Chapter 1306

Chapter 1306

"Honey, you look so funny..." Elizabeth Swan looked at Zhou Ye with a white wig and a dress, and couldn't help laughing: "I must take a picture of you like this and let my sister Let's see..."

"You dare..." Zhou Ye grabbed Elizabeth's wrist and prevented her from using her personal terminal to take pictures of her current image. This is simply black history.

"Okay... I don't dare!" Elizabeth smiled slightly, stepped on her feet, and said softly after her man's cowardice, "But—you have to promise to stay with me for two more days, otherwise—I At once……"

Elizabeth didn't say the rest - but Zhou Ye already understood, this is obviously her own woman acting like a spoiled child... "Okay, the deal..."

"It's really good..." The fact that he could let his man stay with him for two more days and enjoy the two-person world for two more days made Elizabeth almost jump up with joy...

"Okay...Baby, it's time for us to see who your father's visitor is..." Zhou Ye said, wrapping his arms around Elizabeth's slender waist and walking out...

Of course he knew who would come here to look for Governor Swan at this time, and there would be no one other than the ill-fated William Turner.

"It's rare to see that you are so concerned about something, my dear. Is the person who visited my father this time an acquaintance? Is it a beautiful woman?" go with.

For her, every minute and second alone with her own man is extremely precious, and she is not willing to disrupt her plans for irrelevant people.

"No, I'm not acquaintance with me, but it must be your acquaintance!" Zhou Ye said as he walked, "Do you remember the little boy you rescued on the Dreadnought?"

"It's him?" As soon as Elizabeth thought of the little boy, she thought of the pirate gold coin placed in her bracelet...

Of course, the current Elizabeth certainly doesn't have any special feelings for William Turner. To her-William Turner is just a passerby. Who told her that she already had a heart?

"That's right, that little boy..."

Elizabeth no longer feels strange about her man's foresight. In the past few years, her own man's abilities have been shown to be more miraculous than foresight... What's so strange about foresight? , even time is a plaything in the hands of his own man.

At this time, the two had already walked down the stairs...

Elizabeth saw the man standing with her father at a glance. The little boy she had rescued had turned into a young man...

"Elizabeth, my daughter, you are so beautiful now..." Governor Swan praised his daughter without hesitation, then turned to William Turner and said, "This is my daughter Elizabeth, speaking of when you were young I've met you before, when you were floating on the sea, it was my daughter who discovered you!"

"Miss Swan, hello..." Will Turner looked at Elizabeth who was walking down the stairs in front of him, feeling his heart pounding, he said in a panic, "It's nice to meet you, maybe I owe you something thanks……"

"This is my daughter's husband... Ye Zhou!" Governor Swan could see the psychology of the young man in front of him at a glance. He seemed to introduce it unintentionally, intending to completely cut off this William Turner's thoughts...

For Governor Swan, if Ye Zhou and his daughter are compatible, the two are barely a match, of course - he is the one who climbed high...

You know, the captain of a giant ship who is enough to sink a heavy fleet is almost equivalent to the Lord of the Admiralty in England... Such a position is enough to be worthy of his own daughter, and what is William Turner? An untrained swordsmith? Trainee blacksmith? orphan?

Compared with Zhou Ye, which one's identity is very different...

If Zhou Ye can barely satisfy Governor Swan, then - William Turner is absolutely not allowed by Governor Swan.

"You're welcome, in that case, anyone would lend a helping hand..." Elizabeth Swan didn't care about William Turner's gesture at all. For her, Zhou Ye had already put all her heart into it. It's filled, there's no room for anything else...

"But anyway, I still want to say thank you..." William Turner found that the beautiful girl in front of him didn't seem to care about him at all, and her attention seemed to be completely on her side in a dress on the man...

This discovery gave William Turner a heartache. He felt as if his most important thing had been snatched away.

"You're welcome..." After Elizabeth Swan said these words, she ignored William Turner, and whispered to her man in a low voice... For her, apart from her own man and her own Except for my father, everyone else—all are passersby.

"Okay, it's time for us to set off..." Governor Swan said hurriedly, looking at the obsession in William Turner's eyes.

He didn't want to see his son-in-law get angry. You must know that not only jealous women are scary, but jealous men are also scary... and Governor Swan already felt that there was something in Zhou Ye's eyes when he looked at William Turner. There was a trace of indescribable weirdness, although it wasn't a malicious look, but it was definitely not a kind look...

Regarding this, Governor Swan's intuition is still good...

Zhou Ye was thinking at this moment, how can he make William Turner and Jack Sparrow a pair...

He has fulfilled many true loves in many worlds... For example, Professor X and Magneto, Wolverine and Sabertooth, and Captain America and the Winter Soldier, etc... There is no reason not to leave himself in this world Love the legend of Cupid...

Zhou Ye was thinking about this question until he got into the carriage with Governor Swan and Elizabeth...

"Dear... What are you thinking??" Elizabeth asked worriedly: "Since you just saw that William Turner, you have been in a state of fascination... Is there anything special about that William? "

"I was thinking, how can I make that guy fall in love with a man..."

"Cough cough----!!"

"Cough cough...!!!"

Zhou Ye's words made Governor Swan and Elizabeth's father and daughter breathless, and they couldn't help coughing desperately...

"What's wrong??" Zhou Ye patted Elizabeth's back slightly strangely and asked.

"I didn't expect... my dear, you don't even let men go..." Elizabeth pointed at Zhou Ye and said with a sad look.

"Don't talk nonsense... I mean, let this William Turner fall in love with another man, a man named Jack Sparrow..." Zhou Ye gave Elizabeth an angry look and said.

"Let a man fall in love with another man... It seems to be a very interesting thing..." Elizabeth was also aroused by her own man's words at this time. Eighteen years old is when she likes to play, How could she not want to get involved in something so interesting?

"That's right... we need to design it well..."

The two of them are like children who have done bad things, with their little heads together and chattering... Governor Swan, who is sitting opposite them, looks at his daughter and son-in-law helplessly. Ye this guy gives a bad feeling.

Chapter 1307

Chapter 1307

The promotion ceremony took place at the Port Royal Naval Castle near the port...

This castle is not big, it is about the size of a football field. The male and female guests participating in the promotion ceremony are standing on the open space on both sides——

In the middle are neatly arranged soldiers, who will serve as an honor guard to contribute to the promotion ceremony of their new boss.

Originally, as one of the guests attending this ceremony, Zhou Ye and Elizabeth should have looked at the guard of honor in the middle with a solemn expression like Governor Swan did, but they really didn't have time to take care of those things. Say...the most important thing is to discuss how to make a man fall in love with another man.

"Darling, do you think the guy named William is going to attack or suffer?" Elizabeth used her own folding fan to cover Xiao Zhan, and whispered to Zhou Ye who was standing beside her.

"I think...According to the image, William is suitable for a strong Qi attack, and Jack Sparrow is suitable for a weak Qi..." Zhou Ye rubbed his chin and whispered: "But——you Don't you think it's bad to always judge someone's attack or suffer from their appearance?"

"Then what are you going to do?" Elizabeth asked excitedly.

"Of course they reversed their roles... Let Jack be a weak Qi attack, and William be a strong Qi... This will give people a very pleasant feeling..." Zhou Ye smiled wickedly road.

"...Well—" Elizabeth said after thinking for a while, "I have reservations about your inference dear...because I haven't seen the Captain Jack you mentioned..."

Just when Elizabeth had not finished speaking, the honor guard in the square suddenly separated to both sides with a fast-paced drum beat...

With the separation of the honor guard, a man in his thirties who was wearing a brigadier general's uniform walked in from the gate of the castle. This man was none other than James Norling, who had a relationship with Zhou Ye. Brigadier General Dayton.

"Raise the gun - salute -" With an order, the soldiers of the honor guard raised the long guns in their hands high.

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