Dracula likes this the most, driving his prey step by step into a corner, listening to their mournful wailing, watching their desperate expressions... For him, there is nothing in the world that can make him feel better than this. to pleasure...

Chapter 1352

Chapter 1352

The night is getting darker and the rain is getting heavier...


With the sound of the wind shaking the edge of the window, a figure climbed up from the couch...

"The dark moon and the wind kills the night..." The figure muttered to himself, walking to the window and gently closing the window frame that was blown open by the strong wind...

At this moment, lightning bolts streaked across the sky like electric snakes outside the window, and the electric light instantly illuminated that person's face... It was none other than Zhou Ye.

After a long while, the rumbling thunder came over...

Anna, who was awakened by the thunder, closed her eyes tightly, and arched her arms to the position beside her. She wanted to find the most comfortable position in someone's arms and continue to sleep... But, let her toss and turn. , but did not find that warm embrace...

Anna opened her eyes with a hint of doubt, and she saw Zhou Ye standing by the window at a glance.

"Darling...why haven't you rested yet?" Anna on the couch looked a little embarrassed at this time, her hair on the temples was stuck on her cheeks, her little face was flushed red, with a bit of indescribable style. ...

"Baby, sleep a little longer... When I wake up tomorrow morning, I'll give you a big surprise..." Zhou Ye raised his foot and walked to Anna's side, bent down, and gently stroked Anna's cheek with his hand , whispered.

"Hmm-!" Anna felt that her man's voice was so low and magnetic that she couldn't help but want to close her eyes and fall asleep with his voice...

"Don't leave...I..." Anna murmured...and fell asleep again.

Zhou Ye looked at Anna on the couch and couldn't help but smile softly...

Zhou Ye knew that Anna was really tired tonight... Anna, who tried the back door for the first time, was miserable by him tonight...

Bowing his head and pecking at Anna's side again, Zhou Ye straightened up... "It's time to watch a good show..."

Following Zhou Ye's words, he fell... His figure suddenly disappeared from the room, and there was only a gleaming purple light in the room, which was given to Anna by Zhou Ye before he took it away. The protective magic circle left behind.

On the other side, in the open space of the square in the city - Van Helsing is facing his most dangerous moment.

"Gabriel...how could you be so weak? You really disappointed me..." Dracula clasped Van Helsing's neck with one hand, lifted him up, and said with a sinister smile: "Have I told you that the person who murdered me is actually you?"

"Uh...uh..." Van Helsing tugged at Dracula's fingers with both hands, trying to get some breathing space for his neck from Dracula's grasp, but it's all useless. no.

Fan Helsing only felt that the hand that was clenching his neck was tightening little by little... His efforts were useless... The blue veins on his face due to lack of oxygen were full of beads of sweat... …

Death is so close - as if it were in sight...

Van Helsing felt that his consciousness... was about to be blurred by the lack of oxygen...

At this moment, a loud drink woke up Van Helsing, who was about to fall into a coma...

"Let him go, if you still want your three brides..."

Fan Helsing laboriously looked towards the place where the voice came from... I saw that in the open space in the center of the square, in addition to the three female vampires locked on the high platform, there was another figure, it was none other than the one who just ran away. Refuge monk Karl...

At this time, Carl was holding the silver stake that was still on the ground by Dracula with both hands, and the pointed tip of the silver stake was facing the heart of one of the female vampires.

"Carl...leave...leave...here..." Van Helsing's voice was so weak that he could only hear it when he was close to him, but Karl, who was standing in the distance, obviously couldn't hear it.

However—Karl's movements were not useless, at least Van Helsing felt that the steel claw-like hand around his neck seemed to stop tightening.

"Oh?" Dracula held up Van Helsing in one hand, and slowly looked back at the bug who, in his opinion, had no fighting power at all...

There was a mocking smile on his face when he saw Carl threatening him with his three brides. "Do you think I'll still want those three scumbags?"

"They're your brides?" Carl was confused by Dracula's words... "You're here... Didn't you come to save them?"

"Huh? I never wear clothes worn by others..." Dracula said with a look of disgust: "You can kill them... The bride can be found again, I don't care..."



"Did you never have feelings for us...!!"

Hearing Dracula's heartless words, the three female vampires who had been tormented for a day without shedding a single tear suddenly burst into tears... They screamed and wailed in despair...

Carl listened to the screams of the three vampires, and it was difficult to start for a while... He stood there, not killing, not killing...

Just when he was in a daze, a dark figure suddenly appeared behind him, and then——Carl only felt a sharp pain hit his back... He saw a right hand with a missing finger pierced through his mouth. out, holding a beating heart in his hand...

"That...that...is that...my...heart...?" Carl raised his hands, trying to grab his heart back from that hand... However, his arms were halfway up... ...then fell down helplessly.

"Well - I regret it..." Dracula smashed the heart in his hand, then pulled a white handkerchief from his pocket, wiped the blood on his hand, and then threw the handkerchief on the On the ground... "Although this is a bit of a waste of food, but... it doesn't matter..."

"Uuuu...I knew...you won't want us..."

"It's great...it's really great..."

Seeing Dracula appearing aside, the three vampire brides burst into tears of joy...

"No, don't get me wrong... I just remembered one thing..." Dracula ignored the three women, but bent over and picked up the silver stake from Carl's body..." I suddenly remembered that even the toys I don't want, when I need to smash them, I have to do it myself..."

Dracula said, and without hesitation, stabbed the silver stake in one of the vampire brides' hearts...

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! I curse you..."

With a shrill scream, the vampire bride completely turned into a mass of ashes, and only the dark skeleton remained in place...

"Seeing that my sister died so tragically in the hands of my lover, another vampire bride shook her head desperately, begging for mercy: "No...you can't do this...I love you so much..."

"I can't feel the love, I can't feel the temperature...I can't even feel the satisfaction..." Dracula said while piercing the silver stake into her heart without hesitation: "So please rest assured. Go away, and I will tell your successor about your deeds..."

After watching the female vampire turn to ashes, Dracula picked up the silver stake in his hand again and looked at the last remaining female vampire...

What made him a little strange was... In the end, the female vampire didn't say a word or begged for mercy... "Is there anything you want to say to me? Darling?"

Chapter 1353

Chapter 1353

"..." Facing Dracula's question, the female vampire just glanced at him indifferently, and stopped talking...

Her actions aroused Dracula's curiosity, Dracula stopped his movements temporarily, looked at her and asked, "Don't you beg for mercy?"

"I beg for mercy, will you let me go?" the female vampire said calmly.

"No..." Dracula said with a smile: "You know, although I don't have a habit of cleanliness, but... I will never wear a piece of clothing worn by hundreds of men again, then tell me, It's as disgusting as putting cow dung on your body..."

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