The focus of the Mo family's family banquet is always Mo Shiyun.

Whether it was the uncle who came from afar or the family of his younger son who had been taking care of Mr. Mo, no one could win the old man's favor.

He doesn't favor girls over boys. He prefers Mo Shiyun just because Mo Shiyun looks the most like his first love who was abandoned by him.

A young man from an aristocratic family can find all kinds of women when falling in love, but he will only choose the right woman for marriage.

Mrs. Mo was the right woman. The first love he abandoned was said to have thrown herself into a river on his wedding day, or to have married a carpenter and moved her family to the south of the Yangtze River. In short, she never appeared again.

The young master who was romantic and affectionate before marriage, after marriage, he and his wife treat each other as equals and treat each other as guests.

Unfortunately, Mrs. Mo was in poor health. She had four pregnancies and three miscarriages. The only son who survived was an idiot with low intelligence. The Mo family has not allowed him to be included in the family tree.

Until the child was three years old, Mr. Mo adopted a child of the same age as him from abroad. He took the child's name and entered it into the family tree, becoming his uncle.

It happened that Mrs. Mo's natal family was in decline, and she could no longer spare the energy to help her deal with the affairs of the Mo family's inner house. She could not bear this humiliation.

There's the first time, there's the second time, there's the third time...

The second uncle, his father and sister-in-law Mo Shiyun were also admitted one after another in the following years.

Outsiders only know that Mrs. Mo has three sons and one daughter, but they don't know that none of them are her children, and her only son is unknown to outsiders.

The romantic young master is ruthless and infatuated. Every woman he finds looks very much like his first love. The most similar one is Mo Shiyun's mother, the Hua Dan who sang Yue opera.

The Hua Dan was young and beautiful, with a voice like an oriole, but an extremely fierce temper. Relying on his pampering, she would often come to provoke him.

Mrs. Mo couldn't bear the shame, and she was worried and depressed all the time. She passed away before her son grew up. His real uncle, Mo's eldest son, also died at some point due to the neglect of his family after his mother passed away. He left the house at noon and never came back.

Strangely enough, after the death of his real wife, Mo Shiyun's mother, who was pampered by him, also died in that winter three months later.

It was just an ordinary snowy day. The snow was not heavy and the ice was thin. When I was going up the steps, I stepped on an ice skate that had fallen from the eaves. My head hit a nail on the threshold that was in disrepair and I died on the spot.

I heard that the funeral was more grand than that of the real wife, and I heard that he couldn't get out for several years. Until he found that Mo Shiyun looked more and more like the person in his heart, he gave all his love to her. she.

Many years later, my mother heard about this from the servant who had served the old man for many years at home. She felt very sad and felt unsatisfied with the retribution.

But Mo Mingxuan was thinking, there is no unfulfilled retribution in this world. It is rare for evil to be punished, and it is normal for good people not to live long. Otherwise, how could his grandfather live to this age?

In addition to this, he has indeed promoted all four children to the highest level within his ability. He wants everyone to follow his plan, whether it is career or family.

His father was the first to disobey him. Instead of marrying a well-matched woman as he wanted, he made a lifelong commitment to his college classmate.

However, he was not willing to give up the innate advantages given by the Mo family. The result of his disobedience was that the person who bore the punishment would become his mother.

The Mo family is like a rotten and rusty cruise ship, carrying everyone to sinking, but the people on the ship are still immersed in its former glory and don't know it, or they know it, but they are reluctant to let go of everything on the ship.

Mo Mingxuan's gaze swept across everyone's face one by one.

The politeness in their words and the just-right smiles seemed to have been carefully calculated, making them less fake and colder.

really interesting.

He thought and smiled.

Mo Shiyun raised her eyes and caught a glimpse of that smile. She suddenly said, Mingxuan, I heard that you have been very close to Yang Jinfeng's daughter recently. Are you dating?

Mr. Mo frowned when he heard Yang Jinfeng's name, That upstart with no ideas?

The already wrinkled face looked even more mean due to the frown.

Mo Mingxuan said lightly, Mr. Yang just has little education. He has great vision and ideas, otherwise he would not have become a leader in the energy industry.

Mr. Mo snorted coldly, Any fool can make money if he catches the wind.

Mo Mingxuan laughed, My sister-in-law should be one of the first people to support the energy project. Is it because she didn't catch up with this trend because she didn't like it?

The Mo family's sect is deeply intertwined and tightly clinging to one another. They are definitely the first to know what kind of wind direction there is.

Mo Shiyun didn't catch the spotlight on energy support projects, it was just that she looked down on them at the time. By the time she came to her senses and realized the rise of this industry, it was already too late to enter the industry. She lost a lot of money on the energy projects she partnered with others. Fortunately, another project was started at that time, which could fill some holes and prevent it from being too ugly.

Mo Mingxuan was simply trying to uncover her scars, and Mo Shiyun's expression immediately turned ugly.

Mr. Mo was more direct. He picked up the cup at hand and smashed it directly. Mo Mingxuan didn't hide, and the cup hit his forehead directly. He turned red instantly and spilled tea all over him.

You are so presumptuous!

Mr. Mo's face was sullen and his expression was like a ghost, as if he had done something heinous.

Mother Mo's face was pale, and she stretched out her hand to see her son's injury, but Father Mo held her down.

No one spoke at the dinner table. In their eyes, this was perfectly normal.

Ever since Mr. Mo has become bad at his behavior, his temper has become weirder and weirder. If anything goes wrong, he will get angry. Mo Mingxuan is pushing himself against the muzzle of the gun.

Only Mo Shiyun, who had just been ridiculed by him, patted Mr. Mo's back and whispered comfort, Dad, Mingxuan just said casually, are you getting angry? The doctor asked you to stay in a comfortable mood and lose your temper less. Are you? Don’t listen to a word.”

Mr. Mo slapped the table, his anger still lingering, Look at the way he speaks, there is no respect for elders or younger ones at all. In the past few years since he has been abroad, he has become more and more unrestrained than before!

Mo Shiyun chuckled, Young people, young people have rules, so are they still called young people?

As he spoke, he raised his eyes and said to Mo Mingxuan, Mingxuan, go up and clean up. It's such a big holiday. What does it look like?

Mr. Mo snorted coldly, You are kind to him, but he may not accept your invitation.

Mo Mingxuan reached out and gently brushed away the water droplets on his face. He stood up and left the table without saying anything.

When he came out after changing his clothes, Mo Shiyun was standing on the stairs smoking.

She was wearing a red cheongsam, her long hair was permed into big waves, and she was neatly styled. Her exquisite makeup made her look very charming, and she didn't look like a fifty-year-old person at all.

When she heard the door open, she didn't look back, she just exhaled a puff of smoke and said lightly, Mingxuan, why bother. (End of Chapter)

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