In the present world, the backyard of Jiang's family is still breezy...

However, the people in the lotus pond pavilion have disappeared.

Sora left the guqin here, as if to tell what just happened here...

Minutes passed by...

An hour later————

A golden portal opened directly in the pavilion, and then... Zhou Ye filed out with the three women.

Meng Jiang is still the same Meng Jiang... but on top of her eyebrows, there is a bit more mature demeanor of a woman, and her delicate face, which is already incomparable in the country, is a little more charming...

Even the maid, Yun'er, looks a little more beautiful...

There was no way, Zhou Ye had a master-servant eat-in on a whim in the mirror world.

Besides, even though Yun'er is a maid, but... her appearance can be regarded as a top-middle figure in future generations, and a little makeup is a thousand times stronger than those so-called Internet celebrities.

"Ye Lang... When are you going to propose to my parents??" Meng Jiangnu asked, uh no... According to the rule of marriage in this era, she should be called Zhou Jiang Ji now... Jiang Ji for short.

Chapter 1765

Chapter 1765

Zhou Ye couldn't help but smiled when he heard Jiang Ji's words: "It's now, how?"

"Really??" Jiang Ji's eyes suddenly lit up.

She spent nearly three months with Zhou Ye in the mirror world...

During these three months, she and Zhou Ye could almost be said to be inseparable, facing the East China Sea to watch the sunrise, and sleeping in the sandy sea to watch the moonlight.

Up to now, she can't wait for a moment not to be separated from her husband...

As for the many things about her husband, wife and concubines, she also knew a thing or two from Xiao Wei's mouth.

But so what? ?

Women in this era are like this... They really did it. As long as their husbands don't neglect them, they will never fight for anything.

Of the wealthy people in the family, who doesn't have a few concubines?

Even her father had several concubines... not to mention her own Langjun, who was as powerful as a god? ?

Therefore, although she knew that her husband, wife and concubines were numerous, but... she still only persuaded her husband to pay attention to his body and said nothing more.

The so-called persuasion to pay attention to one's body quickly turned into a begging for mercy under Zhou Ye's cheating seconds.

Cough-cough - far too far.

Jiang Ji was really surprised when she heard that her husband was willing to propose to her parents now.

But after the surprise, Jiang Ji was a little embarrassed again...

In this way, I suddenly asked my husband to go to his parents for a kiss... Not to mention anything else, what if my parents did not agree? What should I do if I bring up the affair again? ?

For a time, Jiang Ji was really sad and happy... I don't know what to do.

Zhou Ye looked at the melancholy on Jiang Ji's face and smiled slightly: "Okay, have you forgotten that I am very human??"

Zhou Ye said, grabbed Jiang Ji's waist, strolled along the pavilion's path, and walked towards the front yard...

Up to now, Jiang Ji can only hope that her husband can convince her parents...

When Zhou Ye took the girls out of the backyard and came to the front yard... I saw Zhou Ye's slave report the matter to the old Jiang family.

An hour later————

In the main hall of the Jiang family...

The old couple from the Jiang family sat in the main seat, looking at Zhou Ye up and down...

To be honest, when the Jiang couple saw Zhou Ye for the first time, they felt satisfied from the bottom of their hearts...

With an extraordinary figure, an unparalleled beauty... At least in terms of appearance, Zhou Ye is enough to give a super perfect score.

The couple took Zhou Ye's exams again...

In addition to speaking, I don't like to scrutinize words, it can be said that I know astronomy and geography at the bottom... The talent and learning are also full marks.

The only thing that makes the old couple a little bit big is--

This stuff has some quality...

Not to mention anything else, just saying that he took his concubine (Xiao Wei) to play around at a young age, and... as soon as they met, he fascinated his daughter. The daughter has eaten and wiped it off... How can this not make the couple hesitate? ?

But... no matter how much hesitation, when they saw their daughter leaning against that guy's side, looking like they were not married, they couldn't say anything they refused.

After pondering for a while, the Jiang couple finally spoke.

"Get married tomorrow... But there is objection!!" After the old man Jiang finished saying this, his eyes were fixed on Zhou Ye, like... If you dare not agree, I will break your leg immediately.

Ruining my daughter's innocence, you dare to be a rogue and not marry my girl... Do you want to die? ?

You must know that Jiashan Village is not a prosperous place. Here... the power of the clan is greater than the law.

If I say kill you, I'll kill you...

"Dashan!!" Zhou Ye smiled and nodded...

For the unpleasantness in the words of the old man Jiang, he just pretended not to hear...

It doesn't matter if he has deceived his daughter.

the next day…………

The Jiang family held a large banquet, and invited the whole village to congratulate the new jubilee together...

Ordinarily, according to the etiquette of this era, it is necessary to walk through the whole process of marriage proposal, engagement, marriage, and marriage. Don't even think about it until five or six months...

But——Isn't this Zhou Ye first to eat and clean up other girls? ?

This makes the Jiang family feel helpless...

They also want to marry their daughter in a glorious way...but...they are even more afraid that their daughter will have a dark knot in the belly. When the time comes, if they get married with a big belly, they will lose all face...

So, they just hurry and keep things simple...

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