Gu Jingyang didn't drink, Gu Jingyang drove the car.

Gu Jingyan sat in the passenger seat, while Han Ruoxing and Lin Shu sat on each side of the back seat, sandwiching Song Jiayu in the middle.

Song Jiayu's drinking capacity was average, and Han Ruoxing's drinks were all strong drinks. Jiang Mingqi's drinking capacity was enough to make him drunk, not to mention Song Jiayu's.

When Jiang Mingqi was there, Han Ruoxing tested Song Jiayu several times. She was so drunk that she spoke with a loud tongue and couldn't pronounce her own name clearly.

Han Ruoxing had a sullen face and placed her fingers on the car window and tapped lightly. After a while, she suddenly asked Gu Jingyan, Where did Song Jiayu give you the medicine before?

As soon as she opened her mouth, Gu Jingyan knew what she was going to do.

He pursed his lips and whispered, That drug is a gray area in China and has been banned abroad.

Psychotropic drugs are not a good thing.

Han Ruoxing's face turned ugly when he heard this.

Song Jiayu, this crazy person, dared to use this forbidden drug on him in order to control Gu Jingyan! Son of a bitch!

Where's the medicine?

Han Ruoxing asked in a deep voice.

Gu Jingyan pursed his lips and said, Throw it away.

Han Ruoxing didn't believe it at all, so she turned around and asked Lin Shu, Lin Shu, where is the medicine?

Lin Shu said, There are a few pills in the storage box that were leftover when Mr. Gu sent them for inspection.

Gu Jingyan's face darkened, Whose salary do you get?

Gu Jingyang frowned, Brother, what your wife wants to ask is, if you have the ability to yell at her, why are you yelling at Lin Shu?

Gu Jingyan?

Gu Jingyang, what's your last name? Who are you talking to?

After all, Gu Jingyang was still a little afraid of him. He shrank his shoulders and whispered, You are his boss, so you can't be unreasonable. He gets your salary without falsehoods, but he dares to offend your wife? You don't even dare.

Gu Jingyan's face turned green. He wore a pair of pants with the three of them. Was he an outsider?

Han Ruoxing patted Gu Jingyan's shoulder and said, Bring me one.

Gu Jingyan said, It's impossible.

Song Jiayu could be crazy without a bottom line, but he didn't want her to be like this.

Han Ruoxing gritted her teeth and threatened, If you don't give it to me, I will move back to the Song family!

Gu Jingyan was silent for a moment, pursed his lips and said, Then I will live with you in the Song family.

Han Ruoxing...

She rubbed her temples and said hoarsely, Gu Jingyan, I know you talk about principles, but that's not what the principles say. She gave you something of unknown origin to wash away your memory. She didn't even know if it would be right. You have caused permanent damage to your body, and just thinking about it makes me want to bite her to death!

Her voice trembled as she spoke.

Gu Jingyan's heart softened, and he turned to look at her with gentle but firm eyes, I called the hypnotist, and he will use a milder medicine later. Song Jiayu drank wine. What are the adverse reactions of the medicine she gave me? I don’t even know, if something’s not necessary for this kind of person, do you understand?”

Han Ruoxing's mood was calmed down little by little.

Gu Jingyan knew her so well that he knew what she was going to do with just one look. She just wanted to use that medicine to do what Song Jiayu did to Gu Jingyan and pry her mouth open.

He knew everything, but he didn't allow it. He was more thoughtful. He was afraid of causing trouble, and he didn't want her hands to get dirty.

Han Ruoxing took a deep breath and finally calmed down, Is the hypnotist you found reliable? Is he willing to help with involuntary hypnosis?

Gu Jingyan said hmm and whispered, He owes me a favor.

Han Ruoxing stopped talking. Gu Jingyang turned the steering wheel, his mind already in a mess.

Her brother remembered.

It was Song Jiayu who caused her brother to lose his memory, and Song Jiayu also gave her brother illegal drugs.

Her brother has been pretending.

She glanced at Lin Shu from the rearview mirror. This guy didn't show any surprise at all. How dare they all know?

So are they no longer on guard against her, or do they not take her seriously at all?

The car was driving a little too fast, and Song Jiayu frowned, looking very uncomfortable.

Lin Shu was afraid that she would vomit in the car, so he quickly grabbed a plastic bag.

Song Jiayu hugged Lin Shu in a daze and called in a low voice, Brother Gu...

Lin Shu's back stiffened and he pushed her hand away, Miss Song, you have recognized the wrong person.

Song Jiayu hugged him again, Brother Gu, I like you. I have liked you since I was very young. Do you like me?

Lin Shu couldn't push her away, so he said dryly, It's okay...

Song Jiayu smiled and said, I knew it. We've known each other since we were young. How could you not have feelings for me? Han Ruoxing just took the opportunity.

...Yes. Lin Shu was afraid of waking her up, so he just followed her words.

Gu Jingyang gripped the steering wheel, but couldn't help but look in the mirror.

Brother Gu...Brother Gu...

Song Jiayu murmured, suddenly hugged Lin Shu's neck and kissed him on the face.

Gu Jingyang's eyelids twitched suddenly.

Lin Shu reacted and was so frightened that he hid aside. His head hit the glass and his face turned pale in pain.

Fortunately, Song Jiayu finally calmed down, closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Han Ruoxing asked in a low voice, Lin Shu, are you okay?

Lin Shu rubbed his head and whispered, It's okay.

Gu Jingyang snorted and braked suddenly. Song Jiayu's head hit the back of the front seat, and Han Ruoxing almost hit her too.

Gu Jingyan frowned and said with a cold face, Can you drive well?

Gu Jingyang bit his lip and then calmed down.

After a while, the car arrived at another villa under Gu Jingyan's name.

Lin Shu got the person out of the car and sent him to the room. Not long after, another car also appeared at the door of the villa.

A mixed-race man came, slightly older than Gu Jingyan. His facial features were not as delicate as those of the mixed-race men on TV, but he was very friendly, had a good temperament, and was as gentle as jade. Gu Jingyan introduced that his Chinese name was Chu Yi. A very powerful hypnotherapist abroad.

The other party communicated a few words with Gu Jingyan in English.

Gu Jingyan kicked all three of them out.

Han Ruoxing was dissatisfied and wanted to defend herself, but Gu Jingyan said, Hypnosis requires a relatively quiet environment. Your pregnancy is not over yet. What if you vomit at this critical moment?

One sentence blocked all Han Ruoxing's words.

Chu Yi handed the prepared water to Gu Jingyan and asked Gu Jingyan to feed Song Jiayu to drink it.

As long as the hypnotist is powerful enough, hypnosis does not require the assistance of drugs, but Song Jiayu is different. Like him at the time, she was involuntarily hypnotized, so there may be mental resistance during the process, so it is best to use some drugs for insurance.

While waiting for the medicine to take effect, Gu Jingyan talked to Chu Yi about the previous Dr. Huang and how he was hypnotized.

Chu Yi was still a little reluctant at first, but it was hard to repay the favor, so he came over. When he heard that Gu Jingyan was hypnotized by the woman on the bed calling someone else, the reluctance in his heart disappeared immediately.

He is not a domestic doctor, so as long as he does not harm people's lives, his standards are not that strict.

Speaking of which, Dr. Huang and you are from the same school. I checked his resume abroad before and found that he and you studied in the same university. You are still in the same class.

(None today)

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