"You, your uncle...??" Pang Yong's voice trembled a little... "You, which uncle in your family??"

"That...is my lady's husband..." At this point, the servant didn't plan to hide anything anymore...

"How many young ladies are there in your family??" Pang Yong was dumbfounded on the spot...

"Besides Miss Peirong, there is no other lady in my family!!" The servant looked at Pang Yong's dejected appearance and felt helpless for a while...

Regarding Pang Yong's thoughts about his young lady, which one in the whole manor doesn't know, and which one doesn't? ?

However... two weeks ago, after my young lady just went to Xiaoyaoguan to ask for a signature, she immediately became a different person. She actually took the initiative to tell her master that she was going to marry? ? And—she was not going to marry Pang Yong, nor was it Wang Sheng, who often came to Fuzhong to visit his young lady.

It was a Zhou Gongzi that he had never seen before.

But——I have to say, that Zhou Gongzi is really handsome...Is Wang Sheng handsome enough? ?

Compared with that Zhou Gongzi, he immediately became a scum...

Hey, what about women who like handsome men? ?

Just when the servant was sighing with emotion, he suddenly felt that his neck and collar were grabbed... A face like a ghost was forced in front of him, "When did your young lady get married?? Get married with her. Where do you live?? Tell me quickly..."

"This...this..." The servant was a little scared, but he didn't know if he should say...

After all, people from the military have a suffocating aura, which is not found in ordinary people...

The Pang Yong in front of him looked like a ghost crawling out of hell. He was really afraid that he would be killed by the angry guy in front of him.

at this time……

Suddenly a cold voice came over...

"Brother Yong, let him go, he's just a servant!! Why do you make trouble for him??"

"Peirong..." Hearing this voice, Pang Yong's face turned from a torrential rain to clear, and when he turned his head, there was already a smile on his face... "This guy is so hateful, he actually lied to me that you have already married..."

While talking, Pang Yong walked towards Peirong, he took out the pair of jade pendants that had been prepared from his arms, handed them over, and said with a smile: "Look, what did I bring you back from the battlefield? now..."

"..." Looking at the jade pendant in Pang Yong's hand, Peirong sighed helplessly and said, "I'm sorry, Brother Yong, I can't take your things..."

"Why?? Wasn't it fine before??" Pang Yong said, reaching out to grab Peirong's hand... He wanted to put the jade pendant in her hand.

However, Peirong took a step back and said coldly, "I'm sorry, Brother Yong, I'm already married... Men and women can't marry... Please respect yourself!"

"..." Hearing Peirong's words, Pang Yong's outstretched hand froze in midair... The smile on his face also froze...

"Tell me, who is he?? What's so good about him...Why do you want to marry him??" Pang Yong slowly withdrew his hand, and then asked in a low voice, "Why did we just go on? A battlefield, when you came back, you actually got married...you..."

"Hey, why are you like this... Pei Rong clearly doesn't like you, why are you still entangled here?"

With the voice, a cute loli with long silver hair came out from behind Peirong... Pointing at Pang Yong, he said rudely: "Besides, Peirong is already my master's wife, you Doing something with my master's wife... do you want to die??"

"Xiaomeng..." Hearing Xiaomeng's words, Peirong hurriedly tugged at her shirt and said, "Forget it, let him go... After all, we are all childhood friends who grew up together..."

"You..." Xiaomeng sighed helplessly... "Well, since you said... then I'll spare him!"

In fact, she just came back with Peirong to get some things... I didn't expect to encounter a **** incident like an old lover's door...

If it wasn't for Peirong's indifference to the man in front of her, she might have hacked Pang Yong to death immediately, would she want to die for the woman who dared to pester her master? ?

You know, canine creatures themselves have a fixed attribute, which is loyalty...

Several daughters in the family often joke that Xiaomeng is the loyal dog of her husband...

Xiaomeng not only doesn't care about this, but is proud of it... To her, her master Zhou Ye is everything to her, and she is willing to do anything for her master... Anyone who dares to offend her master to exist, to die...

And Pang Yong, who was on the opposite side, was already laughing in anger at this time...

Originally, because of Peirong's marriage, there was a burst of anger in his heart, and when he heard Xiaomeng's brash words of "forgive him not to die", he was even more angry.

In addition, listening to the tone of Xiaomeng's words, it is obvious that she is the servant of that husband Peirong...

Under the hatred room and Wu, Pang Yong was already dazed by the anger, "Forgive me not to die?? Hahahaha... My Pang's head is here, the Huns never took it, you are a little girl, you actually It's ridiculous to be so outspoken... Come on, come and take my head from Pang..."

"You..." Xiaomeng, a cute girl, looks heartless on weekdays, and she doesn't get angry no matter how funny she is, but... that's just how she looks when facing her family, you know, she used to lead the wolves The wolf king... Such a little loli, if you really think of her as a cute girl, you will cry! !

"Look at your little aunt taking your dog's life..." Xiaomeng shouted angrily, and smashed it at Pang Yong with a fist...

And Pang Yong did not show weakness, he pulled out his long sword and rushed over... Seeing that the two were about to fight together, Peirong spoke again...

Chapter 1832

Chapter 1832

Pang Yong pulled out his long sword and stabbed at Xiaomeng, but what about Xiaomeng?

Little Loli looks like she has nothing, but in fact, she is wearing a whole set of equipment on her wrist.

The object on her wrist that looks like a metal bracelet is the body of her armor, and it can be transformed at will.

Facing the attacking long sword, Xiaomeng smiled slightly, a light flashed on her left hand, and a pair of steel gloves was already on her hand...

She grabbed the long sword that Pang Yong stabbed, then swung her right fist and smashed it at Pang Yong's head...

She also wore a pair of metal gloves on her right hand at some point in time, especially, on the fist of this glove, there were also wolf teeth that stretched out an inch long——

Above the fangs of the wolf's teeth, it was icy and cold, with a metallic luster. Obviously... this is an extremely sharp weapon.

"Xiaomeng...stop it!!" Peirong hurriedly shouted...

She is not worried about Xiaomeng, nor is she worried about Pang Yong...

She knows a thing or two about Xiaomeng's ability. Although it looks like this cute guy is eating, drinking, and playing around, in fact, Peirong knows... Xiaomeng is extremely powerful.

Thousands of pounds of copper utensils, she carried it like playing.

Moreover, the speed is like a ghost...

Does such a cute girl need her to worry? ?

As for Pang Yong? ?

Peirong's heart has long been filled by her husband... How can there be room for other people? Besides...she just regarded Pang Yong as her elder brother, even before Zhou Ye came, she didn't like Pang Yong...

Although she is not worried about the two of them, but this is her home after all, and if people are killed in her home, she is not afraid that her husband will get a lawsuit, but—her parents can't escape, their parents How could she have the heart to worry her parents when things were already high? ?

Besides, even if her parents weren't here at the moment, and they made a scene in her own home, it wouldn't be beautiful after all...

That's why Peirong yelled to stop...

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