On the foreheads of the twenty or so bandits, like high-pressure water guns, red and white things were sprayed outwards...

Obviously, Zhou Ye's sword not only pierced their eyebrows, but also shattered the brains inside their heads.

Lu Su, who had never seen such a scene, was frightened by this **** scene, and threw herself into Zhou Ye's arms with a wow...

Zhou Ye, who was hugging the nephrite jade, felt relieved in his heart. He patted Lu Su's back lightly, comforting her, and made a look to Lu Zhi. I was also very innocent.

Regarding the pretentious performance of his lover, Lu Zhi sighed helplessly and said nothing more.

Chapter 1772

Chapter 1772

After appeasing Lu Su, Duke Lu asked someone to check the situation of the convoy...

Fortunately, there is no problem...

It's just that the little boy who was leading the horse for the Lu sisters sprained her ankle in the panic, and could no longer lead the horse for the Lu sisters' carriage.

At this time, Zhou Ye simply volunteered and said that he had driven the carriage... I could help the Lu sisters drive the carriage...

Of course, Duke Lu refused to...

No matter what, Zhou Ye was their Lu family's savior, how could they let the savior do such a subordinate job? ?

However, in the end, at Zhou Ye's insistence... He still managed to get into the position of the driver of the Lu sisters' carriage.

In fact, people are old and horses are old and slippery... How could Duke Lu not see the twists and turns in Zhou Ye's heart?

However, in his opinion, the young Muai was not a big deal. And he also saw the unusual attitude of his two daughters towards Zhou Ye...

There was a little thought of recruiting a son-in-law.

Fortunately, pushing the boat in such a deep water allowed Zhou Ye to get along with his two daughters for a while...

After Peixian, I asked myself who my two daughters would marry Zhou Ye... At that time, it would be a worry.

In particular, Duke Lu felt that Zhou Ye's face was indescribably precious and would definitely be a good home... So he acquiesced, and his two daughters had contact with Zhou Ye.

However, this time was really thrilling. If it wasn't for Zhou Ye, his Lu family wouldn't have escaped this **** disaster.

Thinking of this, Duke Lu couldn't help sighing inwardly that he really went out to meet a noble.



Along the way, Zhou Ye sat in the seat of the charioteer in front of the Lu sisters' carriage, chatting with the Lu sisters while driving the car...

For people of this era, it is only a hundred miles to hear the sound. Zhou Ye casually said something about his own experience, and he could shock the sisters into heaven... In addition to some small jokes on the Internet in later generations, small connotations ...Enough to make these two sisters shy and shy, and laugh again and again.

Because he encountered a mountain bandit today, Duke Lu was quite afraid... So he simply found an open space early and prepared to camp.

Cooking under fire... Drinking horses and feeding them, needless to say, the servants will take care of them.

And Zhou Ye and Lu Gong sat in front of the bonfire, pushing the cups for a change...

Had a great time drinking it.

During the banquet, Zhou Ye pulled out two bottles of Wuliangye badly, saying that it was a fine wine from Yelang Country, and let the Lu family have a taste...

Lu's father and son did not suspect him, so they directly used a pottery bowl and had a confrontation with Zhou Ye...

As a result, there is no need to ask...Meng Yi's physique can't stand up to this mellow liquor of 68 degrees, let alone Lu's father and son who are powerless? ?

Before the bottle was finished, the two men hugged together and sang and conquered.

In desperation, Mrs Lu had to order her son to rest in the car behind, while she supported her husband and went to another car to rest.

For a while, by the bonfire, only the Lu sisters and Zhou Ye were left.

The servants have a place for the servants to rest. If they don't listen to the call, they will not come to disturb the three of them.

At this time, facing the Lu sisters, Zhou Ye repeated his old tricks and wanted to drink two drinks with the sisters again.

Lu Zhi could see at a glance what her lover was thinking... However, she did not stop her lover.

Instead... help him and persuade his sister to drink.

After just two cups, Lu Su, who was invincible, collapsed.

Lu Zhi greeted Zhou Ye, helped him to send his sister to the carriage, put down...

In the narrow carriage, there were only the Lu sisters and Zhou Ye.

Lu Zhi looked at his sister, who was sleeping beside him, and looked at his lover who was sitting opposite him. With the wine on her head, she bit her silver teeth and put her hands around it... Without saying a word, she bit Zhou Ye's neck viciously...

"Eh...how are you biting people!!" Zhou Ye pretended to be panic and said.

"I'll bite you to death... Let's see if you dare to hit my sister's idea!!" Although Lu Zhi said fiercely, but... Guli didn't use much energy... In the end, he was still reluctant.

"How can there be..." Zhou Ye teased with a smile.

"Really not??" As Lu Zhi said, he gently followed Zhou Ye's neck, bit Zhou Ye's ear, and whispered, "If there really isn't, then I'll tell my sister. , you are my lord, she is not allowed to meet you in the future..."

"Uh-" Zhou Ye was speechless for a while, Empress Lu was worthy of being Empress Lu, she was so domineering at a young age...

"Hmph, I knew..." Lu Zhi angrily bit Zhou Ye's ear, and finally let him go... "You can also if you want my sister... But, you have to promise me a condition... Yes. I'll help you..."

"What conditions??" Zhou Ye asked softly with a smile...

"Don't...don't touch me...first...let's get down to business..." Lu Zhi suddenly realized that it was a mistake to bring his lover into the carriage. This villain was using his own hands, constantly...letting her There was a mess in my mind...and I couldn't remember anything.

"It's okay, you say yours, I touch mine..." Zhou Ye smiled...

Lu Zhi didn't say anything, he knew what Lu Zhi wanted to say...

It's nothing more than - after they have their sisters, they are not allowed to wave outside again...

How could Zhou Ye agree to such a thing? ?

So, decisively, I still have to use my own unique skills to 'convince' her...

The method is old-fashioned, but it works.

Sure enough... with Zhou Ye's skill, Lu Zhi was soon unable to say a complete sentence...

Taking advantage of Lu Zhi's confusion, Zhou Ye directly dragged the two sisters into his own mirror world...

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