Qiao Ruoxing turned her head and glanced at Gu Jingyan, then calmed down and said, It's nothing.

Then he handed the documents in his hand to Gu Jingyan, Here you go, I'll leave first.

She looked cold, not even willing to say a word to him. She was completely different from when she took good care of him last night.

Lin Shu came over and whispered, Mr. Gu, there is a meeting coming soon.

Gu Jingyan pursed his lips and stretched out his hand, but instead of taking the documents, he took her wrist and said, Go to the office and wait for me first.

Qiao Ruoxing frowned, I won't go, I have other things to do.

What's your business?

Qiao Ruoxing's lips moved, I'm going to the hospital to see my mother.

Gu Jingyan glanced at her and said, I'll send you there in a moment.

Qiao Ruoxing became furious when she thought about this bitch dragging her here to take the blame.

Mr. Gu is taking care of everything, so I won't bother you anymore.

How could Gu Jingyan not hear her yin and yang aura? He frowned and said, Go by yourself or I'll carry you, choose one.

Qiao Ruoxing's mouth twitched. Did Gu Jingyan burn his brain last night?

What kind of crazy statement is this?

She looked at Gu Jingyan's expression carefully and found that he had no intention of joking at all.

If you don't choose, I'll take it as the latter.

Gu Jingyan said and was about to hug her. Seeing many employees downstairs looking here, Qiao Ruoxing really couldn't afford to humiliate this person, so she pushed his shoulder and gritted her teeth and said, I tell you, I'm very angry right now, you let me I went to your office, believe it or not, I demolished your office!

Gu Jingyan raised the corners of his lips and said, As you like.

Qiao Ruoxing choked, and then got on the elevator with a grumpy look. Gu Jingyan calmed down and followed him.

When the elevator reached the tenth floor, Gu Jingyan got off and told Lin Shu to take her to his office.

As soon as Qiao Ruoxing entered the office, she picked up the ashtray on the table and tried to smash it.

Lin Shu reminded him slowly from behind, Madam, this ashtray was given by a close customer when Mr. Gu went on a business trip to France last year. It is made of natural crystal and is worth 600,000... US dollars. .”

Qiao Ruoxing's hand trembled and she almost lost the 600,000 US dollars.

She pursed her lips, put the ashtray back in its place, and picked up an unattractive vase on the table. As soon as she raised it above her head, she heard Lin Shu say, This celadon vase was made in the seventh year of Yongzheng's reign. The old lady took it when she was young. , it only cost around 300,000 yuan at that time, and over the years, it should have increased to around 3 million yuan.”

Qiao Ruoxing...

She took a deep breath, put down the vase, and grabbed the pen holder on the table.


Qiao Ruoxing gritted her teeth and said, Isn't this just a broken bamboo tube? Isn't it worth millions?

Lin Shu smiled and said softly, No, this pen holder was hand-carved as a birthday gift to Mr. Gu when Mr. Jiang was still alive. It's not valuable.

Qiao Ruoxing froze on the spot.

Mr. Jiang, Gu Qingjiang, Gu Jingyan’s father.

In all the years she had been married to Gu Jingyan, she had never heard Gu Jingyan mention his father in front of her, but she knew how much he respected his father.

Every year when the Mid-Autumn Festival approaches, Gu Jingyan's mood becomes extremely low, and he will even take a week's leave willfully and go to the Gu Family Garden to stay for a few days.

That was the place where he lived with his parents when he was a child. Later, after Gu Qingjiang passed away, Zhong Meilan was afraid of seeing things and missing others, so the family moved there. Although the old house was not sold, no one went there except Gu Jingyan.

I heard that Gu Qingjiang passed away due to a sudden illness. Gu Jingyan didn't even see him for the last time. It's no wonder that he couldn't let go for many years.

After such a torment, most of Qiao Ruoxing's anger was gone.

She put the pen holder on the table, turned to Lin Shu and said, Pour me a cup of tea.

You won't smash it?

Qiao Ruoxing glared at him angrily, Is there anything here that I can afford to smash?

Lin Shu also smiled, Then I'll get you some tea.

When Lin Shu came back, Mo Mingxuan also came up.

Qiao Ruoxing was surprised to see Mo Mingxuan, Lawyer Mo, why are you here?

I made an appointment with Jingyan to talk about work. Mo Mingxuan was as gentle as ever, Are you... waiting for Jingyan to get off work?

Who wants to wait for him to get off work? Qiao Ruoxing curled her lips, not wanting to talk about the bad things between them, so she changed the subject and said, Do you still have work contacts?

So be it.

When it comes to work, Mo Mingxuan did not elaborate.

Lin Shu looked at the text message sent on his phone, raised his head and said, Madam, please help me greet Lawyer Mo first. I have to go to the conference room.

Qiao Ruoxing waved her hand, Go ahead and get busy.

As soon as Lin Shu left, Qiao Ruoxing handed the tea to Mo Mingxuan, Lawyer Mo, drink tea.

Mo Mingxuan thanked him, but didn't touch the cup. Qiao Ruoxing asked, Don't you like tea? Can I make you a cup of coffee?

No, it's not that I don't like drinking. When I quit smoking, I drank often, but if I drink too much, I tend to suffer from insomnia at night, so I keep controlling the amount now.

Are you quitting smoking?

Mo Mingxuan nodded, The doctor asked me to quit.

Qiao Ruoxing very much agreed with this, Quitting is good for your health. I'll listen to you... My husband said that you have been recuperating abroad for many years. Your health is already weak. You should stop smoking if you can.

Mo Mingxuan was surprised, Did Jingyan tell you about this?

Qiao Ruoxing was afraid that the other party would feel uncomfortable, so she quickly said, I just mentioned it briefly and didn't go into details.

Mo Mingxuan chuckled, Don't be nervous, I don't mind. This matter is not a secret to begin with.

Qiao Ruoxing wanted to change the topic, but couldn't help her curiosity and asked, What disease is it due to?

Mo Mingxuan pointed to his head, What's wrong here.

Qiao Ruoxing was surprised, Mental illness?

Mo Mingxuan...

He pursed his lips and whispered, It's an intracranial problem.

Qiao Ruoxing suddenly felt embarrassed and laughed dryly, Please make it clear...

Mo Mingxuan couldn't help but chuckle, Well, I didn't express myself clearly enough.

Qiao Ruoxing scratched her hair in embarrassment and asked with concern, So is it completely cured now?

Absolutely. Occasionally, there will be symptoms of head wind, which basically does not affect normal life.

Thinking of the other person's great youth and spending so many years in a hospital bed, Qiao Ruoxing suddenly felt very sorry.

Treat it slowly and you will definitely recover. You are so young and so powerful, but your luck is yet to come.

Mo Mingxuan was a little funny. It was the first time he saw someone comforting him like this.

How should I put it, like an elder comforting a junior, she is a few years younger than him.

What's so great about me?

Isn't it impressive enough that you can get so many certificates when you are sick?

Mo Mingxuan was a little surprised and said warmly, Ayan told you this too?

He wouldn't tell me this. I saw it on the website myself.

Mo Mingxuan is currently affiliated with his friend's company, and she went to that company's website to check his information.

The combined resumes of several lawyers in the firm were not as rich as his.

A full scholarship Master of Laws from a foreign university, a resident author of top legal journals at home and abroad, a lot of experience in legal aid, a legal consultant in some well-known cases, and a top ten lecturer in the law examination, which can provide guidance to college students. After passing the course, I also obtained a pilot's license, a diving certificate, a skydiving certificate...

His experiences in the past thirty years are more exciting than those of ordinary people in a lifetime.

Qiao Ruoxing realized belatedly that the person he hired might be a big shot in the legal field.

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