"They...are afraid of you?"

"No, they just can't beat me..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly and blinked at Angelica. "Almost every one of them was beaten by me..."

"..." Angelica looked Zhou Ye up and down in disbelief. In her opinion, Zhou Ye is indeed a super handsome guy, but in terms of size, there are still many people in the bar who are stronger than him. , why can't beat him?

However, at this time, she had no time to ask...because, she finally saw the person she was looking for... Dr. Curtis, at this moment, Dr. Curtis was lying in the pigpen in the backyard, holding the old sow sleeping? It seemed—he seemed to be sleeping very sweetly.

Chapter 1295

Chapter 1295

"God, what's wrong with Dr. Curtis??" Angelica covered her eyes slightly, she couldn't believe the scene in front of her.

She had seen Dr. Curtis before, after all—he was the only doctor in this community. With so many nuns in the convent, it was inevitable that there would be someone with a headache... Under normal circumstances, they would come to see him.

In the past, Dr. Curtis always looked polite, and dressed very appropriately, which seemed to give people a very trustworthy feeling...

Today, Angelica looked at Dr. Curtis, who was holding the old sow in the pigpen, and this scene subverted all her previous impressions of this doctor.

"I think he's drunk..." Zhou Ye shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "You know, when a man is not drunk, he still knows who he is, but when he is drunk, the whole The world is his..."

"...What am I going to do??" Angelica said anxiously to herself, "How can such a Doctor Curtis see a doctor??"

"I have a good idea! Please wait a moment!" Zhou Ye said, turned his head and walked to the wooden bucket next to the water, picked up the small bucket on the ground, and scooped up the large wooden bucket without hesitation. A bucket of water... "I think this might help him wake up!"

"Wait... so... won't this be very rude?" Angelica stopped Zhou Ye with some hesitation. She was really afraid of annoyed the only one who was lying in the pigpen. A doctor, yes, doctors have the duty to save lives and heal the wounded, but they also have the right to refuse to see a doctor.

The sky is too dark, the road is too far, the patient has no chance... etc., etc., can be the reasons why they are not reasons.

Angelica was really scared, and the mammy who had done so could not be rescued.

"Trust me, if you want to see a mentally healthy doctor, this is the fastest way!" Zhou Ye said, and bluntly poured the water from the wooden bucket towards Kodi, who was lying in the pigsty. Dr. Si splashed it...


The cold water splashed on Dr. Curtis's body, causing him, who was dreaming, to shudder suddenly, "Is it raining, is it raining? Mary...Give me another glass and drink this last drink. I should go back for a cup..."

"It seems that my estimation was wrong, he needs another bucket!" Zhou Ye said, before Angelica could stop him, he turned around and scooped up another bucket of water, and with a bang, he poured it on Dr. Curtis again. ...

"Pfft...Pfft..." The cold well water finally made Curtis regain some consciousness. "Why, why are you throwing water at me?"

"Because a young lady is looking for you here, I think you need to wake up!" Zhou Ye said innocently, as if he didn't pour the cold well water just now.

"Okay okay, damn, I'm fully awake now..." Dr. Curtis stood up staggeringly and shook his head. He finally saw the figure standing beside Zhou Ye clearly. Who is it. "Sister Angelica? Is there something wrong?"

"Yes, Dr. Curtis, Aishara hasn't eaten for a day, and she doesn't drink a sip of water... I really have no choice but to ask for your help!" Angelica was a little anxious "Can you please take me back to the monastery?"

"This..." Dr. Curtis hesitated for a while. He knew Mother Essara, and he also knew what was going on with Mother Azara. In his opinion, Mother Azara was entirely because she was too old. It's time to be called by the Lord.

All treatments are in vain...

However, Dr. Curtis couldn't say the words of refusal to Angelica. Seeing the anxious look on the young nun's face, he really couldn't bear to judge Mother Ashara. Death penalty... "Okay, but I'll go home and bring some medicine and inspection stuff... er, okay, I also need to change clothes."

"Thank you, thank you... Dr. Curtis!" Angelica was beyond touched.

"You're welcome, this is my duty!" Dr. Curtis said, stood up, and walked towards the back door of the bar...

Angelica and Zhou Ye just followed this unreliable doctor and walked towards his clinic.

There was nothing to say - the three soon returned to Dr. Curtis's home.

"Master, what's wrong with you??" The black slave girl in the clinic saw her master's embarrassed appearance and asked in surprise, "Could it be that you were robbed by those sailors?"

"No, I just drank too much... Okay, don't ask -- Karida, go and get me the medicine box for my visit... Also, help me find some clean clothes!" Ke While talking, Dr. Teas turned his head to Angelica and said, "Sister Angelica, please wait for me here with your friends for a while, I'll come down soon!"

"Okay!" X2

The two answered in unison, which made Dr. Curtis smile knowingly. Although he is a Christian, his beliefs are not very pious. In his opinion, it is an anti-human rule that nuns and monks cannot marry.

If you say that nuns are God's brides, isn't God the first to violate his own doctrine that he can only marry one? Then this guy has committed too many bigamy crimes...

So, Curtis didn't really like the rules of the church.

"Why are you still here??" Angelica looked at the back of Dr. Curtis going upstairs, and whispered beside Zhou Ye, "Aren't you supposed to have left?"

"I'm here because I'm worried about you!" Zhou Ye's nonsense came casually. "You know, it's too messy here, and it's not such a charming girl. How can I be assured of letting you face those dangers alone when you appear in this chaotic place at night?"

"I..." Angelica was suddenly slammed into her heart by Zhou Ye's words, what should she say? Looks are a good thing, what if it was the geek of the clock tower who said this? Then I'm afraid Angelica is going to call for help...

Angelica, who has been living among women, is the first time she has been flirted with by the opposite sex, and she is still such a handsome young man. At this moment, she feels that her heart is almost jumping out of the bed.

Zhou Ye looked at Angelica's shy and timid expression with great interest. What should I say? The little sister who came out of the monastery is innocent... At least she is much more innocent than when she later became Blackbeard's first mate...

I just love how cute Angelica looks...

"Although I really want you to continue, I'm sorry, I think we'd better go and see Mother Aishara first..." A voice broke the mood of silence rather than sound, turning the blushing face. Angelica was taken aback.

"Okay, okay, let's go now..." The little nun who was teased walked towards the door in a panic...

"Sorry, it seems that I disturbed your good deeds, boy!" Dr. Curtis smiled and walked to Zhou Ye's side, teasing.

"It's nothing, she's destined to be mine... However, the smell of pigsty on your body is too great, can you stay away from me a little..." Zhou Ye counterattacked beautifully, and immediately got Curtis Embarrassed.

Chapter 1296

Chapter 1296

In the monastery—in the room of Mother Ashara.

Dr. Curtis checked the pulse of Mother Azara lying on the couch with a serious face, and then opened her closed eyelids and looked at the bottom of her eyes.

Dr. Curtis, who completed this set of procedures, stood up with a heavy expression, and then motioned to Angelica, who was standing by and waiting, to speak to him in the room outside.

Angelica followed Dr. Curtis to the outside with anxiety. She lowered her voice a little anxiously and asked, "Doctor Curtis, what's wrong with Aishara??"

"Actually..." Dr. Curtis was thinking about the words in his heart. He was thinking about how to say it to make Angelica feel better. However, after thinking about it for a long time, he found that there was no good way. So, in the end, he chose to tell the truth. "Actually—Mammy Ashara, she's not sick, but she's just too old... The old one is..."

"No...it's impossible..." Angelica couldn't accept this statement for a moment, she felt hysterical.

"Don't be like this, Angelica, you know... what Dr. Curtis said is the truth!" Zhou Ye hugged Angelica, who couldn't accept the fact, into his arms...

"No... it's impossible... woo woo..." Angelica sobbed softly in Zhou Ye's arms. She couldn't accept the fact that the person closest to her was about to leave her.

"Sorry, but I really tried my best..." Dr. Curtis said, took out a black, paste-like object from the outpatient box and handed it to Angelica. "This thing can ease her pain a little and make her walk more peacefully!"

Angelica didn't notice what Dr. Curtis handed over at all, but Zhou Ye took it at random... He gently put the thing under his nose and smelled it, and a pungent smell suddenly filled him. nasal cavity. "Tablet?"

"This is the only way!" Dr. Curtis sighed helplessly.

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