Chapter 1376

No matter how sturdy things are, it is hard to withstand violent breaking-

Besides, this mummy's coffin has a history of at least 3,000 years, and it has been well preserved so far.

All I could hear—the sound of the mechanical spring breaking with a click, and then the lid of the coffin squeaked and was opened... The lid of the coffin fell to the ground with a bang, and a mummy with a distorted face and a grim expression appeared in the crowd. before……


"What the **** is this?"

" scared me to death!"

A group of Americans were taken aback by this sudden attack. Anyone who opened the coffin and suddenly a mummy popped out would be taken aback...

However, after everyone settled down, they found that the mummy was not resurrected, just because they stood there and pried open the coffin, so it may be because the coffin was shaking that the mummy was shaken out, just just now It was a bit unexpected at that moment, so it scared them...

Henderson looked at the ferocious mummy in front of him and asked curiously, "Mr. Daniels, are you sure this thing can sell for a big price??"

After asking for a long time, Henderson found that the team leader did not answer his question, which made him unable to bear to look at his team leader, Mr. Daniels...

I saw Daniels squatting in front of the coffin board that fell to the ground at this time, looking at the top with a solemn expression...

"What's wrong? Mr. Daniels, is something wrong?"

Daniels's solemnity made the entire team quiet. A group of American nationals surrounded Daniels and squatted down... Following his example, they looked at the coffin board on the ground...

"Look at these scratches..." Daniels gently stroked the scratches on the coffin lid with his hand... "This guy was locked in alive... Besides, he was in great pain..."

"Buried alive? This might raise our price, a mummy buried alive..." An American said humorously.

"Idiot..." Daniels rolled his eyes at him and picked up a dried beetle corpse next to the coffin... "This is a scarab, a carnivorous insect, by eating the corpse, they can live in the coffin. It has been in stock for several years... This guy must have committed heinous crimes before his death, so he was executed the most brutal [Insect Bite]..."

At this moment, a daring American walked up to the mummy, looked at the mummy carefully, then touched it lightly, and exclaimed in surprise: "Hey, guys, I think you should come. Look at this... this guy is still wet, I can't believe it, you know—three thousand years later, even a coffin should have evaporated cleanly..."

"That's not water, it's just the grease on the corpse..." Daniels' words made the guy who just touched the mummy wipe his hands on his body in disgust...

"Did this guy seduce the Pharaoh's wife? If there is this story, maybe he can buy more money..."

"That's a good idea, Burns..."

"Thank you for the compliment—" Burns gently pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and smiled proudly...

"..." Although Daniels didn't speak, he gave these guys a "stupid" comment in his heart...

In his opinion, these guys only saw the monetary value of this mummy, but did not expect the risks involved...

As far as he knows, in all the well-preserved ancient Egyptian documents, there is no record of this kind of [insect bite] punishment being carried out. It is not that they do not want to carry it out, but that the ruling class cannot afford to carry out this punishment. s consequence……

According to records - if the sinners who were killed by this punishment were resurrected, it would bring ten plagues to Egypt - blood and floods, frogs, flies, lice, animal plagues, blisters, fire and rain, Plague of locusts, plague of darkness, plague of firstborns.

This—perhaps the only mummy found to have been devoured by insects since records were recorded, the value of which is simply incalculable...

Those uneducated hillbillies don't understand its value at all...

While thinking proudly, Daniels continued to observe the scratches on the coffin lid... He suddenly found that there was a sentence carved on it with his fingernails - "This is...?"

"What's wrong? Mr. Daniels..."

Although this group of Americans don't have much cultural knowledge, but - they have their little cleverness, that is - always pay attention to their leader, so as not to miss the opportunity to make a fortune...

Therefore, when they saw the surprised look on Daniels' face, everyone gathered around again.

"This is a sentence... This guy left a sentence before he died..."

"What was written? What does this sentence mean?" A few people who had no knowledge of ancient Egyptian cuneiform could only ask Daniels.

"The meaning of this sentence is..." The look on Daniels' face became solemn again... "Death—just the beginning!"

As Daniels said the meaning of this sentence, everyone felt a cold wind hanging from their body... which made them shrink their necks.

When they turned their attention to the mummy with a distorted face and a hideous face again, everyone no longer had any intention of joking...

"Everyone rest in place, we have more important work to do in a while..." Seemingly wanting to break this heavy atmosphere, Daniels issued an order to rest, but - obviously the effect of this order is not good ...

The Egyptian laborers who were so excited when they heard the break gathered together in twos and threes, whispering in panic and discussing something in their language...

Of course, Daniels knew what these workers wanted to do—you could guess what these guys were thinking with their heels, it was just that they thought it was too scary and wanted to quit...

Daniels is not afraid of this, where is this place? It's deep in the desert...

Whoever dares to give him a posthumous title, he dares to leave that guy alone in the desert, as for - don't want to do it?

Yes - you can go -

But—what the laborer owns, horses and supplies, all belong to him—if they want to go, they can leave the horses with their provisions, and they can go on the road alone...

Daniels believes that no guy would dare to do this, walking out of the desert on his own legs without food and water? Is that suicide?

So, Daniels isn't worried at all about these guys quitting... As for the riots? Just kidding, only his people here have weapons, what are the unarmed workers fighting against them? Use your own body to block eye-catching? Now, there should be less stupid people...

On the other side, on the periphery of Hamna Tower, there is a group of guys wearing black robes and black hoods, sitting on horses, staring at the camp of the tomb robbers... They are none other than They are the descendants of the pharaoh's guards. As the defenders of the city, they certainly have their own ways to enter Hamna Tower at other times.

Chapter 1377

Chapter 1377

On the other side - Zhou Ye's place...

Evelyn finally caught her brother. After a lesson, Jonathan finally recognized the fact that he was timid, and then obediently followed his sister and returned to the compartment where Death had retreated...

"No—" Evelyn, who returned to the corridor, saw an opened box at a glance. She rushed to her man's side unusually, and groped Zhou Ye's body up and down... "You Are you alright? Ye, don't scare me... Do you feel any discomfort..."

"My God... Zhou, did you really open this thing??" Jonathan looked at the opened box with a surprised expression...

"I'm fine, baby..." Zhou Ye smiled and patted Evelyn's pink back lightly, then raised the Black Sutra of the Undead in his hand—he said with a wicked smile, "I'm sorry, baby, I'm afraid you will lose. I made my own bet... Obviously, this dark guy is not the Sun Jin Jing..."

"Uh—!" Evelyn's face turned red when she heard her man talk about the bet again... She knew that this time she really wanted to—there was no guarantee,

But after being shy and embarrassed, Evelyn looked at the black metal book in Zhou Ye's hand with a dazzling thirst for knowledge in her eyes... With a pleasing look on her face, she said to her man, "...Let me see. This book, my dear..."

"First tell me if you admit defeat?" Zhou Ye raised the Black Sutra of the Undead in his hand and said with a smirk.

"Okay, okay, I admit that I lost..." The last thought of wanting to be slapped was also seen through by her own man, and Evelyn finally, under the temptation and temptation of the Black Book of the Undead, could only admit it happily. own failure...

Hearing Evelyn's words of admitting defeat, Zhou Ye handed Evelyn the Black Book of Undead in his hand...

Caressing the metallic cover of the Black Book of the Dead in her hand, Evelyn seemed to be looking at a rare treasure, "I didn't expect this book to exist... This discovery will surely shock the entire archaeological world... "

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