The sweeter this time, the more tragic the ending will be... any sweetness is just an illusion...

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye continued to tell what happened to Farmer Tom [Van Helsing]... "Everything good is always destroyed by ugliness, and everything good is always destroyed by bad people..."

The girl who was blessed by her brother finally got her wish to live with him...

The two meet in front of the priest to spend a lifetime together...

Because of being forced by his sister, the girl's brother refused to give them financial subsidies, which made them unable to buy a wedding ring in the end...

But the girl didn't care, she put the ring on her finger, given to her by her brother, with the emblem of the lord's family, on his finger as a wedding ring, and he? He was so poor that he couldn't even buy an iron wrench, and in the end he had no choice but to use a grass ring instead...

Even so, the girl was still very happy - he still remembered that on the day of the wedding...the promise he made in front of **** in the church, he would buy a real gold ring for the girl sooner or later...

For this goal, he changed his previous poor and lazy appearance, and began to go out to work some part-time jobs in the city during the slack farming season...

Although their lives are poor, they are warm and happy...

Every day when he comes home, the girl will gently bring him a cup of oatmeal tea. Although the oatmeal in the tea is only a few grains, but...the warm tea can dispel his tiredness...

When summer comes, girls like to snuggle up in his arms, sitting at the door of their cabin, watching the stars shining in the sky, and thinking about their happy future...

He feels so happy in life and he is grateful for the happiness God has given him... He firmly believes that his life will be better and happier...

Chapter 1356

Chapter 1356


It was as if God was jealous of their little happiness. Finally, one day, his little happiness was completely shattered by others.

His wife was spotted by a monk named Karl from the Vatican... That Karl, relying on his own identity, forced him to sacrifice his wife...

He - how can he?

In the end, he and his wife were arrested... along with one of his older sisters and a younger sister...

That Carl united with the local church, framed his wife and sisters as witches, and in the name of God, wanted to purify them...

The purification ceremony was carried out in the square. In front of him, Karl took his sister and his wife... Karl couldn't play by himself, and he used the majesty of the Holy See to force the people to come together...

That evil Karl didn't even allow him to close his eyes, forcibly opened his eyelids with his hands to let him watch his wife and sisters being killed by hundreds of men......

He witnessed all this with his eyes, he heard his wife's shrill screams in his ears, he saw Carl's proud smile, and he saw the relieved look on his wife's face in the burning flame...

"Ah, ah -------- Don't say ... I beg you, don't say it anymore ..." Tom [Fan Hai Xin] screamed, he felt his own heart in the blood, his double eyes It became blood-red and blood-red, the veins on his face burst out, and he was extremely hideous... "I remember... I... I remember everything... Damn Holy See, **** monk... Damn Jehovah..."

" think, you—Should you die??" Zhou Ye continued his role-playing game...

"I—damn...I didn't protect her well...I'm damn..." Tom [Van Helsing] knelt on the ground, he remembered everything in Zhou Ye's speech... At this moment, his eyes couldn't help but flow out. Two lines of blood and tears... "But—I am not reconciled, I am not reconciled... Although Carl is dead, he was not killed by me... I am not reconciled..."

"What do you want??" Zhou Ye asked coldly, "How long are you going to keep my sister waiting for you? You coward!"

"I want to send all monks to hell, I want to become a nightmare for the Holy See, I want to make this world free from those **** priests... I want no one to proclaim the holy name of Jehovah in this world..." Van Helsing, uh, no—now it's time to call him Tom, and Tom's face is terrifying... "I want this world, there's no more God!!"

"Hey, you're just a farmer...why do you do these things??" Zhou Ye said disdainfully.

"I can learn what I can't do, I have a heart of revenge, one day, one month, one month, one year, one year, ten years, ten years, fifty years, fifty years...until I die. !"

"Say—who doesn't, prove it to me..."

"I'll prove it..." Tom said, and stood up staggeringly from the ground. He trembled and walked to the center of the square, next to the corpses of the three vampires who had been burned into skeletons... Gently, he took off his clothes from the side of the corpse in the middle, and then gently... wrapped all the ashes and skeletons cleanly...

The ashes of the three people have already been congealed together by wind and rain, and they can't tell them apart, so... Tom simply mixed them together. Anyway, to him, these three people are the closest people to him...

After doing all this, Tom held the bulging ashes in his arms and walked out of the city step by step... While walking, he said without looking back: "Please give me some time... Let me Bury my wife and sisters first..."

"Of course..." Zhou Ye watched Tom walk out of the city step by step, and slapped his head violently... He whispered, "I almost forgot about it... But fortunately, there is still a chance to remedy this..."

Then he muttered to himself a long series of words, the voice was so low that almost no one could hear what he was saying...

Following his words, in a forest somewhere outside the city, a dilapidated wooden house rose up from the ground, and the surrounding environment was also changing rapidly...

After all this was done, Zhou Ye lifted his legs and walked towards the direction where Tom left. He wrote and directed the play. If he didn't finish it, he would always feel a little uncomfortable... So, as expected, there must be a beginning and an end...

With this thought in mind, Zhou Ye quickly caught up with Tom...

Sure enough - Tom was walking towards the home he remembered...

Half an hour later... Tom came to his dilapidated wooden house, looking at the place full of memories of him and the girl, he couldn't help crying...

Tom sat on his knees on the ground, crying and digging hard with his hands... "Honey... I'm taking you home... We're going home... You wait for me, I'll be... very soon... I'll send those people to accompany you soon... let... let them in front of you... repent of their crimes..."

The wind and rain were mixed with tears, flowing on Tom's cheeks... The hands that were digging the soil were also dripping with blood because of the gravel in the soil. It looked like it was so miserable... it was so miserable for passers-by. I can't help shedding tears of sympathy...

It's a pity, there is only Zhou Ye here, no passers-by... So——sympathy and tears, it's completely impossible...

Don't you want to be moved by the story you choreographed... How is it possible? Zhou Ye is not that kind of literary youth... He is watching Tom's true interpretation with relish... He even tastes Tom's expression with relish...

I have to say - Uncle Wolf doesn't seem to have played any tragic roles. It's really rare to see such a tragic interpretation of him at this time...

Two hours later————

Tom, whose hands were full of blood, carefully placed the package containing the ashes of his wife and sister into the grave he dug out with his own hands. Finally, he lowered his head and licked the ashes bag in person...

Zhou Ye's brows jumped when he saw the action... Dead vampires shouldn't be contagious, right? Wouldn't he have infected Van Helsing into a vampire?

Van Helsing—well, wrong again, it should be Tom...

Tom didn't notice the different expression on Zhou Ye's face behind him at all, and he buried the soil in his hands gently... "Dear... may your soul rest in peace, and may there be no missionaries in heaven. scholar……"

After a long time, Tom finally finished burying his wife and sisters, and then——he stood up slowly, and walked towards the opposite direction of Transylvania city without looking back... While walking , he said: "I will give my own hands... one by one strangling those **** missionaries and monks... just wait for my news!"

"Then..." Zhou Ye's voice came from behind Tom...

"..." Tom turned his head in a hurry, and it happened that a black mass was smashing towards him. He raised his hand and caught what Zhou Ye threw over. He took a closer look, it was a big cowhide. Wallet... "This is..."

"Vengeance requires capital, so I'm helping you..." Zhou Ye said indifferently.

"Thank you..." After Tom finished speaking, he turned around again and walked firmly into the distance... From now on, there will be no Farmer Tom anymore, only one - the enemy of Christ...

Watching a figure with a vengeful spirit disappear into the rainy night, Zhou Ye finally couldn't help laughing... After a while, he put away his smile, "Okay, it's time to go back and enjoy my wife's hot kang head... ...happy vengeance to you - Van Helsing!"

Chapter 1357

Chapter 1357

One night of wind and rain seemed to wash Transylvania, and the whole small town seemed so peaceful and warm.

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