Governor Swan was dumbfounded and stood outside the door... He didn't know what Zhou Ye meant...

Just when Governor Swan was standing at the gate in a daze, Zhou Ye had already returned to the villa...

As soon as he entered the villa, he was surrounded by a group of Yingyingyanyan...

"Honey, what happened?"

"Yeah...why is someone shooting outside?"



"Okay, listen to me!" Zhou Ye shouted loudly, which made all the girls stop for a while... Sometimes, it's not good to have too many women. Whenever there is something, everyone asks questions together, completely letting Zhou Ye didn't know who to answer...

"King George II of England has declared war on us... So, I decided to teach him a lesson I will never forget..." After Zhou Ye simply finished speaking, he directly opened the portal to the Umbrella... "We should I'm back, ready to start fighting..."

"Okay, dear..." XN

At this time, none of the girls was sloppy. After responding in unison, they all walked into the portal opened by their man...

After a while, Zhou Ye waited until all his women had entered the portal, then lifted his legs and walked in...

"Nadeko..." As soon as Zhou Ye returned to the Umbrella, he ordered, "Release the [Missionary] to the fleet outside Port Royal!"

"As you wish, Master!" Yamato Nadeko replied respectfully.

With her response... the vertical launch unit on the Umbrella slowly rises...

As the flames erupted, a total of 36 missiles carrying special warheads took off in turn, and flew towards Port Royal, which is 200 kilometers away.

Outside Port Royal————

Commodore Nick, who is waiting on the flagship Endeavour, is anxiously looking at the shore with his telescope from time to time...

As the former commander of the Channel Fleet, he was also ordered to follow Lord Beckett to Port Royal this time. According to the king's order, he will completely obey the command of Lord Beckett... Although this makes him a little unconvinced, but——the king's order is absolute, and he does not dare to violate the yin and yang.

But the good thing is that Lord Beckett is still self-aware and knows that he is not capable of commanding a large fleet, so he still entrusts Commodore Nick to handle all the affairs of the fleet...

This made Commodore Nick feel a lot better about Lord Beckett... And as an auxiliary for this operation, Commodore Nick also knew what the big fleet came to Port Royal for...

It's just that he doesn't take it seriously. In Nick's opinion, a captain who has left his battleship really doesn't need so many ships. He only needs a team of soldiers to go up and it's enough to capture it...

However, half an hour has passed... There is still no news of the soldiers who landed, which makes Commodore Nick have an ominous premonition...

Just as Commodore Nick wondered how the arrest on the shore was going on, a commotion from the sailors suddenly reached his ears.

"God - look up, what is that??"

"So many fireballs... God, is this your punishment for us?"

"Oh no... is the end coming? Is Satan about to take over the world?"

Hearing the screams of the sailors, Nick couldn't help but look up to the sky, only to see - dozens of fireballs were hitting the fleet... Even the pouring rain couldn't extinguish the flames of those fireballs...

"What the **** is this?" Nick stayed on the spot.

Chapter 1332

Chapter 1332

"Enemy attack...Quick, full left rudder, evade..." At this time, Commodore Nick suddenly found a fireball heading straight towards his flagship, and the effort went down...

Frightened, he couldn't help shouting loudly.

However, although the helmsman has turned the rudder quickly to avoid...

However, they were at rest just now after all...even now the sails have not been raised...

How can a sailboat have power without raising its sails? A sailboat without power...does turning the rudder work? ? Apparently useless...

Commodore Nick could only watch helplessly as the fireball smashed towards the Effort with a breathtaking momentum...

For a time, almost the entire scene was out of control...

Some sailors knelt on the deck to pray, desperately praying to God, and some sailors did not hesitate to turn off the side of the ship and jump into the sea... In their opinion, no matter how powerful the fireball is, it is impossible to burn in the water and jump into the water. is the best way to deal with it...

At this time, Commodore Nick didn't care to say anything, he could only loudly order "Abandon the ship—"

The whole deck of the No. 1 effort has been messed up... The water is like dumplings, thumping and thumping, and from time to time sailors jump into the sea...

Just as Commodore Nick, under the **** of his own guards, climbed the side of the ship and planned to dive...

All I heard was "Boom".

The ball of fire exploded at a height of twenty meters above their mast...

In an instant, almost all the fireballs exploded at this height... A heat wave blew on Commodore Nick's cheeks, making him feel like he was about to suffocate...

But fortunately, this suffocating feeling came and went quickly with the explosion.

Soon, Commodore Nick felt as the raindrops fell on his cheeks, and a cool feeling filled his body again... "What the **** is this?"

However, in any case, this crisis has finally been lifted... Commodore Nick was about to order the sailors who had not had time to jump into the sea to save people, when suddenly a humming sound resounded through the entire fleet...

"What the **** is that??" Commodore Nick looked at the strange wasp-like creature that suddenly appeared in mid-air as the fire faded away.

The deafening buzzing sound reminded him of his childhood nightmare of being stung all over by a wasp. He almost lost his life that time. If it wasn't for a beekeeper, Brigadier General Nick would not be where he is today. .

In mid-air, black wasp-sized creatures glowed with metallic luster, and they attacked the sailors of the fleet one by one...

Although I don't know what this thing is, but looking at their unkind aura, no one would think that this is just a group of wasps.

Some people shot at those metal creatures with their muskets, and some drew their own weapons and chopped at those things...

However, this is in vain...

These wasp-sized metal insects belong to the sixth generation of brain wave controllers developed by Umbrella Technology... They have abandoned the huge spider-like body of the first generation, and have better control... More autonomy .

If you still remember the mechanical spider that controlled Claire in Resident Evil 5, you will not be unfamiliar with this thing...because this is an upgraded version of that thing-codename, Preacher.

"Puff puff--!"

Those fast-paced preachers quickly crawled to the back of the sailors' necks, at the location of the Dazhui point. As they reached the pre-control point, they extended their metal probes toward the conducting nerves of the spine.

For all sailors controlled by the preacher, Umbrella's red and white umbrella symbol appeared in every pupil, which means that they have been completely controlled.

This war came so suddenly and ended so quickly...

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