After three rounds of wine...and five flavors of food...

At this time, Meng Yi's chatterbox was also opened a lot... In his heart, there was always a trace of worry... But he never dared to ask Zhou Ye. At this moment, Meng Yi finally dared to ask through the wine. "Sir, I'm going to's not good for the first emperor of my family??"

No wonder Meng Yi thinks so...

Although the world is already unified.

But——the old part of the Six Kingdoms never stopped the idea of ​​assassinating Emperor Qin.

"Oh? Why did General Meng make such a statement??" Zhou Ye asked with a smile.

"With your great power, you can obviously take Princess Yushu and leave here and enjoy the world... But, Mr. wants to go back to Xianyang with me to meet the First Emperor, please teach me, why is this??"

Although Zhou Ye insisted on going to Xianyang, which is equivalent to saving Meng Yi's life indirectly, but as a die-hard loyalist of the first emperor, Meng Yi must ask clearly... why did Zhou Ye do this... "Mr. Disadvantage... don't blame the sword in Meng Yi's hand, I don't recognize Mr. !!"

"Haha... General Meng is thinking too much... I'm going to see the First Emperor, and naturally I have my reasons... It's not good for him? Will it be..." After saying this, Zhou Ye smiled slightly, and continued: "More , how do you know that the first emperor does not want to see me?"

"..." Meng Yi was dumbfounded when he heard Zhou Ye's words...

He knew what Zhou Ye meant in his words...

Since the unification of the six kingdoms, the first emperor has been addicted to cultivating immortals and asking for medicine...

A power like Zhou Ye was exactly what the First Emperor dreamed of...



Although Zhou Ye still didn't tell Meng Yi why he met the First Emperor, but... it also dispelled a little doubt in Meng Yi's heart... After the two drank for a while, Meng Yi was the first to be unable to resist the wine of later generations. Jin... fell directly to the ground.

At this time, his own personal soldiers helped him go back to rest...

After the maids removed the banquet in the room...

Princess Yushu ordered her maids to boil water to prepare a wooden basin and bathe her Ye Lang, while helping her Ye Lang undress...

Another night of fish and dragon dance...Princess Yu Shu was carried by her own Ye Lang into the carriage in the early morning. There was no way...the three-way achievement, she was deeply traumatized, and she was not good at it...

The welcoming team, under the **** of Meng Yi's army again, embarked on the journey to Xianyang...

And on the other side...

The officials and cavalry who were sent to Xianyang in advance to report the letter had already rushed back to Xianyang at this time...

Xianyang Palace -- Zhangtai Palace.

The First Emperor sat at the head of the hall, and on his right was a chubby middle-aged man in **** costume...

On both sides of his lower head, seated were the civil and military officials of the Qin Empire.

At this time—in the center of the hall, the one who knelt on the ground and reported the matter was none other than the declarant who had just returned.

After the declarant reported the events of the wedding to the First Emperor...

The First Emperor Ying Zheng pondered for a moment, stroked his beard, and asked, "Everyone, what do you think about this strange person who suddenly appeared??"

As soon as the first emperor's voice fell, a thin man in a black robe walked out of his ranks, knelt down in front of the hall and said: "Your Majesty, this child has no kingly law, and forcibly robs His Majesty's concubine, he should be punished by car cracking, A classic book!! That small country of Goryeo dared to ignore the majesty of my Great Qin, and should send troops quickly to conquer it... As for the princess of Goryeo, who doesn't abide by women's ethics, she should be put into the cold palace and never leave the palace..."

"Oh?? Li Si, is this your opinion??" Facing Li Si's words, the First Emperor was noncommittal...

The other ministers were silent...

They didn't know why the First Emperor asked such a question at this time, so... it's better to be honest and obedient.

On the contrary, the chubby **** next to the First Emperor smiled slightly and said, "Your Majesty, it is the blessing of Your Majesty that an alien descended from the sky... Just now, the old slave heard what Lord Shen said, that alien is not afraid of swords, and on the battlefield, Treating more than 10,000 sergeants as nothing, they must be powerful people... How can such a miraculous person be restrained by mortal laws?? This old slave thinks that not only can't blame this strange person, but His Majesty should treat him well an alien..."

"Oh?? That person robbed the widow of the widow's concubine, and the widow should treat him well??" In the words of the first emperor, there was no joy or anger at all...

This made Zhao Gao's heart tighten...

He raised his head slightly, and looked at the Shi Emperor's face quietly...he said with a sigh, "Yes, Your Majesty!! This old slave thinks... Your Majesty should treat others with mercy, because His Majesty's hope of longevity may fall on this difference. Human body!! Compared to longevity and long-term vision... what is a concubine who pays tribute from a vassal state?"

Hearing Zhao Gao's words...

Li Si was so angry that his nose almost crooked...

"Zhao Gao, you are a chaotic palace..."

"Prime Minister Li is talking nonsense, how can a miscellaneous **** mess up the palace??"

"Your Majesty, please also slash Zhao Gao in the downtown area as an example!!"

"Your Majesty, this old slave has been wronged..."



Just when the two were arguing more and more... The First Emperor spoke.

"Okay, shut up for me!!"

Following the first emperor's angry shout, the hall became much quieter in an instant...

At this time, the first emperor looked at Shen Wuxian, the official who had been kneeling on the ground, and asked softly, "I'm here to ask you, did you see that foreigner waving his hand and destroying the 5,000 Goryeo army??"

"Your Majesty, this is what the minister saw with his own eyes. This scene in front of the two armies was not only seen by the minister, but also by all the sergeants of the Great Qin!!" For this, Shen Wuxian dared to use his own life. guarantee……

"So, choose those sergeants who escorted you back to the palace, and the widow wants to ask questions!!"

Following the first emperor's order, the dozens of knights who escorted the emissary back were also announced to the hall.

The first emperor asked one by one unhurriedly...

Not a single one was missed...

Although those knights were a little nervous because they met the First Emperor for the first time, their words and deeds were inevitably a bit submissive, and their forewords didn't match their afterwords, but...

Until this time, the First Emperor had no more doubts. "Order people to hurry up and urge Meng Yi to return to the dynasty, widowhood - to personally entertain this alien!!"

Chapter 1757

Chapter 1757

Five days later————

When Meng Yi escorted the welcoming team back to Xianyang, the main gate of Xianyang Palace opened... The ground was paved with loess, and the road was sprinkled with water... a corporal of Lixian.

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