By the time she bandaged the wound, Gu Jingyan had already fallen asleep.

She put away the medicine box, thought about it, and lay down next to Gu Jingyan.

Every half hour, Qiao Ruoxing would get up and take Gu Jingyan's temperature. At two o'clock in the morning, Gu Jingyan's temperature finally dropped to 38 degrees. She finally breathed a sigh of relief. She couldn't stand it anymore, so she tilted her head and fell asleep. .

When Gu Jingyan woke up the next day, his body felt much lighter, but his shoulders were as heavy as a stone.

He frowned, opened his eyes, and wanted to push something on his shoulder, but before he could touch it, he saw Qiao Ruoxing's sleepy sleeping face.

I couldn't help but think about what happened in the bathroom last night.

He stared at Qiao Ruoxing for a long time, his outstretched hand slowly curled up, and then he held her head and moved her away.

A small patch of saliva stained his shoulder. Gu Jingyan looked at Qiao Ruoxing with disgust, picked up the blanket and put it randomly on her body.

When Qiao Ruoxing woke up, it was already noon.

Gu Jingyan and Lin Shu had already left.

The dog man took care of him all night without even saying thank you.

She took the phone and realized that Tang Xiaoxiao had called her several times. She quickly called them back.

Why did you just answer my call, Tang Xiaoxiao gritted his teeth, I thought you were assassinated by Yao Kexin's fans!

I slept late last night and just woke up now. What's wrong? You're calling me so many times?

Go to Weibo and see for yourself.

“What’s wrong with Weibo?”

Yu Shanshan was promoting her new drama. The reporter asked her a few questions. This stinky woman actually connoted you, saying that you are exaggerating your own status and acting like a big name!

Qiao Ruoxing frowned and hurriedly clicked on Weibo. The top trending entertainment topic was # Yu Shanshan Sunset Stars # .

The next one is # Whether the voice actor is more suitable for the role than the actor himself #

These two entries, no matter which one is full of strong and contradictory flavor.

She clicked on the entry and saw the video Tang Xiaoxiao was talking about.

There is a web drama under Yu Shanshan's company that will be released soon. Although it is not directed by her, she has her name as a screenwriter, and the artists in the drama are all just signed by her company. In the past two years, web dramas adapted from web novels are quite popular. Popular, this kind of online drama has made several newcomers famous before, and Yu Shanshan obviously wants to copy others' routes.

In order to build momentum for the new drama and praise her own artists, she also invited Yao Kexin to guest star.

Yao Kexin happened to be in the spotlight some time ago because of her affair with voice actor Higurashi Fanxing. At this time, her popularity with the public was not very good. The media who attended the press conference were not interested in Shanshan's new drama. On the contrary, they were interested in Yao Kexin and Higurashi. The feud between the stars is very interesting.

Therefore, this matter was mentioned intentionally or unintentionally throughout the entire interview. Yu Shanshan didn’t know whether it was out of a hype mentality, or whether she was really on good terms with Yao Kexin. When asked by the media, she said, “I wonder about the relationship between actors and dubbing actors?” What do you think? She said this.

She said, “The question is not how I see it, but how the audience sees it.

In movies and TV dramas, visuals are the first element of enjoyment. People choose to use voice actors for dubbing. It doesn’t mean that the actor’s own lines are not good, but that sometimes some roles do not match the actor’s own voice. You are like some actresses , is born with a thin voice. If you ask her to play a strong female role, her own voice will not be able to support the thickness of the role. At this time, some professional voice actors will be needed to dub her to make up for the shortcomings in the actor's voice. The shortcomings allow the actors to better fit the characters themselves.

This is a normal thing. I don’t know why, but everyone is quarreling because of this. In my opinion, voice actors are the actors' voice substitutes, and the expressiveness of the character requires more of the actor's face to present it.

It's just that these fans now praise some voice actors too highly. I met one before, who was very weird. In fact, I have never met her, so I thought of cooperating in a drama. We would participate in a variety show together and contribute to the drama. advertise. The other actors all pushed back their jobs to cooperate, but she was the only one who said she couldn't come, and the shift period wasn't available. We thought she had something urgent to do at first, but later we found out that they thought the announcement fee was low and wanted to pay according to the standards of the leading actor.

When the show was airing, she bought scripts every day to recruit actors. Fans praised her, and she thought it was all her fault that the show became popular. I thought to myself, you are just a bad dubbing artist. How famous are you? Do you still want to live up to the standards of a leading actor? It's just a replacement, anyone can be replaced, the industry atmosphere has been ruined by people like this...

Although Yu Shanshan did not name her, netizens with powerful skills quickly identified the protagonist of the incident based on the information she provided.

There was a drama that was aired some time ago, where actors and voice actors were trying to push each other, and the very popular The Voice of Film and Television is about to be aired.

If you are in the right position, the only one who meets this condition is Higurashi Fanxing.

This video has already received tens of millions of views on short video platforms, and the topic on Weibo remains high.

Yao Kexin's fans caught wind of the news and her Weibo comments and private messages exploded instantly.

The broom star really thinks of himself as an A-list star.

I don't dare to show my face, no wonder I can only pretend to be a substitute.

After watching so many dramas, this is the first time I see the voice actor's name filled with bullets on the screen. I bought so many trolls. How much do you want to be famous?

She doesn't want to be famous. She is jealous that others make more than she does.

Don't her fans always say that Sister Xin is not worthy of being her face substitute? Let your family compete in The Voice of Film and Television. When the time comes, we will be in the same frame and see who will be embarrassed.

Qiao Ruoxing almost laughed out loud when she saw these mindless remarks.

When she dubbed a voice, she almost turned her tail between her legs. Did she ruin the atmosphere?

If Yao Kexin's fans hadn't been mindlessly bragging about her acting skills and her lines online, would netizens have made that kind of comparison video?

She couldn't compare, so she started to sell miserably again, saying that she didn't use the original voice because she had a cold and an inflamed throat. He put a hat on her head and said that she bought hot searches. If she had the spare money, why would she go to sell bags?

Who has been setting the pace online?

When she rejected the invitation from the program team, her attitude was very clear. She never said that the advertising fee was low. How did this rumor come about?

Qiao Ruoxing suddenly thought of the account that sent her a private message last night.

That person actually raised the issue of price increase. This couldn't be just a coincidence.

Ruoxing, why don't you do a live broadcast to prove your innocence? When I saw these comments, I was so angry that I wished you could slap these people in the face on the spot! What a bullshit voice substitute, Yao Kexin is not qualified to be your face substitute. , is her face worthy of your voice?

No, we signed the contract, Qiao Ruoxing was very calm, and, just for this little thing, it won't break your vest.

Then we are just going to watch these people shit and piss on our heads? I can't swallow this breath!

Qiao Ruoxing smiled, They made the matter such a big deal. One of them just wanted to use it to promote their new drama, and the other just wanted to discredit me and whitewash themselves. Since they want such an effect, why not let us just be a favor? alright.

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