Han Ruoxing? ? ?

Han Ruoxing's confused look made Jiang Mingqi feel better. He didn't look like a substitute.

Before he could speak, Han Ruoxing said, No, who gave you the confidence to make you feel as handsome as Gu Jingyan?

Jiang Mingqi turned green.

Are you blind? How am I not more handsome than Gu Jingyan? Not only handsome, I am also young, and the women chasing me are lined up from here to outside the Fifth Ring Road!

Han Ruoxing couldn't help but laugh, You are so confident, why do you have to compete with Gu Jingyan in front of me? In my heart, Gu Jingyan is the best. Aren't you looking for abuse? You should ask your girlfriend, you Whoever is handsomer than Gu Jingyan, she will definitely choose you without thinking, for the same reason.

Jiang Mingqi snorted, I'm just unhappy, losing to such an old man!

Han Ruoxing's eyelids twitched, Are you not going to live to be thirty?

Fuck! Jiang Mingqi became even more upset, When people scolded me when I was in school, why didn't you defend me like this? We've all been with each other, and there are differences between close and distant relatives?

You deserve to be scolded for being so arrogant. At that time, my popularity was not good because of Qiao Siyao. You still asked me to help you scold people. Do you think I was not isolated enough?

If it weren't for you, would I be able to deal with those guys?

Han Ruoxing was confused, What does this have to do with me?

Jiang Mingqi scolded, You white-eyed wolf, why do you think someone who didn't have a good relationship with you during the group assignment would be willing to be in a group with you? I wasn't the one who beat me up!

The corner of Han Ruoxing's mouth twitched, Let me tell you, you find me three oil bottles for a task that I can complete alone. After I finish my own work, I have to help them do it. Why are you so imbecile!

Jiang Mingqi's face turned dark, I'm not afraid that no one will join you, and you'll cry? You're heartless!

Han Ruoxing laughed when she saw his angry look.

Hey, can you do it? It's been so many years, but you're still so young-minded.

Jiang Mingqi said with a sullen face, I was broken up, would you be able to let it go if it were you?

Han Ruoxing snorted, You can't resist your father yourself, so don't let me take the blame.

Jiang Mingqi was frustrated, knowing that what she said was the truth, but he just accepted it without resisting whenever he thought of her resistance, which still made him a little frustrated.

He just couldn't deny the fact that after so many years, when he saw her again, he still couldn't help but fall in love with her.

This is the reason why he has nothing nice to say every time they meet. He blames her for completely forgetting everything and hates her for being completely separated. If he had known, he would not have let go of such a long line in the first place. The same, let her never forget it.

Who knew that after playing hard to get for so long, I would become a passerby.

The more I think about it, the more panic I feel!

Coco blinked her big eyes and stared at Jiang Mingqi for a long time. Finally, she couldn't help it anymore and asked, Brother, you are more handsome than Uncle Gu.

Jiang Mingqi was stunned for a moment, then laughed, reached out and pinched Coco's little face, This little girl still has discernment.

He glanced at Han Ruoxing and said, It's not like some people whose eyes are cloudy.

Han Ruoxing...

Coco, the little handsome dog, came next to Jiang Mingqi and said, Brother, are you and Aunt Han friends?

Han Ruoxing corrected him, Keke, call me uncle. He is as old as me.

But he is younger than Uncle Gu.

Jiang Mingqi was elated, The child's eyes are naturally bright.

Han Ruoxing said expressionlessly, As you wish, I will become a nephew.

Jiang Mingqi...

Be good, let's call you uncle.

Coco liked Jiang Mingqi very much, and the two of them started chatting passionately after a while.

Han Ruoxing touched her chin, but she couldn't tell that Keke was still a social gangster.

Jiang Mingqi liked children very much, so he led Coco out without saying hello to her. Han Ruoxing couldn't persuade Coco, so she could only get up and follow behind.

There are many things for children to play on the same floor of the cinema, such as claw machines, video games, etc.

Keke rarely comes to places with many people to play. He is curious about everything he sees and wants to go up and play with everything he sees.

Han Ruoxing took her mobile phone to buy game coins. Just as she was about to scan the QR code, she was blocked by Jiang Mingqi. He raised his hand to greet a staff member and whispered a few words. The other person nodded and took a bunch of game coins. come over.

Han Ruoxing?

Does your family run it?

Jiang Mingqi hummed, When we were not financially independent, we were not willing to let you spend money. Now that we are financially independent, we let you spend money. Who are you looking down on?

Han Ruoxing said, I have a husband.

Jiang Mingqi said, Shut up.

Han Ruoxing shut her mouth and thought about how to give him the money later.

Ke Ke was very excited and was led by Jiang Mingqi. He caught four or five claw machines in a short time.

Then he took him to shoot basketball and ride a motorcycle.

Han Ruoxing looked at Jiang Mingqi, who was playing with Keke, and suddenly felt that Jiang Mingqi was still young and could play with an energetic child. When her child grew to be as old as Keke, Gu Jingyan would be almost forty and still have fun. Move?

He had to urge Gu Jingyan to keep fit, otherwise the children would run all over the floor and they, the old, the weak, the sick, and the disabled would not be able to catch up.

Someone hit his head with a balloon. Han Ruoxing frowned, rubbed his forehead, and stared at Jiang Mingqi, What are you doing?

What are you thinking about?

Miss my husband.

Shut up!

Jiang Mingqi snorted, The generation gap is so big, can we play together?

Of course I can play it. I am mature and a perfect match for my husband.

Jiang Mingqi looked like he was about to vomit, When you fell in love with me, why weren't you so in love?

Han Ruoxing said casually, Your appearance is not enough to make me lose my mind.

Jiang Mingqi gave her a middle finger gesture, and Han Ruoxing returned the gesture.

When Coco got tired of playing, she sat on the rocking car and enjoyed it. Han Ruoxing and Jiang Mingqi sat on the stools next to them, watching her play.

Jiang Mingqi handed her a bottle of water and asked, Gu Jingyan said that this child is not his, do you believe it?

Of course, he has no need to lie to me, and we are not in ancient times. I can just check the DNA to know whether the child is his, and I still let others fool me?

Jiang Mingqi looked at her for a while and suddenly said, You have never liked me.

Han Ruoxing said nothing.

Jiang Mingqi smiled, looked at Coco not far away, and said lightly, If you like someone, your eyes will be filled with light when you mention Gu Jingyan, but you won't when you look at me, even when we are in love. nor.

I thought you were born to be a heartless thing. Damn it, I'm really dissatisfied with losing to Gu Jingyan.

Stop pretending, Han Ruoxing said speechlessly, You act like you are so affectionate. Isn't it just that you are dumped and you feel unhappy? Well, this time I ask you to dump me. If you tell me to leave, I will leave.

Jiang Mingqi looked at her for a while, then suddenly reached out and hugged her, whispering, For the last time, let's say goodbye.

Han Ruoxing was resisting when she raised her eyes and suddenly met Gu Jingyan's gloomy eyes.


(None today)

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