As he spoke, he was the first to applaud. Seeing this, everyone also applauded one after another, but their expressions were different, most of them were looking at him, and some were dissatisfied.

It's okay if you don't accept it, Han Ruoxing thought to herself. If it were her, she wouldn't accept it either.

The boss who landed inexplicably did not see the slightest bit of ability, so he first raised his frame, which would make anyone look unhappy.

Su Wanqin was not here, so there were no obstacles set up for her.

Han Ruoxing raised his hand to signal everyone to pause.

After the applause died down, she asked Cheng Yue, Assistant Cheng, when Sister Jiayu joined the company, did the welcome party also have such a big event?

Cheng Yue smiled and said, Jiayu is just a team leader of the fragrance department. Just join the job like everyone else. You are different. You are the general manager, so you still have to have your cards right.

Song Jiayu also said warmly, Ruoxing, I'm different from you. This is not the first time I've come to Caline. I just haven't joined the job before. Everyone knows me. It's your first time here, so you still have to give it a formal occasion so that everyone can Everyone knows you.

Han Ruoxing smiled and said, Sister Jiayu, we are all airborne, how can we be divided into kings and kings? The battle is so big, people who don't know the truth would think that I am just here to set up a show for everyone on the first day.

Song Jiayu was choked, but Han Ruoxing did not expect that Han Ruoxing would directly injure the enemy eight hundred and damage himself a thousand.

He directly airborne himself and said it was okay, and also dragged her into the water.

No one likes her even if she lands in the air, so Su Wanqin paved the way for her in the early stage and often took her to study in various departments. Under such subtle circumstances, she joined a small position and was not very conspicuous.

As a result, after working for so long, Han Ruoxing exposed it with just one sentence. Song Jiayu's face couldn't help but look a little ugly.

Cheng Yue said warmly, I didn't think carefully about this. I thought it was the first time that Mr. Han came to the company and called everyone over to recognize each other, but it turned out to be a bad thing with good intentions.

Han Ruoxing smiled and said, Assistant Cheng, I'm just kidding, don't be so nervous. Since you called everyone over, let me say a few words.

He said and looked at everyone, I'm sorry everyone, I've wasted so much time on everyone. I'm sorry. My name is Han Ruoxing. From today on, I will serve as the vice president of Caline. I am not a perfume professional and I know little about these things. But Caline was founded by my mother. Her last wish was to build Caline into an international brand. My father was too busy to take care of Caline, so he gave me this task. I think he thinks highly of me. Aunt Su is so I haven't been able to do it for many years, how can I, a halfway monk, have that ability?

Her teasing words made everyone laugh, but they didn't expect someone so sincere to come from the air.

Han Ruoxing rolled his eyes, But my father's fate is difficult, I can't do it without coming. Although I hold the position of vice president, my qualifications are not as good as the company's interns, so I hope that in the days to come, you will not hesitate to give me some advice, so that I can help you. If I learn a little more, my dad will ask me, and it will be easier for me to do business.

Everyone looked at each other. What she just wanted to say was perfunctory, right?

Before Han Ruoxing came to the company, several notices were issued from above, almost all of which were warnings and reminders. If she didn't come, everyone would have a bad impression because she was putting on too much airs.

Even before she came, some people were already planning how to intimidate her.

Everyone imagined various scenes of battles of wits and courage after the arrival of the vice president, but they didn't expect that Adou came, and he made his goal clear first.

What's the plan for this vice president?

No one dares to act rashly if common sense is not followed.

On the other hand, Manager Lu from the fragrance department smiled and said, Mr. Han is so good at joking. We are all apprentices in this world, and we just learn from each other.

Manager Li from the marketing department also joked, I heard that Manager Han studied acting. If I had joined the company years ago and had Manager Han's guidance, this year's annual meeting program would not be so ugly.

The two managers started, and other department managers also spoke one after another, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

Cheng Yue introduced the managers and directors of various important positions to Han Ruoxing in turn. Han Ruoxing had already seen the information of these people at home, but he still looked like he had just met them, shaking hands and saying hello.

After the crowd dispersed, Cheng Yue took her upstairs to her office.

Su Wanqin is better at troubleshooting than Song Jiayu. She will make things difficult for you in places where you can easily let down your guard, but she will never put on your shoes openly.

For example, this office is as big and bright as Gu Jingyan's office.

Mr. Han, this is your office. There is an assistant office and secretarial department next door. If you need anything, you can contact them.

Han Ruoxing looked around and asked, Where is Aunt Su's office?

On your floor.

Okay, you go out first, Han Ruoxing waved his hand, I'll take a look here.

Cheng Yue nodded and retreated.

Han Ruoxing glanced at Rong Xu and said, Rong Xu, buy me a cup of milk tea. It can be any flavor. It's very sweet.

Rong Xu responded, opened the door and went out.

Han Ruoxing followed him and quietly locked the door after he left. Then she took out the detection equipment Gu Jingyan gave her from her bag and started testing it around the office.

Gu Jingyan said that once there is a monitoring device or camera, the instrument will vibrate.

She carefully searched the entire office, leaving no corner untouched, but found nothing.

Are they overthinking it?

Han Ruoxing wandered around for a long time and found nothing, so he put the detector on the coffee table. As soon as he put it on, the instrument started to vibrate.

She was stunned for a moment, then picked up the instrument and shook it on the coffee table. It wasn't until she got close to the pot of money tree above that it vibrated again.

She pursed her lips and pushed away the moss on the surface, revealing something wrapped in plastic wrap underneath.

Han Ruoxing did not move, and carefully covered the thing with the piece of moss again, then put away the instrument and sent a WeChat message to Gu Jingyan.

You guessed it right, the bug was placed in a potted plant.

Gu Jingyan quickly replied, Don't move.

I didn't move. Han Ruoxing typed, Su Wanqin is a little too cautious. She has been working in this industry for twenty or thirty years, is she still afraid that I am a loser?

Gu Jingyan replied, She may not have released it.

Han Ruoxing was stunned for a moment, it wasn't her, that was Song Jiayu?

Thinking about it carefully, Song Jiayu seems to be more likely. She lives in Yuyuan every day. Even if Gu Jingyan said that he didn't think of anything, how could Song Jiayu, a person who relies on hypnosis to steal feelings, really feel at ease?

Han Ruoxing said calmly, You order a cup of coffee for Song Jiayu.

Gu Jingyan's eyelids twitched, I won't do it.

Han Ruoxing sent an emoticon saying If you want a divorce, just say so.

Gu Jingyan gritted his teeth, didn't he understand her yet? If she ordered this coffee, it would help her in the short term. If the two of them quarreled over something later, this would be the knife she stabbed herself with! She is totally unreasonable! (End of chapter)

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