No way, Zhou Ye, as the cheating little prince, is he still the cheating little prince if he can't open his mind force field when he encounters a girl? ?

It could be said that Zhou Ye knew exactly what Leng Yue was thinking and feeling at this moment.

Who understands a woman's heart? ? Zhou Ye said - I understand!

However, Zhou Ye understands or understands... But looking at Xiao Lengyue's terrified expression, his teasing thoughts arose again...

Long nights, unintentional sleep...

Let's take a little loli to spend a boring time...

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye deliberately gave a sinister smile, "Didn't you already guess it??"

At this moment, Zhou Ye hadn't walked to the side of the bonfire yet, most of his handsome face was in the shadows... Coupled with his superb performance... Leng Yue jumped up with a frightened snort. ...

" don't come here!!" Although Leng Yue also has martial arts skills... But the theory of ghosts and gods is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

The night was dark, and in this sea of ​​death, let alone a girl, even a man would be paralyzed there...

Especially in this Gobi Desert, facing a person who doesn't know whether it is a ghost or a demon alone... How can this make Leng Yue not be afraid? ?

"Hey hey hey..." Seeing the fear on Leng Yue's little face, Zhou Ye had more fun...

"Why should I listen to you??" Zhou Ye smiled evilly...

Step by step towards Leng Yue...

Lengyue little loli has been scared to collapse...

Some people, after being frightened... will directly collapse to the ground.

And some people?

After being frightened, there will be a strong desire to attack...

And Leng Yue is exactly the latter... She also pulled out her own short knife at this time and stabbed Zhou Ye in the heart...

Will Zhou Ye be stabbed by Leng Yue's knife? ?

The answer is - yes! !

This guy wants to do something a little more interesting...

I saw that he deliberately caught Leng Yue's short knife with his mouth, and by the way used magic to melt the first half of Leng Yue's short knife into molten iron and instantly cooled down. As if he was really hit with a knife.

And Leng Yue felt that the moment her short knife was hot, she released the handle of the knife, so she didn't know what happened...

She only saw her own dagger, and stuck it straight into Zhou Ye's mouth...

Leng Yue, who thought she had conquered demons and eliminated demons, just breathed a sigh of relief... when she saw Zhou Ye standing there upright, squinting his eyes, looking like he couldn't rest.

"Huh..." Leng Yue sighed, then walked over to Zhou Ye, stood on tiptoe, trying to close Zhou Ye's eyes... "I'm sorry, thank you for the water you gave me... Thank you too... The food given to me...but...we have different paths and cannot...if there is an afterlife, you will be a human being and I will be a human being, and I will be your wife!!"

"What's in the world, you can do it now!!" Zhou Ye's words made Leng Yue jump up with a startled wow.

"You, you, you are not dead??" Leng Yue was almost stupid...

"You already know that I'm a demon... Do you think an ordinary short knife can kill me??" Zhou Ye's role-playing was even more enjoyable.

"You...what do you want??" Lengyue little loli stepped back step by step...she didn't know what to do anymore.

run? ?

Zhou Ye was standing between her and her beloved horse... How could he rush past? ?


Even if a knife is inserted into someone's heart, how can you kill it? ? With a bite? ?

Leng Yue was only fourteen or fifteen years old, and at this was almost the limit.

"I'm going to eat you!!" Zhou Ye smiled, his figure flashed, and he had already rushed in front of Leng Yue... He casually threw Hunkou's short knife on the ground, and then hugged Leng Yue's little loli... mouth and bite...

Leng Yue has been frightened and collapsed... I don't know what to do at all? ?

It's just -- after a while...

Leng Yue found out that this handsome demon, why doesn't it hurt to bite? ? And... not only does it not hurt, but it also feels a little indescribable... It feels as uncomfortable as a kitten scratching in her heart...

Also, why does this guy only bite his own face? ?

Biting from the ear to the cheek, from the chin to the little one...

Does he want to eat his own snake head first? ?

Before I knew it... Leng Yue's little head was already confused...

The whole person has a hazy feeling like being fascinated by ghosts. She even unknowingly put out her own snake head and let the bad guy eat it...

And, eating and eating... as if he was still taking off his clothes? ?

Although Leng Yue knew it was wrong...

However, Zhou Ye was very comfortable eating, and she lost all the strength in her body... and she could only let him play with it...

Forget it... In fact, being a demon's food is quite good, at least very comfortable...

Leng Yue, who had given up her struggle completely, was so rhythmically driven by Zhou Ye... I don't know when... She felt that Zhou Ye was hugging her onto a soft, soft slump, and then—— a sharp pain hit her. ...she couldn't help but screamed out...

Chapter 1792

Chapter 1792

In the desert, not only the sunset is beautiful, but the rising sun is equally beautiful.

When the morning sun was rising in the east, a group of two people and two horses were walking slowly in a certain direction.

Although it is said that it is two people and two horses, but...

There is a horse, but it is empty...

Because, there are two people sitting on the other horse...

This group of people was none other than Zhou Ye and Leng Yue.

Since last night, after Leng Yue was completely eaten by Zhou Ye, Zhou Ye explained his abilities a little... This made Leng Yue in joy, but couldn't help but scare himself by complaining about this villain...

However, Leng Yue's complaint was directly erased by Zhou Ye using the excuse of "You've already stabbed me, it's a draw."

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