Han Ruoxing didn't say anything else, but after going out, she discussed with Gu Jingyan to give Aunt Huang an appropriate salary increase.

Not long after Gu Jingyan and Gu Jingyang left, Zhou Xun came to pick her up.

Not long after leaving the villa area, Han Ruoxing suddenly saw a figure moving on the roadside, which seemed familiar. When the car approached, she realized that it was Wen Xi.

She hurriedly asked Zhou Xun to stop the car. She lowered the window and shouted, "Wen Xi!"

The other party turned his head, looking very surprised, "Mr. Han, why are you here?"

"I live here," Han Ruoxing asked, "but you, why are you here?"

Except for the villa area, there are no houses nearby. There are cars on the road and few people can be seen.

Wen Xi said, "My home is near here."

Han Ruoxing was surprised, "You live near here."

Wen Xi said bravely, "Yes, I got up late today and couldn't get a taxi."

Han Ruoxing said nothing, looked at her from top to bottom, and after a few seconds said, "Get in the car first, and then we'll talk about it."

Wen Xi breathed a sigh of relief, thanked him, trotted to the other side, opened the car door and got up.

After getting in the car, she discovered that there were not only Han Ruoxing and the driver in the car, but also an ordinary-looking young man.

Han Ruoxing introduced, "This is Yuan Jie, my life assistant."

Wen Xi said hello to the other party, fastened his seat belt, and sat cautiously next to Han Ruoxing while holding his backpack.

After the car started, Han Ruoxing continued to ask Wen Xi the question he just asked, "You live near here. It's quite a distance from the company. Doesn't it take a lot of time to commute?"

Wen Xi said awkwardly, "My grandma was seeing a doctor before, and the house at home was sold. The rent near the company was very high, so I rented farther away. I can usually catch the bus. Last night...there was an accident. I got up late, but luckily I met you."

Han Ruoxing didn't ask any more questions.

The rents here are cheap because they are all about to be demolished and there are no supporting facilities nearby, so they are actually not suitable for living.

She felt that Wen Xi wasn't telling the truth, but she didn't expose it either.

Wen Xi rarely talks. She won't speak unless you take the initiative to speak. When she arrived at the company, she thanked her and left.

I thought it was just an accident, but unexpectedly, during lunch, she sat opposite her with a plate and greeted her naturally, "Mr. Han, can I sit here?"

Han Ruoxing looked up at her and nodded.

Wen Xi sat down, and Song Jiayu and the others at the table next to him turned their heads and looked this way, looking a little incomprehensible.

Ever since Han Ruoxing snatched Mrs. Qin, a big client, from Su Wanqin, Su Wanqin had shown great care for her while secretly checking and balancing her.

Even if Su Wanqin doesn't have as many shares as she does, she still controls the real power of the company. Even if someone wants to take sides, they would never dare to do so at this time.

Wen Xi is timid and does not want to offend anyone. He returned the money to himself before to show his attitude. If this is the case, why is he approaching her now?

She knew Song Jiayu's methods. She was so close to her, so she wasn't afraid that Song Jiayu would put on her shoes again?

Han Ruoxing really couldn't understand this girl.

Li Siyan was quite happy and greeted Wen Xi warmly.

"Wen Xi, your grandma hasn't been discharged from the hospital yet. Why did she come to the company for dinner today?"

Before Wen Xi spoke, someone next to him teased, "She should have come to the company to eat a long time ago. The bento she brings every day is like swill. Can she have an appetite? I said to Wen Xi, the canteen food is subsidized, and she only pays three per month." Bai, you're not bad at that, right? It's just the lunch box you brought, and I've seen enough of you not eating enough."

Wen Xi suddenly blushed and clenched his chopsticks in shame.

Li Siyan frowned, "Wang Jiao, what are you talking about? It's someone else's freedom to eat in the cafeteria or bring a lunch, but spending three hundred to eat in the cafeteria is noble?"

The person named Wang Jiao was sitting next to Song Jiayu. Han Ruoxing had met her before and she was also from the Finance Department.

Wang Jiao raised her eyebrows, "I didn't say that eating in the cafeteria is noble, but she comes to the cafeteria every day with a rotten lunch box and eats it hot. To be honest, it affects everyone's appetite. Everyone is very tired from work. Let's have a meal. It’s our life to be turned off, isn’t it?”

Zhou Yan also followed, "Wen Xi shouldn't be short of money. When Mr. Han gave her clothes before, she picked the most expensive one. She looked like she had seen the world and picked the best one right away."

"You can wear clothes worth ten thousand yuan, but you can't bear to pay three hundred yuan for food?"

"How can it be the same? Tens of thousands of dollars of clothing can be seen and touched, and it shows your identity when you wear it. Three hundred yuan is a real amount of money that comes out of your pocket."

Song Jiayu also said compassionately, "Wen Xi, if your family is really in trouble, you can ask the company, and the three hundred food expenses can still be waived for you."

Wen Xi's face was so white that his eyes turned red.

Three hundred dollars for food is indeed not much, and Wen Xi's salary is certainly not that bad, but there are elderly people in her family. She has bad teeth due to her age and needs the food to be cooked very soft. In order to facilitate the care of the elderly, she is not here. We eat lunches in the company cafeteria. We leave one for my grandma and bring one for myself to let the aunt in the cafeteria heat up for lunch.

The food, which was already soft and rotten, looked even worse after being heated. Wen Xi was not allowed to eat in the office, so she could only eat in the cafeteria. Many people had seen her bento, and some of them disliked it like Wang Jiao. She noticed After that, every time everyone came to the cafeteria to heat up their meals.

But it’s a fact that her family’s conditions are not good. Uremia is a bottomless pit. If you want to survive, you have to throw as much money into it as you want. Grandma always says to give up, but if you have one breath, how can you give up treatment so cruelly?

Until the end, she still wanted to persevere, no matter how hard she wore or how little she ate, no matter how hard her life was, she felt it was worth every dialysis session.

She never thought poverty was a joke. She neither stole nor robbed and lived on her own. Why was it a joke? But when her colleagues told these things as jokes to please everyone, she suddenly felt ashamed.

The teasing laughter around her was infinitely amplified, and for a moment, she suddenly wanted to run away.

At this moment, Han Ruoxing, who was sitting opposite her while dining, raised his eyes to look at those people and smiled, "Ten thousand clothes is vanity. You can't earn ten thousand in your life?"

Wang Jiao looked a little unhappy, but with Song Jiayu here, she was very confident, "If a person can't even afford food, but still wears such expensive clothes, how can it not be considered vanity?"

"You know that people can't afford it? Did she tell you in your ear?"

Wang Jiao was choked and speechless.

Han Ruoxing asked again, "Does your family run the canteen?"

Wang Jiao grimaced and whispered, "No."

"Aren't you so lenient? Those who didn't know better thought she went to your house to cook shit in your pot." (End of Chapter)

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