter how well she pretended, how could she bear this kind of grievance in her heart?

When I got back to the room, I didn't even change my clothes. I lay on the bed and wiped away my tears.

Later, when I was tired from crying, I fell asleep in a daze.

Someone was pressing on her while she was sleeping, and kept touching her with such force that she woke up in pain.

The lights in the room were very dim, and since she had drunk a lot of wine, her vision was not clear, so she thought it was Gu Jingyan.

The grievances she felt all night surged up instantly. She hugged the other person's shoulders and complained to him in a low voice.

The man pinched her chin and gasped, I thought you only had one face, but I didn't expect you have a pretty figure. No wonder my eldest brother insists on marrying you.

The unfamiliar voice instantly made Qiao Ruoxing's hair stand on end.

That person was not Gu Jingyan.

She turned pale and struggled desperately.

Gu Jingran covered her mouth, squinted his eyes and said, You are quite coquettish. You came to my room on your wedding night, why are you pretending to be a chaste and fierce woman now? Since the eldest brother is not here, I, as a brother, should 'treat' him well. Sister-in-law.

Saying that, he bullied me again.

Qiao Ruoxing's face turned pale. Seeing that Gu Jingran was about to tear off her clothes, she grabbed something in a panic and slammed it on Gu Jingran's head.

Gu Jingran was in pain, covered her head, cursed and let go of her hand. She got a chance and stumbled out of the room, calling people as she ran.

Zhong Meilan came over after hearing the sound. Seeing this situation, she immediately pulled her and Gu Jingran into the room for questioning.

Gu Jingran's head was smashed and his hands were covered with blood. He insisted that it was Qiao Ruoxing who ran into his room on his own. He thought it was the woman he brought back from the banquet. Plus, after drinking, the lights in the room were dim. He didn't know That's Qiao Ruoxing.

Qiao Ruoxing's face was pale. She said she had drunk too much. Gu Jingyang helped her into the room. She didn't know it was Gu Jingran's room.

Gu Jingyang denied it. She insisted that she had indeed sent Qiao Ruoxing to Gu Jingyan's room at that time. The nanny at home testified. She also bitten Qiao Ruoxing, saying that she had gone to the wrong room and was afraid of being blamed and would blame her.

Qiao Ruoxing has a good drinking capacity. Although she did drink a lot on her wedding night, she was not completely drunk. She didn't know what she had done.

After Gu Jingyang sent her back to the room, she never came out at all. It was impossible to say that she went to the wrong room after coming out, unless Gu Jingyang sent her to Gu Jingran's room in the first place.

When she came to the Gu family's old house for the first time after getting married, she had no idea where Gu Jingyan's room was, so it was up to Gu Jingyang to lure her there.

But no matter how she explained it, Zhong Meilan believed that she drank too much and her memory was biased.

Qiao Ruoxing was young and energetic at that time, and she insisted on arguing about right and wrong to prove her innocence, so she said she would go to the old lady and ask her to investigate the matter clearly.

Zhong Meilan's expression changed when she heard this.

She said that this matter was ridiculous and embarrassing enough, and she wanted to tell the old lady about it. What would happen if the old lady knew about it? It was a fact that she had an affair with Gu Jingran on their wedding night. No matter what the truth was, this matter It was a shame and humiliation for Gu Jingyan, and no one would look good if it got too big.

She was too young. When Zhong Meilan moved out of Gu Jingyan, she retreated.

She was afraid that Gu Jingyan would miss her as much as these people did. She could not care about other people's opinions, but she could not care less about Gu Jingyan.

Zhong Meilan used family scandal as an excuse and used both soft and hard tactics to make her keep the matter in her stomach. As for Gu Jingran, he would not take the initiative to talk about molesting his sister-in-law.

When I thought about it later, I suddenly realized that Zhong Meilan didn't want her to make things worse, but she was actually just trying to protect Gu Jingyang.

As long as someone investigates this kind of thing, the real situation cannot be concealed at all.

It's not like she never thought of telling Gu Jingyan about it later, but with Gu Jingyan's feelings for Gu Jingyang, what could he do if he knew about it?

Gu Jingyang is his sister, and if he protects his shortcomings, the most he can do is punish himself three times, or he may just be like Zhong Meilan, knowing the truth and putting all the blame on her in order to protect Gu Jingyang.

No matter which case it is, the result makes no difference.

The longer time passed, the less she wanted to mention it.

So when Gu Jingyan asked, she just talked about it lightly.

Gu Jingyan frowned.

He could clearly feel that Qiao Ruoxing was in a gloomy mood when Gu Jingran was mentioned, but she didn't want to tell him.

This realization made him feel a little unhappy.

He didn't like that Qiao Ruoxing had something on her mind but didn't want to tell him.

The old lady's room was very large, and this was the first time Qiao Ruoxing came in.

Needless to say, the grandfather and grandson have quite similar preferences, and they also need a wall cabinet in the bedroom specifically to store books.

Gu Jingyan rummaged around in the cabinet and found the medicine the old lady mentioned, and then took Qiao Ruoxing to the sun room on the second floor.

Qiao Ruoxing said while taking the medicine with a cotton swab, Grandma really loves you. She will apply medicine to you every time she bumps into you. You are much more pampered than Gu Jingran. Keep your head up.

Gu Jingyan honestly raised his head and said calmly, Isn't this the case for all old people? How many days has your great-grandfather been giving you moxibustion when you have a stiff neck when you sleep?

When she mentioned her great-grandfather, Qiao Ruoxing's eyes softened a bit, My great-grandfather just called and said he had made chicken soup again and asked when we would be back.

Gu Jingyan's eyes twitched, I'll work overtime soon.

Qiao Ruoxing sighed, Then Grandpa will be disappointed.

After applying the medicine, Qiao Ruoxing was about to screw on the lid when Gu Jingyan stopped her and pulled her arm, Come here.


Gu Jingyan pinched her elbow and said, Doesn't it hurt?

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