Teacher Xiao Gu, you are young and promising!

Teacher Xiao Gu, you must have been very good at studying when you were a child.

The great-grandfather raised his tail and boasted vigorously, That's necessary. Can you enter the genius class casually? You must start from childhood. You can recite 300 Tang poems at the age of three, and you can recite 300 Tang poems at the age of five. I can memorize the Four Books and Five Classics backwards, but when I was seven years old, I could hardly read a word of them.

Gu Jingyan choked and coughed until his face turned red.

Han Ruoxing stretched her hand along his back, suppressing a smile and whispered, I didn't know you were so powerful.

Gu Jingyan said, I just found out too.

Naturally, everyone really asked Gu Jingyan to recite the Four Books and Five Classics backwards. After all, he couldn't understand even if he recited them, so they coaxed him to write a few words.

As soon as my great-grandfather heard the writing, he felt a little guilty.

He was just trying to save face for Han Ruoxing, but he was bragging about his grandson-in-law. He really didn't know how good Gu Jingyan's handwriting was.

Gu Jingyan did not allow everyone to continue making trouble, and said warmly, Tomorrow, if everyone wants it, I will write a few pictures tomorrow. It is too late today and the light is not good at night.

As soon as everyone heard this, they stopped making trouble, exchanged a few words, and went home one after another. Aunt Li brought out a pot from home and said it was chicken stewed during the day. No one touched the pot and let them heat it up. eat.

The people in Liu Town have been neighbors for decades. They usually look after each other and are very simple.

Han Ruoxing took it, thanked her, and stuffed a red envelope for Aunt Li's grandson. Aunt Li refused to let the child accept it. Gu Jingyan said, Aunt, if you are older than the Chinese New Year, give your child trouble. May the new year be safe and sound. .”

Most of the old people in the town believed this. When Gu Jingyan said this, they gave up and called them with a smile to come home for dinner tomorrow.

As soon as Aunt Li left, Gu Jingyan pulled Han Ruoxing and whispered, They all like you.

Han Ruoxing smiled and said, Don't I like you, Teacher Xiao Gu?

Gu Jingyan laughed and said, This is the first time in my life that I am bragging in this regard.

Han Ruoxing said in a low voice, Don't think that Grandpa likes to brag. When Lawyer Mo came here before, he really knew everything and was very good at talking. How could Grandpa let the person I like lose to him? He must be very energetic. Lift you up.

He laughed and said, Genius class, haha, I'm afraid my great-grandfather has blown all the knowledge on you.

Gu Jingyan was a little dissatisfied and said in a low voice, Even if I don't have to do it with Grandpa, I'm still no worse than him.

That's right, Han Ruoxing saw that his eyes were as bright as a puppy, and couldn't help but kiss his face, otherwise, how would I fall in love with you.

These words made Gu Jingyan feel comfortable and uncomfortable at the same time. He asked tangledly, If I'm not as good as him, will you look down on me?

Han Ruoxing looked at him and laughed inexplicably.

Gu Jingyan was stared at strangely by her. Just when he was about to ask her, Han Ruoxing said, Gu Jingyan, do you know what I like most about you now?

When Gu Jingyan heard the word like, the corners of his lips curled up unconsciously, and he said confidently, Every bit.

Han Ruoxing stretched out her hand to rub his earlobes and said with a smile, I like your love brain. Keep it as it is. I will love you forever.

After that, he let go and went back to the house.

Gu Jingyan stood there, all he could think about was I will always love you.

It's a big festival, show your love here, it's true.

He rubbed his burning ears and followed her back to the house, completely ignoring the first half of her words.

As soon as he entered the room, he saw his great-grandfather and Han Ruoxing making the bed. Gu Jingyan had grown a lot, so he immediately stepped forward and took the initiative to ask for help.

The great-grandfather was not polite and just threw the sheets and quilts to him, took Han Ruoxing away, and said he would cook glutinous rice balls for her, so Gu Jingyan had to make the bed himself.

When the glutinous rice balls were cooked, my great-grandfather asked, Is everything ready?

Han Ruoxing nodded, looked back at Gu Jingyan's room, and said softly, Everything is fine.

You brat, you're so weird that you make people worry.

Grandpa muttered something and then laughed again, I just said he is so annoying, how could the King of Hell accept him?

Han Ruoxing smiled. Only they knew how dangerous it was. It was God's mercy that he could come back.

By the way, Grandpa, Gu Jingyan also brought you a lot of other supplements. I'll get them for you.

Grandpa was very surprised, Is it progressing so fast? Last time I went back to Jiangcheng, you took me to the scenic spot. He didn't even look at me. He even asked me to open his mouth to remind him to buy a bottle of water. Could it be that you bought it and deliberately said that he bought it? Are you deliberately trying to please me?

Han Ruoxing was happy, I really didn't buy it.

This did not lie to the old man. The two of them brought two suitcases and a large backpack with them when they came. Except for a small part of their clothes, most of them were gifts that Gu Jingyan bought on the way here.

Gu Jingyan may not know much about other customs, but when he comes to visit, he is always polite and considerate.

He didn't like Qiao Xusheng so much at the beginning, but every time he came to Qiao's house, he would never come empty-handed, and the things he gave were always not cheap. Even when the relationship between the two was not so good before, he never let her do it in this regard. It was embarrassing for her parents' family, which was why Qiao Xusheng was able to blackmail projects from Gu Jingyan again and again at that time.

Because the schedule was arranged in a hurry, Gu Jingyan complained a lot when buying gifts. He felt that his great-grandfather had a bad impression of him. Later, Gu Jingyang also hurt his great-grandfather's heart by doing that. He was somewhat lacking in confidence and always thought of being generous with gifts. Some, show your feelings.

He is such a clumsy person who doesn't speak nice words and always wants to give the other person the best thing he can buy with money.

While eating, Gu Jingyan found that the number of glutinous rice balls in his bowl was twice that of Han Ruoxing's, and he subconsciously wanted to exchange them with Han Ruoxing. Han Ruoxing said, Grandpa specially served it for you, try it.

Gu Jingyan was flattered, and his great-grandfather glanced at him with an unlit cigarette in his mouth, and snorted arrogantly, For the sake of giving me a piece of shit.

Gu Jingyan?


Han Ruoxing pointed to the electronic dog standing at Grandpa's feet, Its new name.

Gu Jingyan was silent.

He couldn't understand how his advanced and intelligent gadgets got into the mouths of these old men, and they were either hard-core or stupid.

Gu Jingyan is not as good at talking as Mo Mingxuan, but he is handsome and can play with a lot of electrical appliances. Within two days of his arrival, he repaired all the appliances of the neighbors next door. He suddenly captured a lot of fans, and the yard Every day, a bunch of children gathered here to watch him fix things.

Han Ruoxing asked him with a smile, Don't you mind the noise?

Gu Jingyan said while assembling it, You will always have to go through it in the future, so get used to it early.

Very good, I am becoming more and more aware of being a father.

Just as Han Ruoxing was about to tease him, her phone rang. She took it out and took a look. Tang Xiaoxiao sent a WeChat message, There are changes in the East Palace. Please come back soon.

Han Ruoxing...(End of this chapter)

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