"Now we're stocking up..."

"No no, we actually sell death..."

Suddenly a burst of laughter resounded throughout the deck...

The ridicule of the pirates made Will clench his fists angrily. If this is the hot-blooded chapter, this time is probably the time for Will to explode. At this time, he should kill the fishing net on his body with a single effort. It must be smashed, and then open unparalleled, kill the pirates on the ship one by one, and then say something cool [those who insult my family, die——]

However, this is not a **** comic... but the real world, where there are power outside the specification, but it does not belong to him——

Therefore, Will is still like a salted fish, trapped in the fishing net...

Looking at Will's angry, but helpless look - the pirates laughed even louder... They would feel good when they saw that others were unhappy... This is the inferiority of human beings, especially for this group of people. Even more so for the cursed pirates—because they've almost been cursed to the point of becoming insane...

Just as the pirates continued to mock Will, there was another commotion at the side of the ship... Then, a dozen pirates who should have been looting on the shore climbed up...

"Have you already robbed all the things you think are worth robbing?" Captain Barbossa asked strangely. According to his inference, this robbery will take at least an hour or so, and many things are still missing. If it didn't come up, why did these guys come back?

"No, Captain...it's just..." The big man hesitated, wondering if he should say...

"Just what??" Barbossa asked dissatisfiedly: "Did someone sew up your harem on the shore?"

"We saw the banner of that adult..." Facing the question of his own captain, the big man gritted his teeth and told what happened to him. "We saw the banner of that lord at the gate of the Governor's Palace... I think I should come back and tell you..."

"...That lord??" Barbossa couldn't understand what his subordinates wanted to express, that lord? Which adult?

"It's that lord..." The big man was sweating on his forehead in a hurry... In the end, in a hurry, he saw the fat pirate standing beside him at a glance, then grabbed him and played with his chubby big man. Face……

"Look at my hands, not so stupid... keep a smile on your face, make your face bigger, yes, that's the way it looks... a little more slanted your eyes... yes, a little more slanted, yes, that's it …”

"Hey!" Barbossa took a deep breath when he saw the big man playing the fat pirate's expression. This expression is too familiar. He once saw the expression hanging from a distance. The ship fled away... "You, are you sure??"

"Yes, Captain... I'm sure!" The big man nodded his head vigorously, and the pirates behind him also nodded vigorously...

Seeing the performance of these subordinates, Barbossa no longer has a chance... What are you waiting for if you see the sign of the grown-up and don't run? Wait for that person to come over, and then make them look like eighteen? What are you kidding...

"Tonight's revelry is over, gentlemen...we have got what we want most, and I now order—first mate, signal, let the gentlemen of the shore return...we shall set sail at once...return ours Go to the nest!" Barbossa ordered without hesitation.

And none of the other pirates said anything, and they were also frightened... The nightmare eight years ago seemed like it happened yesterday, no one wants to be abused by that person again, no one likes to be abuse

With the sound of a shrill flute, the pirates who went ashore and robbed returned to the Black Pearl—the Black Pearl sailed away from Port Royal under the cover of night...

Chapter 1317

Chapter 1317

Port Royal should be peaceful and peaceful in the early morning, but today, people here look at their devastated homes with sad expressions on their faces...

Brigadier General James Norrington rode on his warhorse and walked towards the Governor's Palace on the hillside with his adjutant and the guards expressionlessly.

Last night, when his lover was kidnapped by the pirates, he desperately tried to rush over to rescue his lover Will, but——but was stopped by his adjutant...

In the end, even he was knocked unconscious from the back by his adjutant, so he didn't make the stupid act of taking soldiers to attack the ghost thief ship.

Intellectually, he can understand the actions of his adjutant, but emotionally, he absolutely cannot forgive his adjutant's actions.

Therefore, since waking up in the morning, his face has always been stinky, and it looks like everyone owes him the money and refuses to pay it back.

"Your Excellency Brigadier General... Shall we go to His Excellency the Governor to count the losses last night?" Captain Ji Li asked somewhat ingratiatingly--

He wanted to improve the relationship between himself and his boss. To be honest, he was also very depressed. Ji Li couldn't understand why his boss valued the little blacksmith so much...

"No, I just need to visit the son-in-law of Lord Governor Swan for some things! Do I have to report this to you? Your Excellency Captain Ji Li..." Brigadier General Norrington gave his adjutant a white look, his face still full of expression. It's unpleasant, but he can somehow figure out the difference between public and private.

"..." Captain Ji Li wisely closed his eyes, it's better not to touch his boss's bad head at this time, silence is golden...

The group quickly came to the Governor's Palace on the top of the mountain. Brigadier General Norrington dismounted directly, and then knocked on the door...

Soon, the door of the Governor's Palace opened, and it was the steward of the Governor's Palace, Angus... "Good morning, Your Excellency Brigadier General, are you here to visit my lord?"

"No, I'm actually here to visit Your Excellency Ye Zhou..." Brigadier General Norrington said a little uncomfortable.

"Oh??" Hearing Norrington's words, Angus couldn't help but glance at him strangely... He still knows a little bit about this brigadier general and his young lady's husband, so he knows— The two are extremely incompatible... Brigadier General Norrington actually came to visit the husband of his young lady? Did the sun rise from the west today?

However, as a qualified housekeeper, curiosity is the last thing you need - Angus nodded, turned and walked towards the drawing room with Brigadier General Norrington, "Please come with me, wait a moment, I need to confirm whether Ye · Young Master Zhou has woken up..."

"Okay..." Brigadier General Norrington walked in with his adjutant. As for the guards? They only have to stand guard outside.

Five minutes have passed--

Brigadier General Norrington, who was sitting in the living room, still did not see Zhou Ye...

Ten minutes have passed...

Even after drinking a pot of Norrington black tea, he still didn't see Zhou Ye's shadow.

It wasn't until half an hour later, when Brigadier General Norrington's patience was about to run out, that Zhou Ye finally showed up in the living room with his woman belatedly.

"Good morning, Your Excellency Brigadier General!" Zhou Ye yawned as he sat lazily opposite Norrington, while Elizabeth snuggled into her man's arms naturally...

"Good morning, Your Excellency Zhou Ye!" At this moment, Norrington's forehead was bubbling with blue veins. He really couldn't understand why this dude in front of him was the captain of the most powerful battleship in the world... no eyes...

However, he wouldn't say these things in his heart, after all—he came here for Zhou Ye's request.

"Angus, could you please bring me a cup of black tea? In addition, if you can, give me another sandwich..." After Zhou Ye said hello lazily, he ignored Norrington again... As he beckoned the housekeeper to make breakfast for himself, he asked Elizabeth, "Honey, what would you like to eat?"

Zhou Ye was well aware of Norrington's intentions - but he still said that, why? ? Why let me help you? Or to put it another way—the attitude of asking for help... Zhou Ye wouldn't go to the pole to help people... Helping people to tears, is that Luo Tian Chen Shangxian still doing less?

"Well - I want to eat pizza..." Elizabeth said casually. After she finished speaking, she realized that this is the Governor's Palace, not the Umbrella. The British cook here can't make pizza... It seems that only Be able to do it yourself. "Forget it...I'll go to the kitchen and make it myself..."

Elizabeth said, stood up from her man's arms, and walked towards the kitchen...

"Jili, go out and see how my King Edward II is doing. The little guy doesn't like to eat forage very much these days..." Seeing Elizabeth leave, Brigadier General Norrington also casually found a reason to put his own The adjutant sent him out...

In the entire living room, only Zhou Ye and him were left...

"Your Excellency Zhou Ye, I'm visiting you this time to ask for your assistance..." Brigadier General Norrington said after organizing the vocabulary in his mind.

At this moment, Norrington's posture is very low for his love Will.

He knew that if there was any ship in the entire Caribbean Sea that could win against the Ghost Pirates, then except for the ethereal, no living person had ever seen Death at sea—Captain of the Flying Dutchman, David Jones Besides, there was only the captain of the Umbrella in front of him, Zhou Ye.

Davy Jones, as the captain of the Flying Dutchman, almost no one knows where he is... and the captain of the Umbrella, so close at hand, how could Commodore Norrington go so far?

After last night's battle, he doubted whether his battleship Dreadnought could defeat the Ghost Pirates—after all, although the artillery was powerful, it couldn't kill the undead...

"Ask for my help??" Zhou Ye raised his eyes to look at Brigadier General Norrington and said with a slight smile, "Then, I'll give you a chance to convince me... to convince me to help you..."

"You can get my friendship, my -- the British Royal Navy Commodore, James Norrington's friendship!" Norrington's eyes were fixed on Zhou Ye, he had almost nothing to give...

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