"Yes, my lord... The goods I have seized are worth two hundred pistols..." The middle-aged man replied respectfully.

Pistor is a Spanish gold coin, its value is quite high, so let's say 40 Pistors can make 4 nobles and their followers spend a month of daily banquets, 75 Pistors can make The most discerning noble takes his henchmen on an impeccable round trip from Paris to London.

"You're bullshitting, your **** is only worth fifty pistols at most!" Hearing the man's words, the tax officer shouted angrily.

"Okay..." Debra interrupted the tax officer's words, then glanced at the middle-aged man, and said, "I don't care if you're lying, now I'll give you two hundred pistols back I have a chance, as long as you have a way to get the carriage behind me onto your boat without any damage, and then sail into the open sea, then the two hundred pistols are yours, if not, then I have to find someone else It's gone!"

"... Of course, of course, no problem, my lord!" The middle-aged man's eyes lit up when he heard Debra's words. Of course, the business of 200 Pistor was going to be done, and he was very interested in his brig. He was quite confident. After visually inspecting the length and size of the carriage, he was very confident that his boat could fit this carriage.

"Then just do it..." Debra smiled slightly. She had just received her master's approval. She knew that for her master, money doesn't need to be calculated, and efficiency is what he wants most. of.

"Please come with me... my lord!" The middle-aged man said as he took the lead, leading the carriage towards the pier...

At the mooring point of Pier No. 3, a beautiful brig was moored at the berth, and at the bow of the ship stood a statue of the **** of the sea.

The middle-aged man rushed to the pier and shouted at his boat: "You slackers, there is business coming, quickly put down the pedals, so that the nobleman's carriage can drive up..."

"Captain, you are back..."

"Okay, let's put the pedal..."

With the shouting of the middle-aged man, the crew on the ship all took action, put the pedals on the pedals, and fixed the ropes with the fixed ropes... In a short time, a pedal with a width of five meters was set up between the merchant ship and the wharf. time.

"Sir, you can get on the boat..." The middle-aged man said respectfully to Debra.

"Very good..." Debra nodded with satisfaction, then flicked the reins, and the carriage was pulled through the pedals by the four horses.

To be honest, when the carriage got on the boat, the middle-aged man was really sweating. He was really afraid that the war horses would be frightened because they were not used to the bumps of the pedals. If the bad carriage overturned into the sea, he would cause trouble...

But fortunately, the four horses looked like they were trained, and they didn't care at all in the face of the bumpy pedals.

Then, there are the six knights on horses...

After a carriage was put down on the entire first deck, and six knights on horses were added, almost no one could stand...

Many crew members had to hide below the deck to make room for them...

On the deck, only the necessary manpower is left...

"That--sir, look, do you blindfold your horses...and then tie them up...otherwise I'm afraid that once the boat starts, these horses will be damaged by the turbulence of the waves. startled..."

"No need..." Debra waved her hand, joking, are these horses ordinary horses? To put it badly - these horses are second-generation nightmares, let alone boats, they can even carry their owners and fly in the air.

"Then... that's fine..." Since Debra insisted not to cover the eyes of the horses, the middle-aged man as the captain could only let it go... He was a nobleman, he was a big boss... he was rich and wealthy. Right...why does he order people?

"set sail--!"

With a shout from the middle-aged man, a nimble sailor rushed to the pier, untied the boat's cable, and jumped back to the boat with a slight jump... The sails on both masts were lowered. , With the help of the wind, the merchant ship slowly left the shore...

Chapter 1271

Chapter 1271

In the outer sea of ​​the Mediterranean Sea, a two-masted sailboat with "Contesa" written on the side of the ship is sailing towards the outer sea by the wind and waves.

As the color of the sea surface changed from light blue to dark blue, it also means that this two-masted merchant ship has officially entered the deep sea area...

Captain Peterscu wanted to ask where the passengers who paid a lot of money planned to disembark, but he didn't know whether to ask, after all-these people paid enough to provide the best service, and then up to their hometown, Constanta, Romania.

However, in the end - Peterscu was brave enough to walk carefully to the front of the carriage, and asked respectfully, "My lord, we are about to enter the open sea... Look, have you fastened your beloved horse? , after all, the open sea is relatively windy... in case..."

Peterscu is not deliberately looking for words to remind Debra that the sea has arrived...

But he was really kindly reminding Debra—

After all—it’s no exaggeration to say that there is no wind and three feet of waves in the open sea... On a bumpy ship, even the most skilled sailor has to walk carefully on the smooth deck, let alone those who are born on land. Four-hoofed beast.

He is really afraid that something will happen, and he can't take the responsibility...

You must know that intentionally murdering a nobleman—this crime is a death sentence in Europe...even if he murdered a foreign nobleman, as long as it is not a hostile country, he is basically dead.

After hundreds of years of mutual intermarriage, the relationship between the royal families throughout Europe is in a mess, and even the kings of two hostile countries may be relatives. Do you dare to believe this?

It was for this reason that Peterscu had to carefully remind the beautiful lady on the carriage that something went wrong and used him as a scapegoat... A single charge of deliberately murdering a noble was enough to make him abandon his wife and go into exile. overseas...

He didn't want to be a savage in places where birds don't shit.

"...Hehe... Don't be so troublesome..." Debra had already received instructions from her owner, she jumped out of the carriage, walked quickly to the door of the carriage, and slammed the door of the carriage respectfully. Come on.... "Master, your destination has arrived!"

"Well..." With a male voice, a tall figure got out of the carriage...

Peterscu lowered his head, carefully raised the corner of his eyes slightly, and peeked out...

I saw a handsome black-haired boy walking out of this gorgeous carriage... The beauty of this young man was something Peterscu had never seen before. To put it bluntly, Peterscu felt that with this Compared with the young nobles, the most beautiful people I have ever seen before are a pile of shit.

It was none other than Zhou Ye who came down——

He just settled the three sisters who were feeling a little typhoid because of attending his mother's funeral...

After getting off the boat, Zhou Ye looked at the surrounding sea...

I have to say, because I deliberately avoided the busiest waterway, at this time on the sea - looking around, I couldn't see a sail... "This is a good place, Mr. Captain, can I trouble you to order , drop anchor to stop the ship?"

"Of course—sir!" Peterscu felt that the words of the young aristocrat in front of him seemed to be inherently persuasive. Even though his tone was so peaceful, there was still an irresistible majesty in Peterscu's ears. "Drop anchor—stop!"

"Drop anchor..."

"Falling sail..."

"Stop the boat—!"

Following Peterscu's order, the sailors moved quickly - although they did not know why they anchored in this ghost place, but - on the ship, the captain's order was absolute... It must be carried out.

As the sails on the mast fell and the heavy anchors were thrown over the sea, the speed of the merchant ship gradually slowed down until it came to a near complete stop.

You must know that the rope on the anchor is only less than 30 meters at most. Now it has almost entered the sea depth of the outer sea, which is more than 200 meters. It is impossible for the anchor to catch the bottom of the sea...

At most, because the anchor was thrown, the speed of the merchant ship was almost stagnant, but it was only almost stagnant, and it would still move little by little with the push of the waves.

"Hmm—is it the Emperor? Or the Umbrella??" Zhou Ye's self-talk made Peterscu, who had been stooping down and waiting for dispatch, a little confused. So, the Emperor? Umbrella? It sounds like the names of two ships... but—if it was a ship, how would it be released? ? Can this thing still be carried around? ?

The sound of a bang made Peterscu shiver. He hurriedly looked at the source of the sound. It turned out to be the sound of the handsome young noble snapping his fingers, only to see a trace on his face. With a smile, "Forget it... let's release the Umbrella. After all, it's been a long time since she was released. It's time for her to create a new legend in this world..."

While speaking, Zhou Ye raised his right hand while facing the sea——

bang -- bang -- bang -- bang --

A strange sound rang out on the sea following Zhou Ye's movements... Peterscu couldn't help but cast his eyes on the sea, and saw - a golden beam of light drew a six-pointed star on the sea contrary to common sense -

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