"Hey, Zhou - you're really amazing..." Prince Viken smiled and walked over with his attendants. As he walked, he loudly patted his brother-in-law's ass...

He had witnessed the whole process just now. The weapon that he couldn't even hold was as light as nothing in the hands of his brother-in-law. He didn't even know when Zhou Ye shot it... the whole battle. it's over...

"You're like this..." Zhou Ye waved and called Viken to his side, then whispered a few times in his ear...

"..." Viken looked at Zhou Ye in astonishment. He couldn't believe it, why did his brother-in-law come up with such a bad idea?

"Is this...isn't it good..." Viken asked naively.

"What's wrong? Don't you think it's funny?" Zhou Ye smiled slightly... It seems that his eldest brother still has the bottom line of being a man, but... under the hint of his own soul, the so-called bottom line of being a man , also like a certain film, it breaks as soon as it is passed.

"Don't you want to see a scene like that??" Zhou Ye's words seemed to carry infinite magic, which penetrated Viken's heart.


"Then do as I say..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly.

"Okay..." Viken said as he greeted his attendants to come over...

Following Zhou Ye's instructions, they picked up the limbs of the three female vampires scattered on the ground, and then tied them tightly together with ropes...

Then, one by one, they lifted the female vampire who had turned into a human, and walked towards the open space in the city...

"You bastards, what are you going to do to the noble us..."

"Let go of us...I order you to let go of us..."

Should I say it's a vampire? Even though his limbs were chopped off and turned into a man, he still shouted in anger.

"What are you going to do with these vampires? They are very dangerous!" Fan Haixin was blocked by Zhou Ye's weapon, and he was unable to stop the attendants who carried the female vampire into the square... So he could only look at Zhou Ye and asked .

"Tell me... do you have any grudges against vampires?" Zhou Ye ignored Fan Haixin, but looked at the residents who felt dangerous and gradually leaked their heads from the windows and doors to investigate the situation, and shouted loudly.

"I...my wife was killed by them..."

"My son also died at their hands..."

"And my daughter... woo woo, she's only ten years old..."

"My brother was killed by them..."


Seeing that the vampires who treated them like domestic animals in the past were easily defeated by Princess Anna's husband, these people seemed to see the dawn of revenge, and they spoke out loudly the hatred buried deep in their hearts...

Along with the residents, one by one, loudly telling their tragic experiences, the whole city was noisy...

"Then... I grant you the right to take revenge... You can do whatever you want with those three vampires, use all the methods you can think of..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly and announced loudly, "Including some indescribable things... …”

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, the residents immediately became excited. They walked out of their houses one after another and surrounded the square... They looked at the three female vampires who were laid flat on the high platform with chains around their necks. , cursed...

Some were stoned, some spit, some were pierced with a fork...

I don't know who took the lead first, but someone began to cast the most cruel punishment for women on those three vampires...

And the people on the sidelines cheered loudly for those people... There are still people waiting in line behind...

Zhou Ye sat upright on the horse and looked at the three female vampires who were being led by the people... Seriously, the appearance of these three female vampires can only be said to be average, and the smell on their bodies made him nauseous, so Zhou Ye was not interested in doing anything to them, and——when he thought that these vampires had been played by Dracula for hundreds of years, and that they had given birth to tens of thousands of children, he had no idea at all...

Chapter 1350

Chapter 1350

"Even if they are vampires, isn't it too cruel for you to treat them like this?" Van Helsing asked impatiently.

"Ha? Cruel??" Before Zhou Ye could speak, Princess Anna in his arms spoke first, "You think Ye is cruel? And those vampires are miserable? Are there any parents who lost their children miserable? Are the widows of their husbands miserable? Are there miserable husbands who have lost their wives? There are…”

"Okay, don't be angry, baby Anna..." Zhou Ye pecked Anna's ear with a smile, and whispered, "For these guys, there's no need to be angry..."

"Well..." Anna, who was angrily, gradually calmed down under the comfort of her man.

She looked at Fan Helsing who was standing under the horse with a look of contempt, "You don't know anything, but you say Ye is cruel? You can try to stop those subjects and see if you will be torn to shreds by them..."

"..." Van Helsing shook his head helplessly... Killing monsters is his duty, but torturing monsters is not his hobby.

"Okay, you're not welcome here, please leave here..." Anna gave Van Helsing an ultimatum. She can tolerate others talking about herself, but she absolutely can't tolerate others talking about her man's bad. She is now a old slave.

"Sorry, Princess Anna, if I offended you in any way, I apologize to you..." Van Helsing took off his hat, then bowed slightly to the two of them, and said, "But please believe me Sincerely, I am here to help you under the order of the Holy See..."

"Help us??" Anna didn't want to pay attention to Van Helsing at all. In her opinion, having her own man is enough. "Do you think you can help us? Or, did you help us when the vampires attacked??"

"Uh—!" Van Helsing was embarrassed by what Anna said for a while...

When the three vampires attacked just now, he was just a passerby with soy sauce. He just set up a few arrows, and the damage to the three female vampires was minimal.

"Okay, baby... Since this gentleman is willing to help us, of course it's good!" Zhou Ye patted Anna with a smile, and after calming her down, he turned his head to Fan Haixin and said, "Then I'll trouble you. , this gentleman... Then please guard the three female vampires, I believe - with their little strong vitality, those subjects still can't kill them, your task is to guard them, I think at night A big surprise..."

"I hope you are worthy of my arrangement and don't let me down with the Holy See!" After speaking, Zhou Ye didn't wait for Fan Helsing to ask questions, and walked towards the castle in the inner city... He didn't have time to look here. What about these things, he still has a lot of things to do... For example, the comprehensive development plan that Ana promised him today?

The monk Karl, who was standing behind Van Helsing, watched Zhou Ye's retreating back, and asked curiously, "We just obey his orders? Are we watching those three vampires here?"

"Well..." Fan Helsing nodded his head solemnly...

"Why?" Carl was a little unhappy with Zhou Ye's attitude of treating them as subordinates, and asked gloomily, "We are here to help them, why do you treat us like this?"

"Why?" Fan Helsing laughed at himself: "Just because that guy can kill you in a few seconds... Of course, including me!"

"...Hum!" Karl gasped, he didn't doubt Van Helsing's judgment at all, this guy, Van Helsing, would never joke around when discussing things about battles...

"Besides, that guy is really cunning...and he does anything by any means..." After Fan Helsing figured out some things, he felt that his scalp was a little numb...

"What?" Carl asked.

"Do you really think that guy threw those three vampires to civilians to avenge those civilians?" Van Helsing said while searching for his crossbow bolts in the clearing: "He was just trying to provoke Dracula!"

"Provoked Dracula??" Karl asked inexplicably: "How to provoke Dracula?"

"How would you feel if your woman was lined up by a group of men?" After Van Helsing said this, he felt a little uncomfortable, "Oh, sorry, I forgot that you are a monk, this It's impossible to have a wife in your life..."

"No, I'm actually a monk..." Carl explained: "I can still get married..."

"You need to be calm in battle... and Dracula, who is in a rage, will obviously reveal more of his weaknesses!" Van Helsing ignored the words of his valet and said to himself: "It seems... I really need to make arrangements. Now, this guy has already set up the stage for me, just wait for the night to put on a big show!"

"What are you talking about? Van Helsing?" Carl asked curiously.

"You don't need to know too much, just help me get all the powerful weapons out! I think I'll need them at night..." Van Helsing said, standing beside the crowd, maintaining Prince Viken of Order goes...

"I think, I need some convenience..."

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