Gu Jingyan's face was gloomy.

But Aunt Zhang seemed to have gained momentum and continued to lead the way, Sixteen years, I have worked for the Gu family for sixteen years. They dismissed me without telling me, and they didn't even get the most basic compensation. Now I have an elder and a younger one. My husband Still unemployed, this is pushing our whole family towards death.

Gu Jingran followed suit, Brother, you are so heartless. Isn't it chilling that an employee of more than ten years has ended up like this?

Gu Jingyan's eyes were frozen and he said coldly, I acted in accordance with the contract. I don't think there is anything wrong with my handling. If you are not satisfied, you can apply for labor arbitration. Even if you threaten me here, nothing will change. I can even file a lawsuit. You smear the company’s image!”

Then he ordered Lin Shu, Call the police!

Aunt Zhang's arms trembled, and she felt a little panicked.

Zhong Meilan asked her to rest for two days and wait for Gu Jingyan to calm down before asking for mercy.

As a result, just one day later, she received an email from Jiang Sheng, who wanted to fire her directly, and there was no compensation as originally agreed. How could she sit still?

She came to the company to make a fuss, just to ask for compensation, and she didn't want to be involved in any lawsuit.

Just when she was hesitating, a voice sounded in the hall, Don't call the police!

Everyone turned their heads, and it turned out to be Gu Jingyan's mother, Zhong Meilan.

Next to Zhong Meilan is Qiao Ruoxing who is delivering documents.

Qiao Ruoxing didn't expect to meet Zhong Meilan when she arrived. Because of the birth control pill, Zhong Meilan had a bad look when she saw her.

Knowing that she was here to deliver documents, he called her to come with him.

As a result, as soon as I entered the company, I saw Aunt Zhang standing on the second floor making a fuss about jumping off the building.

Aunt Zhang felt like a savior when she saw Zhong Meilan, and choked up, Madam, you have to make the decision for me.

Zhong Meilan glanced at her angrily and told her to wait for a few days, but she couldn't keep her temper!

The trouble has become public knowledge in the company, why don't you rush to give the second room an excuse?

She suppressed the displeasure in her heart and said warmly, Sister Zhang, come down first. Let's sit down and talk about it if you have anything to do. Why are you making such a fuss? Others will laugh when they see it.

After all, Sister Zhang is Zhong Meilan's person. With her here, I immediately feel confident. After hearing what she said, I really want to come down.

If she comes down, how can the play be performed?

Gu Jingran said calmly, Auntie, if we can have a good discussion, will Auntie Zhang sit here and threaten her life?

One sentence woke up Aunt Zhang.

If she hadn't made such a fuss today, Zhong Meilan wouldn't have come forward. The atmosphere had finally reached this point. It was the time to negotiate terms. How could she negotiate if she came down?

Zhong Meilan is Gu Jingyan's biological mother. How can she not care about her son?

Thinking of this, Aunt Zhang sat down again and said, Madam, I have put my face on the line today, and I am not afraid of people laughing at me! I have been working hard in your Gu family all these years, right? In the end, Mr. Gu just because of Mrs. Gu's words , wanted to fire me, and inexplicably accused me of being absent from work, without even compensation. In this business, our reputation is all about reputation. Mr. Gu just fired me like this, which is ruining my livelihood! If you don’t give me an explanation today, I If this life is at stake, I will jump off the Jiangsheng Building and let everyone see how Jiangsheng treats the old employees of the company!

Zhong Meilan's face turned green with anger. This brainless thing was being used as a gunman and he didn't even know it!

There was also a lot of discussion downstairs.

After more than ten years, I was fired without even compensation. Isn't Mr. Gu too cruel?

That's not a big deal. Manager Sun from the finance department is still in jail.

Manager Sun has violated the law and deserves what he deserves. But what can this nanny do? After all, she has worked for the Gu family for more than ten years. It is too chilling to just drive someone away without caring about the old relationship.

I heard it was Mrs. Gu's idea. Mrs. Gu probably didn't like the nanny very much and turned a deaf ear to Mr. Gu, so Mr. Gu fired her.

Isn't this too childish?

Qiao Ruoxing's eyes twitched. Did she steal the Gu family's fortune in her previous life? Why is everything being blamed on her?

Aunt Zhang was fired and it didn't matter what happened to her?

It was as if she asked Gu Jingyan to resign!

Before Zhong Meilan said anything, Qiao Siyao suddenly said, Sister, Aunt Zhang takes good care of you. No matter how small a thing is, no one has ever made a mistake. It's hard to find a job when you fire someone at this age. How about you? Please ask your brother-in-law for a favor and let this matter go.

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