Qiao Ruoxing frowned, Grandpa wants to see Gu Jingyan, can't I just bring him there someday? Send him here. We work during the day and there is no one at home. Who will take care of him? Grandpa is so old, what if? If we bump into each other, won’t I be blamed?”

After finishing speaking, he muttered in a low voice, Gu Jingyan also has one nose and two eyes, so what's so good about him?

Gu Jingyan...

Qiao Xusheng was not happy and reprimanded, What are you talking about? When you were a child, when you returned to your hometown, your great-grandfather loved you the most. He would stick to you for everything delicious and fun. How many days does he have to live at his age? No. I just want to end my life with a regret? See how you are doing? Does this make it difficult for you? Besides, Jingyan is at work, and aren't you at home idle? I agreed in front of your uncle and aunt, If you don't let me go now, aren't you slapping me in the face? Give Jingyan the phone and I'll talk to Jingyan.

He agreed without even saying hello, how dare he blame her?

To tell Gu Jingyan, it's better to tell her that Gu Jingyan's mouth is even more venomous and he's very hairy. Why would he want strangers to come and live at home and disrupt his living habits?

Qiao Ruoxing thought for a while, but it was okay to let Gu Jingyan take over. This guy's venomous words might make Qiao Xusheng give up the idea.

So she gave her phone to Gu Jingyan, My dad wants to talk to you.

Gu Jingyan glanced at her and took the phone.

Qiao Ruoxing was completely sleepless and sat nearby, ready to watch how Gu Jingyan choked Qiao Xusheng with his venomous tongue.

After Qiao Xusheng finished talking, Gu Jingyan said calmly, Okay, then I'll have someone clean up the guest room tomorrow.

Qiao Ruoxing...

After Gu Jingyan hung up the phone, Qiao Ruoxing said in disbelief, You agreed?

Gu Jingyan returned the phone to her, Your father has said this, can I refuse?


Can't refuse? Has he forgotten how ruthlessly he refused in the past?

Why does it look like Gu Jingyan took the wrong medicine?

Qiao Ruoxing pursed her lips and said after a long time, You asked him to come. If he makes you unhappy by living here, it's your fault. Don't blame me when the time comes. I didn't agree to it.

The corners of Gu Jingyan's mouth twitched, Do you have a conscience? Who am I doing this for?

Qiao Ruoxing rolled up the quilt, closed her eyes, and whispered, I didn't ask you to do it. The worst I can do is get scolded by my dad. It's not like I haven't been scolded before.

Gu Jingyan suddenly thought of the slap mark on Qiao Ruoxing's face after she came back from the hospital last time after seeing Qiao Xusheng.

Just because I learned that Zhong Meilan did not receive the two boxes of white truffles.

Qiao Xusheng seemed to be only nice to her when he was present.

Her life at Qiao's house was not as easy as she thought.

He tossed and turned, and finally annoyed Qiao Ruoxing, so he got up and hugged the quilt and went out to sleep.

Gu Jingyan...

He took out his mobile phone, hesitated for a long time, and sent a text message to Tang Xiaoxiao, How does Qiao Xusheng treat Qiao Ruoxing?

Tang Xiaoxiao was playing a game. When he saw this text message, his hand trembled and his skill was knocked out of action.

Tang Xiaoxiao...

Teammates scolded, What about acting, right? After you've been in the jungle and in the bot lane, everyone is in your face, and your skills can't be used at all? Are you going to steal the mage in return?

Isn't this kind of game just a gift for playing blindly?

Trash, a promotion match between labor and management!

I'm really impressed by the fool's criticism! Click on the next one!

Tang Xiaoxiao's mouth twitched, and she turned on the mic to chat, I'm the first one to choose. I asked you who wants to play some gang game, but you all shut down the mic and said nothing. What's wrong with me choosing a mage? The mage dug up your ancestral graves? They all come to the middle lane. There is shit in the middle lane. It’s rare to attract dogs, right? You can’t even pick a Yao Tan Cao, so you have the nerve to criticize me? The opposite jungler has come to the middle lane to catch a few waves? Our jungler is so stupid. I'm going to ride Ge Yao to collect Ganoderma lucidum in the wilderness to cure impotence? Advance? Go ahead and become your uncle! You're stuck in Xingyao, you idiot! I won't vote!

After Tang Xiaoxiao finished typing, he was banned from the platform.

His teammates were stunned.

Her series of curses was actually coherent and she responded to them one by one.

After venting his anger, he went to look back at Jingyan, Mr. Gu, why don't you just ask your wife?

She was now both respectful and afraid of Gu Jingyan. She wanted to offend him but couldn't afford to offend him, so she could only avoid him as much as possible.

Gu Jingyan pursed his lips and said, She is asleep.

Are you going to ask tomorrow if you're asleep?

Tang Xiaoxiao cursed.

It was strange that Gu Jingyan actually asked her about Qiao Ruoxing.

A Xing's father is actually very patriarchal, but A Xing's mother is in poor health and has never been able to regenerate. Her father is very worried about this matter, and he doesn't pay much attention to A Xing. Before her mother's accident, It’s still reasonable to say that after the accident, something happened to their company, and his father’s first thought was to send her out to get married.”

Ah Xing is so beautiful. Who among those stinky men wouldn't give up after seeing him? Ah Xing's father doesn't care how much older he is or how many times he has been divorced. As long as he can help him tide over the difficulties in the business field. , the other party is older than him, and he dared to push his daughter into the fire pit. Fortunately, he met you later, although you are not very good...

Unexpectedly, Tang Xiaoxiao paused for a moment and mentioned his sweetheart.

Seeing that Gu Jingyan didn't say anything, he continued, Anyway, after all these years of being married to you, it's actually been better. After all, he's afraid of you. For your sake, he will treat Ruoxing better.

At this point, Tang Xiaoxiao became bolder, Mr. Gu, will you really give Axing one billion when you divorce?

Gu Jingyan's forehead twitched.

Damn it, how many people has she told about the divorce?

Gu Jingyan said expressionlessly, No.

Tang Xiaoxiao was anxious at that time, You have already signed the contract, aren't you lying?

Gu Jingyan said coldly, Did I say I wanted a divorce?


Don't tell Qiao Ruoxing what I'm asking you for, otherwise, Gu Jingyan paused, I can make you withdraw the copyright no matter how hard I ask you to sign it.

Tang Xiaoxiao...

Selling the copyright was actually Gu Jingyan’s hand!

Why does he want to lead himself?

Tang Xiaoxiao thought about the cause and effect. She was framed by him for stealing the ring and went to the police station. When she came back, her boss immediately contacted her and said that someone wanted to buy her copyright.

I was so excited at the time that I didn’t think about it at all. How could bad things and good things follow one after another?

Is Gu Jingyan trying to compensate her for this?

But what did Gu Jingyan gain from this matter?

Tang smiled and suddenly had a strange guess in his heart.

Could it be that Gu Jingyan was because of Ah Xing?

Think about it, Gu Jingyan didn't gain anything when she went to the police station. He even signed her script, so she made money. The only change was that Qiao Ruoxing moved back from her house.

Is he making such a big fuss just to let Ah Xing go home on his own?


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