"Then let's play a game that we used to play often..." Zhou Ye said as he completely let go of all his worries. Since the entire Caribbean series has been played by him, so be it. ... Anyway, he has collected almost all the heroines from the plus 1 to plus 5 series, and other people's life and death do his P thing?

With the power of the Umbrella fleet at sea at this time, there is really no guy who doesn't know whether to live or die... It's better to accompany Little Loli to spend a happy childhood so happily...

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye held Karina's little Loli's hand and walked towards the other girls, shouting loudly, "Everyone will play hide-and-seek in a while, and the loser will be punished by me. …”

"Ah... no, I don't think I can win when my darling comes..."

"It's just... darling is not allowed to end..."

While the girls opposed it, they flew to find a place to hide... You don't have to find your own man who has to hide, as long as you are found out later than the other sisters...

"Brother, I also went to hide... Hee hee..." Karina laughed as she broke free from Zhou Ye's big hand, and rushed to a hiding place that only she knew...

"Okay, it looks like I'm the one who catches people..." Zhou Ye shrugged helplessly, then walked towards the garden with a sinister smile. In games, the loser always has to pay. for some price...

Time flies...

In a blink of an eye, ten years have passed...

In the past ten years, Zhou Ye has been following the movements of Jack Sparrow and other pigs' feet...

I have to say that Jack Sparrow really deserves to be the real hero of the Caribbean series, at least he really escaped from the hands of the flying Dutchman... and found the heart of Davy Jones and completed a deal with him ...

It's a pity that the exchange of Davy Jones' heart for his own life completely annoyed Davy Jones. In Davy Jones's view, Jack was completely trading with himself by stealing his own things... Therefore, he did not hesitate to order his big pet, the Norse Sea Monster, to completely drag the Black Pearl into the abyss...

Of course, Jack Sparrow fortunately escaped, taking a small boat and landing on land...

The result - Jack Sparrow is again a captain without a boat.

After several setbacks, Jack returned to the port of Tutuga, where Jack Sparrow came across Barbossa, who was funded by Zhou Ye, and took advantage of Barbossa not knowing that he was being hunted down by David Jones. Convinced Barbossa, boarded his ship, and bleed Barbossa's face.

Needless to say, the hard-working Barbossa had to embark on the road of being chased by the Kraken with Jack Sparrow...

In the end, Zhou Ye couldn't stand it, so he gave the Kraken an electromagnetic cannon and completely killed Davy Jones' pet. Otherwise - maybe Zhou Ye will need to resurrect Barbossa again...

But because of this incident, David Jones completely hated Zhou Ye's Umbrella...

And then the egg--

When Davy Jones took his Flying Dutchman to seek revenge on the Umbrella, he was directly tragic...

Zhou Ye stood on the deck of the Umbrella, while eating octopus **** made of Norse sea monsters, while watching David Jones being completely smashed by his Umbrella...

Yes, yes - Davy Jones' Flying Dutchman can dive and come back to life after each dive, but so what? One shot teaches life, two shots become scum...

After being smashed by the Umbrella five times in a row, Davy Jones had to give up the idea of ​​revenge for his pet, and ran as far as he could...

At this point - the title of the strongest warship at sea is no longer in doubt, except for the Umbrella, do not do what he thinks.

From the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean, from the Caribbean Sea to the Indian Ocean... The name of the Umbrella is sung everywhere.

Of course, there are also unbelievers who want to stroke the Umbrella's beard. They have proved one thing to other pirates with their lives, as long as you have attacked a ship flying the flag of the Funny King, then No matter where you escape, it's useless... Of course, no guy who flies the Jokesman flag without paying protection fees to the East India Company will survive to see the sun the next day.

The Sky Eye satellite monitoring system and intercontinental missiles teach you how to be a human being... or space-based weapons can also teach you how to be a human being in seconds.

In order not to be targeted by this maritime overlord, almost all the pirate kings have been to Zhou Ye's public lair, the Caribbean Sea - St. Maarten Island.

Chapter 1336

Chapter 1336

Caribbean Sea - St. Maarten is a northern island located in the Lesser Antilles of the West Indies. It is said to be the West Indies here. In fact, it was the mistake of Columbus. When he discovered America, he regarded it as India...

St. Maarten covers an area of ​​86 square kilometers and has a pleasant scenery - it was originally a French overseas colony.

It's a pity that Zhou Ye took a fancy to it... So, it became Zhou Ye's home on the bright side... The headquarters of the Umbrella East India Company.

The original black slaves on this island were driven away by Zhou Ye, and the cultivation of commercial crops was banned... The original ecology was completely restored. The port town is full of families of East India Company employees...

And to the south of St. Maarten is the island's naval port, where the Umbrella super-dreadnought-class battleship that stuns the seven seas... and most of the East India Fleet's warships...

Under the moonlight, in the town of St. Martin, the lights are shining like the stars in the sky, making people feel a bit warm.

A three-masted sailboat slowly appeared near Martin Island in the dark of night... The difference between this ship and other sailing ships in the Caribbean is that its front and rear look square, with a few The appearance of the three treasure ships.

At the stern of the boat, "Queen" is written in big Chinese characters...

This is the Singapore Pirate King, Shao Feng's flagship...

"Boss, why don't we dock?" A burly man with a scarred face, who had eaten his upper body, asked angrily.

"We are here to give gifts, not to loot..." Shao Feng sat on his seat with a golden knife and said, "We can't let the master misunderstand us, so - we don't dock at night!"

"Gift?" The big man asked with some unknown so-called: "But we didn't bring any gold and silver jewelry on this voyage... Or should I bring someone to do him a ticket now?"

"Haha..." Shao Feng smiled slightly, he laughed, the scars on his face seemed to be twisting and squirming, and it seemed that he had the talent to scare children to death. "Sometimes, gifts don't have to be gold and silver jewelry..."

"That's it?" The big man asked curiously.

"Humans can also be gifts..." Shao Feng said, making great efforts towards the pair of twin sisters imprisoned in the cage behind him.

"So that's how it is..." The big man patted his bald head disapprovingly... In his opinion, as long as he has money and there are many beautiful girls, he can choose from them, although the sisters have similar looks, But... he didn't think it was valuable.

"Haha..." Shao Feng saw through the thoughts of his subordinates at a glance, but it doesn't matter, they are just rough people, there is no need to pay attention to them too much. "I'll ask the maids to wash them up and put on their clothes...Tomorrow, it's time for them to realize the meaning of their lives!"

"Okay, boss, I'll call someone now!" The big man said as he walked out...

Shao Feng smiled slightly, and then walked out of the cabin...

In the cage, the two sisters hugged pitifully together. They didn't know what they were about to face... let alone what their future destiny would be...

Silent night-

When the sky was bright, the Queen sailed into the vicinity of the private port of Martin Island, and issued a flag requesting access to the port...

Soon, a pilot ship came over... and led the Queen into the port slowly.

When Shao Feng brought his subordinates, carrying his wooden cage with gifts to the shore, he ran into a group of guys... Seeing someone in the group, the blue veins on Shao Feng's forehead jumped up..." Jack Sparrow..."

"Ha, Shao Feng... I'm so happy to see you!" Jack Sparrow couldn't avoid Shao Feng's gaze after hiding for a long time. In desperation, he could only walk out from behind Barbossa, and put on his face. He forced a smile, raised his handcuffed hand, and said, "I still have something to do, so I won't tell you... We'll see you later..."

As Jack Sparrow spoke, he pretended to walk forward...as if he was busy.

"Jack, isn't it a bit unkind to leave without saying hello when you meet an old friend?" Barbossa tugged on the chain in his hand and pulled Jack back... I can see that this caused his own ship to crash and die. The guy suffers a little bit, he can't wait.

"I'm also very happy to see you, Jack Sparrow..." Shao Feng said as he walked in front of Jack and punched him in the face without hesitation. "I'm very happy that I finally have a chance to take revenge..."

"Uh - woohoo!" Jack Sparrow said while rubbing his nose lightly, "How about we evened out..."

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